Anthurium Crystallinum : Care Guide And Common Issues

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If you are looking for a plant with an exotic look with big leaves, the anthurium crystallinum is a gorgeous plant that can add value to your home. This plant is admired for its ornamental leaves with beautiful white vines on its foliage and dark green color. The plant has a velvety surface with a heart-shaped form.

The plant is from the Araceae family and is native to Central and South America. It is found abundantly in Panama to Peru. This plant is an epiphytic perennial that mostly the plant gets nutrients from rain, air, and also debris from the surrounding.


  • Botanical Name: Anthurium crystallinum
  • Popular Name: Anthurium crystallinum, Crystal Anthurium
  • Mature Size: Up to 20 inches
  • Plant Type: Perennial epiphyte
  • Sun Exposure: Indirect lights
  • Soil Type:  Airy potting mix
  • Soil pH: 6.0-7.0
  • Toxicity: Humans and pets

Care Guide

The anthurium crystallinum prefers temperatures between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit or 18 to 24 degrees Celcius. The medium should be well-draining and it should be able to hold moisture while it lets the water drain quickly. The plant prefers indirect sunlight but makes sure you give it sufficient bright light with at least 80% humidity level.  


Water Requirement

The anthurium crystallinum likes water, but make sure the water will drain quickly. Try to water the plant regularly, twice or three times per week. Especially during the summer season. Never let the soil mix to dry out.

When the plant is underwatering, it will cause curling leaves. Therefore, maintain the water requirement for this plant.

In an area with a good humidity level, the anthurium crystallinum can survive without water for around two weeks. However, when winter comes, it is advised to water the plant with lukewarm water.

Light Requirements

Place the anthurium crystallinum under bright light, but not direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause burning leaves. Generally, it requires 70-85% sunlight. In other words, you will need to provide consistent light exposure.

If you grow the plant outdoor, you can place the anthurium crystallinum under a tall tree where it will prevent the direct sunlight fall on its foliage. Here, light is very important to its growth. When it is placed under the shade, the plant will grow slower.


Due to its origin which is in tropical forest, the plant loves higher humidity. In its natural habitat, this plant gets so much evaporation of water.

Keep the humidity level around 70-80% to make the plant thrive.

If you are living in a place where sometimes the humidity drops, you can buy a humidifier to increase the humidity. Or you can group the plants to create a mini biome. Another way to increase the humidity level is by placing it near the bathroom.


The best temperature for the plant to grow is between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit or 18-24 degrees Celcius. However, try to keep in mind that this plant cannot survive extreme fluctuations. This is why it is not advised to place it near drafty areas or a heater.

If you are living in colder zones, during summer, place the anthurium around your patios. During winter, place it in the greenhouse.

But if you are living in a moderate temperature, placing the anthurium directly on the backyard’s dirt will do just fine. They will add more value to your backyard.

If you want to place it indoors, place it under bright, indirect sunlight.


When it comes to fertilization, organic fertilizer is the best choice. Your fertilizer should contain nitrogen, phosphorous as well as magnesium. Besides, the anthurium crystallinum responds well to liquid fertilizer.

Here we don’t suggest you chemical fertilizer due to the potential salt build-up. If you do this, it is suggested to flush the root.

For the best growth, choose a slow-release or organic fertilizer. The diluted fish emulsion once a month is also great to promote growth and keep the plant healthy.


Fortunately, the anthurium crystallinum doesn’t need regular pruning. You will only need to groom the plant to remove the discolored and dead foliage. Pruning can also be done to prevent disease spread or damage.


Repotting is the best time to check the condition of the roots whether it is healthy or not. The best time to repot the plant is every one to two years. Or, you can see the same signs of the plant such as the roots that are looked suffocated.

Here, potting is relatively very easy you just need to move the plant from a shallow pot to a bigger one. However, you will need to make sure that the pot has draining holes to give sufficient air and let the water drain out quickly between watering.

Read also : Anthurium Andraeanum : How To Properly Take Care Of It


Propagation is pretty easy for the anthurium crystallinum. You can use the root separation method. Here, you will separate the plantlets from the roots and then submerge in the water or plant them in the soil.

Besides using root separation, you can also use seeds to propagate the plant. However, typically the chance to succeed is lower because the seeds often rot.

There is one thing to keep in mind. Propagating this plant doesn’t guarantee a consistent result. Here is the step to propagate the plant using root division:

  • To start propagation, you need to wait for the summer season. This season is the best time because the plant shows the best growth.
  • First, you will need to separate the plant from its planter and then find the thick stem which is located in the center.
  • As you have found the thick stem, cut it into two sections. The bottom half should have roots and the top half has left.
  • In this case, both sections should have root division.
  • Next plant each section into a different soil mix.
  • Provide the necessary nutrients and conditions such as humidity, temperature, lights, as well as fertilizer.
  • Within weeks, you should see the baby anthurium crystallinum growing.


Anthuriums have calcium oxalate crystals which are very toxic to humans and pets. When it is ingested, it will irritate the mouth, GI tract, and tongue. If it is contacted with the skin, your skin will develop irritation such as a burning sensation.

If you have pets and live with children in your house, it is better to place the plant in a safe place.

Pests and Diseases

Fortunately, the anthurium crystallinum is resistant to most pests. It is rare for the anthurium to attract ones. If it happens, it usually comes from other plants that transfer the pests to it.

The most common pests that are often found on anthurium are spider mites, aphids, and also mealybugs. These pests can affect the growth pretty badly by sucking the sap which is important for the plant. Besides, the pests also secrete a substance which is called the “honeydew”. This secretion attracts other insects.

For diseases, the anthurium crystallinum is mostly suffered from fungal, root rot, and bacterial diseases. This happens mostly caused of overwatering. The fungal infection is typically caused by overwatering and over moist soil. Besides, it is also caused by over misting too. Meanwhile, the root rot is caused by overwatering and the water is not drained quickly.



There are some popular varieties of anthurium crystallinum which are as follows:

  • Anthurium crystallinum silver hope – It is characterized by dark and velvety foliage with silvery veins. The new leaves blades and the underside of the adult leaves have tinged red-violed color.
  • Anthurium crystallinum silver blush – It is characterized by oval-shaped foliage with a greener color. The vines of the leaves are silver and they are wider too.
  • Anthurium crystallinum dark form – It is characterized by a darker hue with heart-shaped foliage and velvety surface. The veins are white and form a beautiful heart pattern.
  • Anthurium crystallinum variegated – The plant is characterized by green color with oval leaves. The leaf bones are sparkly, with a crystal-like look when it is exposed to the sunlight. This splashed white pattern of the plant variegation makes it unique.

Growth Rate

The Crystal Anthurium growth rate is slow. A new leaf will emerge after about 3-4 weeks. This plant is a self-heading plant with leaf blades that can grow to a maximum of 12 inches or 30 cm when it is grown indoors. This is what makes the plant suitable for indoor decoration. It doesn’t take up a lot of space in your house.

Leaf, Flower and Seed Characteristics

  • Leaf – The Crystal Anthurium has a heart shape and velvety foliage with green color and white veins.
  • Flower – It rarely blooms as a houseplant but when it is blooming, it comes with pale-yellow spadix that is enveloped by white or cream-color spathes. It has male and female flowers, with the female flowers coming earlier. 
  • Seeds – Because plants rarely bloom, it is difficult to obtain seeds. You will need to have some crystal anthurium to produce fruits. The seeds are covered by sticky pulp and it is located in the fruits.

Soil Requirements

In its natural habitat, the anthurium crystallinum is found in Central America and grows on the sides of the hills. This means the plant can grow in a wide range of soil mixes. You should keep in mind that you need a porous potting mix with good water retention.

Some of the best combinations include garden compost, pistachios, almonds, walnuts, and coconuts. You will need to add charcoal and also brick bits to make the potting mix breathable.

If you think this combination is difficult to make, you can buy Orchid soil and then mix it with perlite and gravel. It is better to use a terracotta pot because of its strong structure. Layered the pot with brick bits or gravel, or even you can use coconut shells for a better drainage system.


Do I Need Time To Care And Maintain Anthurium Crystallinum?

Anthurium is one of the easiest plants to care for and maintain. All you need to do is to make sure you provide the plant with a condition that mimics the natural habitat. The key point in maintaining this plant is humidity, temperature, sunlight, and water. In terms of watering, probably it is a little bit tricky, but you will learn along the way. Just make sure the plant is not waterlogged and the soil is moist. Besides, avoid overmisting because it can lead to fungal infection and bacterial disease.

What Kind Of Techniques To Use To Care The Crystall Anthurium?

Make sure you place the plant in a temperature between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit or 18-24 degrees Celcius. Besides, make sure you use a well-draining potting mix with an organic mixture. Some of the best mixes are perlite, compost, orchid bark, and coconut coir. Besides, the plant also needs sufficient indirect bright light to promote healthy growth.

Is The Crystal Anthurium Toxic To Pets?

Yes, it is! The plant is toxic to pets, including cats and dogs. When it is ingested, it will cause issues such as allergic reactions, irritation, intestinal tract, and irritation in the mouth. It is because the plant contains calcium oxalate crystal.

Can Misting Increase The Humidity Level Of Crystal Anthurium?

Misting will give freshness and provide instant humidity to your plant. However, we don’t suggest you do this, as you overmisting the plant, it will lead to various issues. Some issues that can occur due to over misting include bacterial and fungal infection.

If you want to increase the humidity level, you can buy a humidifier. It will be safer rather than misting it every day. You can also gather the plant with others so it creates a mini biome. Besides, placing the plant near the bathroom can also increase the humidity level. Another way to increase the humidity level is by placing pebbles on a tray that is filled with water and placing the plant on top of it.

How Fast Can A Crystal Anthurium Grow?

The crystal anthurium is a slow grower. A new leaf can occur within 3-4 weeks.

Does Anthurium Crystallinum Like To Be Root Bound?

You can grow this plant root-bound. It is not necessary to repot the plant until two years or so. Or, unless you see the root start to suffocate itself and the water is difficult to drain well, then you don’t need to repot the plant.

How To Fix Yellow Spot On My Crystal Anthurium?

When you spot your plant having a yellow spot, it means you are overwatering the plant. The anthurium likes water but if you overdo it, it will cause more harm than good.

The yellow spot is the first sign of a damaged plant. To prevent this issue, water the plant when the top 2-3 inches of soil is dry. Besides water, yellow leaves can also be a sign that it gets too much direct light exposure.

Help! My Anthurium Has Brown Foliage!

Brown leaves can be a sign that your plant needs higher humidity. You also need to increase the amount of watering. However, you cannot revert the condition of the plant. If you find the plant is too damaged, you can prune the plant to promote healthy growth.

Why Is My Crystal Anthurium Wilting?

If you see the crystal anthurium wilting, you need to check the roots. If you find mushy and brown roots, it means the plant is experiencing root rot. Besides, wilting, you will also see leaf discoloration.


When Does My Crystal Anthurium Need To Be Repot?

The best time to repot the crystal anthurium is every one or two years. When the soil starts to age, it will cause bacterial and fungal diseases. Usually, it will attack the root. Repotting is a good time to check the root condition and let the plant start a new life. Before rooting, you have to make sure that there are no slushy and brown roots.

How To Make My Anthurium Crystallinum Bloom?

When it is grown indoors, growing as it is, it is difficult for the plant to bloom. You can encourage the plant to bloom by diluting phosphorus-rich fertilizer. You can also try the orchid fertilizer and provide a good amount of indirect sunlight with a good watering level.

Is Anthurium Crystallinum Good As Indoor Plant?

Anthurium, especially the crystal anthurium is one of the most favorite plants because it has an attractive appearance. The plant comes with exotic foliage with a velvety surface and also green color. What makes the plant unique is its veins that come in white colors. For certain varieties, the veins are in silver color.

Furthermore, the plant growth rate is slow and its leaf blades can grow at a maximum of 12 inches.

Where Should I Place My Anthurium?

The anthurium crystallinum loves bright light, but not direct sunlight. If the plant is exposed to direct sunlight, it will cause leaf burn. However, it is also not good to place the plant under the shade as it will stunt its growth.

Where Does The Anthurium Crystallinum Grow At Its Best?

It is easy to make your anthurium grow at its best. The most important thing is to place it where the are mimics the natural habitat. We know it is impossible to create that environment, especially if you live in a colder place. But here is what you can do:

First, place the plant under a bright light but avoid direct sunlight. Second, water the plant when the top 2-3 inches of the soil is dry. You will also need to fertilize your plant using a slow-release fertilizer.

The humidity level is important in this case. Make sure you buy a humidifier if you are living in a colder area. You can also place the plant near the bathroom to increase the humidity level. Additionally, make sure the temperature of the room is between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit or 18 to 24 degrees Celcius.

Is It Ok To Touch Crystal Anthurium?

Anthurium crystallinum contains calcium oxalate crystal which can be irritating when it is contacted with humans and pets. As you touch the plant and you are contacted with the sap, you will likely to develop symptoms such as itchiness and swelling as a response to irritation. Therefore, the best way to avoid this is to wear gloves when treating the plant.

How To Keep My Anthurium Blooming?

Even though the crystal anthurium is easy to care for, this plant is a little bit picky when it comes to the environment. Some issues will occur when the pot is soggy and you don’t provide sufficient lighting which also can prevent the plant from blooming.

To encourage your plant to bloom longer, you need to make sure that the environment you provide is mimicking the natural habitat. Provide a lot of indirect sunlight, sufficient watering, weekly feeding by diluting phosphorus-rich fertilizer, and also a high humidity level.

What Is The Best Fertilizer For Anthurium?

The best fertilizer for anthurium is the one that is rich in phosphorus. Look for a combination with a 10-30-30 proportion. You will need to dilute the fertilizer with one-quarter strength.

What Does The Anthurium Symbolize?

Anthurium is very lovable. It has open, heart-shaped foliage with beautiful color and veins. This is why this plant symbolizes hospitality.

Can I Keep Anthurium In The Bathroom?

Anthurium loves humid areas which are nice if you place them in the bathroom. However, there is one condition that you should meet. Make sure the plant gets sufficient bright lights.

How Often Should I Water My Anthurium?

The anthurium loves water but does not let the water waterlog the plant. A soggy pot will cause root rot and invites fungal infection.

You should water your anthurium twice or three times a week to get a maximum result.

Can I Put My Crystal Anthurium Outside?

Yes, you can! You can place the anthurium outside when the condition is optimal. Because anthurium is a tropical plant, it likes warm temperatures. Besides, you need to make sure that the plant will not get exposed to direct sunlight and when the winter comes, you must place this plant inside your house and increase the humidity level.

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