Anthurium Veitchii : The King Anthurium

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If you are wondering about a strange, unique plant, the anthurium veitchii might be your next favorite. This epiphyte plant comes with unique corrugated-green foliage that can grow up to two meters long.

The plant that is native to the South Rainforest of Columbia forms an arrow-shaped edge. It is introduced by a London collector, John Veitch, which later cultured and made available throughout the world.

This plant is typically found below the tree canopies and it blooms in ideal condition.


  • Botanical Name: Anthurium veitchii Mast.
  • Popular Name: Anthurium veitchii, King anthurium
  • Size: Leaves can grow up to 6 feet (2 meters) long and 20 cm wide
  • Type: Perennial
  • Sun Exposure: Indirect sunlight
  • Soil Type: Moist and well-drained soil
  • Soil pH: 5.0-5.5
  • Toxicity: Humans and pets

Care Guide

Since the plant originated from a tropical area, caring for it is basically about providing a humid environment, bright filtered light, and cool ambient temperature. Whilst there are complex requirements in caring for the plant, it also can tolerate a bit of neglect.

Here you will learn about how to take care of the plant properly.

Watering frequency depends on the soil and the climate. A good way to check is using the rule of thumb. Before watering, make sure you check the medium and feel if the top inch is dry or not.

Generally, during the growing season, watering the anthurium can be done once a week but you cannot make this the standard rule. If you place the plant in a humid environment, watering might need to be reduced.

Besides, avoid overwatering because when the pot is soggy, it will harm the root system.


Light Requirements

In the original habitat, the plant thrives very well under the tree canopy. This means, the king anthurium only needs bright, filtered sunlight.

If you grow plants outdoor, it is important to place them safely from the direct sun. Too much sun exposure will burn the beautiful foliage.

If you grow the anthurium veitchii indoors, you can place it around east-facing windows where the bright light is easily found.


A humid environment can promote optimum growth. Maintain humidity level at least 60% as it will retail the healthy leaf.

If you find it difficult to find this location, you can create your humid environment. The first is using a humidifier and the second is by setting up pebbles on the tray.

A humidifier is easy to find in the market and this will be a good thing for you as you can control the humidity level. For the pebble tray, just place some pebbles on a tray and then fill it with water. Make sure the water doesn’t cover the tray and then place your plant on top of it.

Another way to increase the humidity level is by grouping your plant. However, before grouping the plant, check if there is no pests or disease for prevention.

However, when it comes to humidity, it should not be too high because it can invite pests and diseases. You also need to maintain good airflow to prevent infection.


The king anthurium grows well in a cooler environment which ranges from 59°F-79°F(15-26°C). However, this plant doesn’t tolerate low-temperature. Make sure you don’t place the plant below 59°F (15°C).


Because the plant is epiphytic, the king anthurium only needs a small amount of fertilizer. They can survive with a little number of nutrients from the air as well as debris from the tree.

However, from several observations, feeding the plant with a well-balanced fertilizer will give a boost. It promotes healthy growth.

Here, we recommend diluting the fertilizer with water. We recommend NPK values 12-12-12 or 9-3-6.

Using organic fertilizer is fine too such as using vermicast and also biochar. These two also promise long-term benefits.


Pruning the Anthurium veitchii is necessary for removing the damaged and diseased foliage. It is a part of maintenance. For example, you can prune the decaying stems to prevent infection spread.

However, you have to understand that the king anthurium is a slow grower. It needs around 2-3 months for the plant to develop a new leaf. Therefore, be wise when doing pruning.


Consider an organic and well-draining soil mix. You also need to choose a container with excellent drainage holes.

Or, preferably the plant likes to grow on an orchid basket because it has a similar texture to the tree branches. Over time, the roots will attach to the basket.

The king anthurium needs to be repotted every three years or when the roots outgrow the pot. It is important to choose a container or a pot that is two or three inches bigger than the previous one. It should not be more than that because it will submerge the plant which can lead to root rot.

Read also : Anthurium Warocqueanum : The Queen Anthurium


Three common propagation methods are used for king anthurium which are seeds, stem cuttings, root division, and tissue culture.

However, stem cutting is considered the most efficient method for the tree. If you use seeds, you need to conduct pollination and the process is so long. Meanwhile, the tissue culture needs laboratory equipment.

To use the stem cutting method, you just need to cut the section of the stem. Make sure it has 3-4 leaves with the nodes too. And then you can plant the baby anthurium into the medium and treat it as a regular plant. However, here you have to make sure the soil is consistently moist and well drained.

For the root division, you need to divide the anthurium veitchii. Here you need to make sure which parts are likely to grow as a new plant.

A quick note you must remember. Make sure you do propagation during spring. At this moment, the plant is actively growing.


The king anthurium might appear harmless, but it is toxic to humans and pets. Like most aroids, these plants contain calcium oxalate crystal which is very toxic and can cause severe pain.

If you are living with children and pets at home, the best way is to place the plant away from them. Try to choose a spot that is out of their reach.

If the plants are ingested, the person or animal will exhibit symptoms such as swelling around the tongue and lips. It can cause oral ulcers and severe pain in the abdomen in serious cases. Besides, they will also have difficulties in breathing and swallowing too.

Pests and Diseases

Pests are one of the most common problems you will find when growing king anthurium. However, this plant is less prone to infestations compared to other plants like philodendrons and monstera.

However, you will still find several annoying bugs that you must get rid of as soon as possible. Some of the most common pests that attack this plant include scale, whiteflies, mealybugs, thrips, and also spider mites.

Detecting the infestations early is the best way. Make sure to check the plant by checking the underside of each leaf. You will spot the pest problem early on.

As you find the infestations, some weapons work well which are neem oil, Castille soap, and water spray. In terms of spraying, you will want to spray the leaves with high pressure. But you need to make sure that your plant’s leaves are strong enough.


The signature of this plant is the corrugated texture through the big-long-pointy-leathery foliage. It has a pale green color with an arrow shape. The leaf itself can grow up to 2 meters long.

Growth Rate

The king anthurium’s leaves can grow up to 2 meters long. Meanwhile, the height of the plant can reach 1-1.5 meters tall. This plant growth rate is relatively slow and each leaf needs around 3 months to grow.

As the height change is very subtle, it makes the anthurium veitchii perfect for container gardens. You can choose terracotta pot to grow the plant.

If you buy this plant from the nursery house, expect it in a small size. After some time getting treatment, the plant will grow much bigger and needs a bigger container.

Leaf, Flower, Stem, and Seeds Characteristic

  • Leaf – The plant has long-corrugated foliage with pale green color. It can grow up to 2 meters long and 20 cm wide.
  • Flowers – The flowers come in a form of a spathe with full-light-green color. Meanwhile, the spadix has white color.
  • Stem – It has a thick stem that supports foliage.
  • Seeds – The seeds are obtained from the berries.

Soil Requirements

In their natural habitat, the king anthurium mostly grows on trees which means doesn’t need soil. However, as it is bred and cultivated, it is more common to plant this plant in a rich-organic soil mix.

The ideal soil for this anthurium is similar to aroid mixes. It should be airy and mixed with peat moss or orchid bark. You can also make your mix using sphagnum moss, garden soil, and charcoal.

The most important thing, in this case, is to avoid clumpy soil as it will make the plant more vulnerable to root rot. Besides, make sure you provide the soil with a pH range from 5.0-5.5.


Can Anthurium Be Grown From Seed?

Yes! Growing anthurium through seeds is possible though you have to undergo several processes. Besides, the result can be unpredictable especially if it is produced by a hybrid plant.

To propagate the plant, you can start by harvesting the anthurium fruit. In this case, you will want to plant fresh and moist seeds.

Begin with removing the pulp of the fruit because it can prevent the seeds from growing. Sometimes, it can cause mold. Abrade the pulp as much as you can and drop the seed into a cup of water. Next, you can leave it there and wait for the pulp material to detach itself.

Once you have done the process, prepare the potting mix which consists of an equal proportion of perlite, pine bark, and sphagnum moss.

Note: Make sure to use the gloves because anthurium is toxic so you don’t irritate the skin.

Is Anthurium Veitchii A Fast Grower?

The king anthurium is a slow grower. Therefore, it is not necessary to repot the plant very often. You just need to report it around two or three years. Besides, pruning should be done carefully as one leaf can grow every three months.

Prune parts that are damaged and diseased. And make sure you only use clean pruning shears.

Can I Use Orchid Soil For Anthurium?

All anthurium species prefer coarse, well-draining soil mix. You can use orchid mix and add sand also peat moss to make a perfect combination.

How Long Does It Take For King Anthurium To Mature?

A king anthurium is a very slow grower. It takes around 3 months for a new leaf to grow. Meanwhile, repotting is done every two or three years.

Does Anthurium Veitchii Climb?

The king anthurium is an epiphytic plant which means it can climb on the tree. This plant loves to get a lot of airflow around the root. Therefore, if you plant this anthurium on a container, make sure it has a good drainage hole.

Besides, it is important to use the right soil mix. You can use a light, well-aerated, and chunky potting mix. We have discussed this in the article above.

Read also : Anthurium Andraeanum : How To Properly Take Care Of It

Is Anthurium Easy To Grow?

There are several ways to propagate anthurium which are through seeds, stem cutting, root division, and tissue culture.

The most common method that is used is stem cutting because it has higher rates of success. Besides, you don’t need special equipment like in the laboratory using tissue culture.

Do Anthuriums Like Small Pots?

Yes, it does! Anthurium can grow well in a small pot but it will outgrow them. If you want to encourage its growth, repot the plant every two or three years.

What Are The Best Fertilizer For Anthuriums?

If you are focusing on the spadix or flowers, the best fertilizer for anthuriums is the one with the high phosphorus content. It works well with ratios around 1:2:1. This ratio helps the plant produce healthier flowers.

In this case, you may want to use the liquid fertilizer to reduce buildup. However, the slow-release fertilizer is also good.

Secondly, if you want to focus on the overall plant’s health, you may want to consider balanced fertilizer with a ratio of 10-10-10. This is the best choice for a plant that is recovering from diseases or when you suspect the soil is low on essential nutrients.

How To Make Anthurium Keep Blooming?

Anthurium is known for its showy appearance. Sometimes, it can be frustrating if you don’t find your plant not flowering.

In this case, many factors cause anthuriums don’t bloom. Several factors like house plant care basics are important such as the soil mix, nutrients, humidity, and temperature. Light is also the most common reason why it stops flowering.

If it is difficult for you to get a spot that provides sufficient sunlight, you can use the spectrum grow light so the anthurium can receive sufficient light every day.

Additionally, the main factor that influences the flower is watering frequency. Improper watering can cause the plant to stop watering.

Here anthuriums like consistently moist soil mix but it should be airy. You should check the soil condition before watering the plant.

How To Harvest Anthurium Berries?

First, you need to use a paper towel. Lay down the paper towel, and then squeeze the berries using your finger. Squeeze until the seeds pop out. There should be around 1-3 seeds inside each berry, depending on the type of anthurium you have.

Make sure to use gloves when popping out the seeds because anthurium is toxic to humans. And don’t forget to wash your hands afterward.

Are Coffee Grounds Good For Anthuriums?

We prefer to say it is better to play safe. Coffee grounds might not provide the essential nutrients and the acidity is imbalanced so it might give a negative impact on the plant’s health.

Therefore, it is better to stick to the general rule where the anthurium likes a coarse, porous, and moist potting mix.

What Does Anthurium Symbolize?

The anthurium has a heart-shaped form and is tropical disposition. This plant symbolizes hospitality. The plant is also believed can bring good luck and protect us from evil.

How Deep Should A Pot Be For Anthuriums?

Three factors determine the pot size which include the cultivar, irrigation system, and growing time. Generally, anthurium grows well in a low plastic pot that has a good drainage system. Commonly, the pot sizes used are 5,7, and 8 inches.

Do I Need To Cut The Dead Anthurium Flowers?

Pruning is necessary to maintain the plant’s appearance. If you find dead or diseased leaves, cut them. The same with the dead flowers. You can cut the dead flowers to the base stem.

How Do You Collect Anthurium Pollens?

It takes two weeks for anthurium pollen to be produced due to different maturation of the pistillate flowers. Besides, the pollen is not dispersed by the wind. If you want to transfer the pollen, you need to collect it. Collect the polenta using your fingertip and then gently rub the pollen onto the receptive stigmas.


Should I Cut The Yellow Leaves Off Anthurium?

Pruning is important to maintain the appearance of the plant. This includes when you find the yellow leaves. You can cut the yellow leaves safely using pruning shears. Pruning the plant is good to promote new growth.

Do Anthuriums Bloom More Than Once?

When it is properly cared for, the plant can bloom all year round. Each bloom can last for two or three months. All you need to do is to provide an environment that mimics its natural habitat.

Help! My Anthurium Veitchii Grows Slowly, Why?

Note that the king anthurium is a slow grower. It takes 3 months for new foliage to develop.

If you have maintained the condition, provided sufficient nutrients, and don’t see any problems like pests and disease, then it will do fine. Check also the pot. If the roots outgrow the pot, it is probably the main reason.

Why Are My Anthurium Veitchii’s Leaves Torn?

The signature of the king anthurium is on its big leaves. It is frustrating when you see the leaves torn.

Torn leaves are caused by low humidity and too much airflow. You also need to check the other objects in case touching the anthurium’s plants.

Why Are The Leaves Of My King Anthurium Getting Smaller?

The king anthurium is a slow grower, so noticing the leaves grow can be very subtle. Somehow, you see the leaves are getting smaller. In this case, you need to check if you fertilize the plant correctly or not. Try to feed your plant every other week to promote growth.

How Much Humidity That A King Anthurium Needs?

The minimum humidity level for a king anthurium is 60%. The higher humidity the better. However, when it is too high, you should be aware of infestation.

What Is The Best Potting Mix For A King Anthurium?

Generally, the king anthurium likes chunky material. For example perlite, orchid bark, or peat mask. You can also use 100% sphagnum moss.

What Is Anthurium Veitchii?

Anthurium veitchii, also known as king anthurium, is an epiphytic plant that has large, oblong-shaped, and green color leaves. The plant originated from Columbia’s rainforest and has been cultivated worldwide.

How To Identify Anthurium Veitchii?

The main feature of this anthurium veitchii is the green leaves with corrugated and oblong forms. The plant also has pale green venation.

How To Grow King Anthurium Indoor?

Growing king anthurium is possible as long as you provide an environment that mimics the natural habitat.

In this case, try to maintain a temperature between 59°F-79°F and a humidity level above 60%. The plant also needs bright, filtered sunlight. In terms of watering, try to water it as necessary.

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