Anthurium Warocqueanum : The Queen Anthurium

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Anthurium Warocqueanum is a plant with unique foliage. It has a long-green velvety leaf with white veins forming a pattern. This plant’s signature is the pointy-long leaves, making it a perfect indoor or outdoor complement.

The anthurium warocqueanum is native to Columbia and part of the Araceae family. The name itself is attributed to the stunning look which can lighten your home decoration.

Due to high demand in both local and online markets, the queen anthurium is getting rare, making the price rise.


  • Botanical Name: Anthurium Warocqueanum T. Moore
  • Popular Name: Queen anthurium, and Anthurium warocqueanum
  • Size: Leaves can grow up to 6 feet or two meters
  • Type: Perennial
  • Sun Exposure: Indirect sunlight
  • Soil Type: Well-draining soil mix
  • Soil pH: 6.6-7.5
  • Toxicity: Humans and pets

Care Guide

The most important thing when caring for the queen anthurium is paying attention to the environment. As not all people live in a condition that is natural habitat, some intervention is needed.

Provide a well-draining soil mix with bright filtered light. Some of the best soil mixes you can use here are a potting mix, charcoal, orchid bark, perlite, and peat moss. For the temperature, the plant loves to be 68-86°F (20-30°C).

When it comes to watering, you have to pay attention to the soil condition and seasons. The humidity level must be at least 70%, and fertilizing can be done weekly using liquid fertilizer.


Water Requirement

Two conditions influence the watering habit. The first is the soil condition and the second is the season.

Even though the queen anthurium is native to the rainforest, it doesn’t mean you can water it excessively. The anthurium warocqueanum loves consistently moist soil but is not soggy. Therefore you need to check the condition of the soil. Check its top two-three inches of the soil. If it is moist, you don’t need to water the plant.

On the other hand, the season can influence the watering habit. You will want to water the plant more during spring and summer and reduce it during the fall and winter seasons.

In watering the plant, you will need to let the water drain out perfectly before rewatering it again. Don’t let the water submerge the plant because it will lead to root roots.

If you are using sphagnum moss, you will get the benefit because this type of medium will soak up the water so it will stay hydrated for around a week. Unless the moss gets crispy again, you don’t need to water the plant.

Watering habit is important to promote healthy growth for the plant. As you let the soil get dry for several days, you will see the leaves start to get crispy. And the edge of the leaves will start to get dry.

Light Requirements

The queen anthurium will thrive well when it is placed in bright, indirect light. The plant naturally always grows toward the sun. Just avoid direct sunlight because it will scorch the plant.

Therefore, the safest place you can use is on a shaded spot to make sure the plant will not have long-term damage due to direct sunlight that falls directly on its leaf.


The plant needs a very high humidity level. Provide at least 70% humidity level for the best growth. Besides, good air circulation is very important if you want to make the plant grow healthily. This plant is susceptible to damage when you don’t provide an area with good airflow.

If you are growing the queen anthurium in a terrarium or greenhouse, make sure the air circulation is good. You can use the fans to stabilize the air circulation.


The Anthurium warocqueanum loves to grow in an area between 68-86°F (20-30°C).

As you might live in an area that has below this temperature, so you should keep the plant indoors. Of course, the plant can survive lower temperatures but you will not see it thrive. In most cases, the low temperature often stunts plant growth.


Regular fertilization is the key to making the plant grows well. Use liquid fertilizer by mixing 1/4 of the recommended strength with water.

For your information, the queen anthurium is epiphytic which gets nutrients from the debris around the branch it is living on. For example the rotting leaves and things that are brought by the wind.

However, many growers advise fertilizing the plant frequently, every week throughout the year. Besides, make sure the components of the fertilizer are rich in phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen.


Pruning the queen anthurium is necessary to make sure the plant is healthy. You can take the benefits of cultural management. Some of them are controlling the size and rejuvenating its growth.

A quick tip: if you are pruning the queen anthurium, first you need to cut from the top then head down. Just remove the aged, diseases, and wilted leaves. Besides, make sure you only use the sterilized pruning shear to prevent diseases.

Read also : Anthurium Andraeanum : How To Properly Take Care Of It


As we said before, the queen anthurium is an epiphytic plant that grows attached to the trees. If the plant is grown this way, you just need to change the wooden slabs.

On the contrary, if you use potting, you need to repot the plant every 2-3 years. Unpot the plant and shake off the soil. After that, you need to plant the queen anthurium in a similar soil mix with a pot that is 2-3 inches bigger than the previous one. Make sure it is a fresh soil mix and then you can water it thoroughly.

Another note that you might need to remember is the queen anthurium is best to be planted into the wooden orchid basket. It is a good way because of its epiphytic nature.

In this way, you will see the root can attach to the wood and you might see it will grow out of the basket.

If you use the pot, make sure the pot has drainage holes in the bottom and the clay should be porous to allow air exchange.


Some methods that can be used to propagate the plants are seeding and root division.

Propagation using seeds

Propagation using seeds is feasible, but there are not many successful records. Though, you can use the seeds of this plant by placing them on the top layer of the moist soil mix. After that, provide a warm temperature and water it as needed. The rest of it is observing the plant.

The weakness of using this method is the success rate and the process is slow.

Propagation using root division

  • First, you will need to check if there are plantlets around the plant. It is where the development of new plants happens. We usually call them offsets.
  • Search for the offsets of the plants.
  • With your sterilized pruning shear, cut the offshoot section and make sure there are roots on each cutting.
  • Next, put some cinnamon on the wounds of the main plant and offshoot.
  • Once you have done this, you can place it in the damp sphagnum moss.
  • Then, your remaining task is to provide the humid and warm environment with sufficient bright light too.


The queen anthurium is toxic for both humans and animals. Thanks to the high concentration of calcium oxalate crystals that cause irritation such as swelling around the mouth and GI tract. Besides, you will also develop skin irritation when you are in contact with the sap.

Likewise, pets such as dogs and cats can get intoxicated by the plant. The common signs that often appear include drooling, oral pain, pawing at the mouth and face, losing appetite, and sometimes vomiting.

Therefore, if you have kids at home, the best way is to place the plant in the safest place so they won’t play and touch the plant.


Pests and Diseases

Like other plants, the queen anthurium is also susceptible to attacks. The most common pest infestations include aphids, mealybugs, scale, thrips, and also spider mites.

Mealybugs are one of the most annoying pests because they suck the sap of the plant. The sap is like the blood of your body that carries nutrition. Without it, the plant cannot do photosynthesis.

To prevent mealybugs, you must check every new plant in your house because it is the main culprit that the new plant often brings it. After that, separate them from older plants, for at least 2 weeks. If you are sure that it doesn’t have bugs, you can group it with others.

If it gets harder to remove the huge infestation, you can prune the branch or the leaves to prevent more spread. Or, you can also use the insecticidal soap, It is easy to find it online.

Aphids, it is a cricket-like creatures that can multiply very quickly. It also sucks the sap of the plants and when you don’t treat it soon, it can kill the plant very quickly.

To get rid of the bug, you can pick it one-buy-one from the queen anthurium. If there are too many of them in a concentrated area, just prune the leaf or branch. Or, you can use high-pressure cold water using a hose.

Another bug that often attacks the queen anthurium is the thrips. It is a very annoying bug because it is very stubborn and some species can even bite humans. Besides, the bug can bring some viruses too.

Treating the thrips is very easy. If the infestation is still small, you can shake it off. If it starts getting bigger, you need to prune the affected area or spray the plant with a high-pressure hose. However, make sure the plant is strong enough to handle the water pressure.

Another common bug is the brown scale. It is the most common type and can be pretty annoying because this bug is not easy to get rid of.

Like most pests, the brown scale also sucks the sap of the plant which can disrupt the plant’s growth. Their size is between 2,5 mm 0 5 mm in length. The female scale is oval and doesn’t have wings. They can be yellow-brown, or green-brown, but as they get matured, they will turn to a darker color.

Large infestations can be difficult to get rid of. To remove these brown scales, you can use horticulture oils. You can mix it with water and spray it using a spray bottle. However, this process cannot be done once. You have to repeat it every one or two weeks.

Another way to get rid of brown scales is using insecticidal soap. It is the safest pesticide and it is not toxic so it will not damage the plant. Just mix it with water in a spray bottle.

The last pest that often attacks the queen anthurium is the spider mites. It is an arachnid that is related to spiders. At small amounts, they will not create problems, but when they multiply you will get so much trouble with the plant. They suck the chlorophyll out of the foliage and if you don’t treat it, it will cause serious damage.

Spider mites are not the easiest ones to get rid of. Once it attacks the plant, you should get rid of it soon.

If you think the plant can handle strong stream water, then use a hose to do it to get rid of every spider mite on the leaves. After a few days, you can spray down the plant just in case there are some spider mites clinging on.

If you think your plant can’t handle strong stream water, just use a sponge and lukewarm water. Or, you can just prune the plant before the infestation spreads further.


The queen anthurium has two types of well-known varieties which include:

  • Anthurium Warocqueanum Esmeralda – This queen anthurium has lighter green color and doesn’t have the pronounced veining. This also has long and pointy foliage.
  • Anthurium Warocqueanum Dark Form – Different from the esmeralda, the queen anthurium dark form has darker foliage. It has a velvety texture but feels thick and leathery when it is touched.

Read also : Anthurium Crystallinum : Care Guide And Common Issues

Growth Rate

When it is given a good environment, anthurium warocqueanum can grow up to 6 feet or 2 meters. The bigger the leaves the veins will be more prominent.

The plant is also a fast grower. One pot of a queen anthurium can grow very massive within 2-3 years. You will need a bigger container for this. However, you will not be disappointed with the appearance.

Leaf, Flower, Stem, and Seeds Characteristic

  • Leaf – The queen anthurium has velvety foliage with green color. Its signature is the long-pointy foliage that comes with veins that form a pattern.
  • Flower – The flowers come in the form of the spadix and it is enclosed with a spathe.
  • Seeds – The seeds are located on the berries. Once it is ripened it will turn orange. And there you can open the seeds.
  • Stem – The plant has a thick stem and it is pretty hardy.

Soil Requirements

You can grow the queen anthurium in 100% sphagnum moss. Or, you can opt for the aroid mix that consists of orchid bark, perlite, potting mix, and also peat moss. The plant won’t grow well in the soil because of its epiphytes nature.

Whatever the growing medium you are using, make sure it is well-draining and it has a pH between 6.6-7.5.



Why Is My Queen Anthurium Dying?

There are various reasons why your anthurium looks dying. Some of them can be overwatering, underwatering, or pest infestation. The best is to look at the leaves and the soils to check the condition.

Why Is My Anthurium Losing Leaves?

Losing leaves can be a sign that you don’t treat your queen anthurium correctly. In a healthy condition, it is common if your anthurium shed some leaves to maintain its condition. However, if it gets worse, maybe you want to check the substrate, temperature, watering, and fertilizer.

Why Is My Queen Anthurium Turning Yellow?

There are myriad reasons why the plant turns yellow. This can be a watering habit or not enough nutrients. The first step to knowing what your plant needs is by observing the possible option, such as checking the pest infestation, lighting, and soil.

How Do You Propagate Anthurium Warocqueanum?

Propagating the queen anthurium can be done using seeding (though it is not effective) and division. You just need to find the offsets and then cut them. In each cutting, make sure it has roots. Don’t forget to put some cinnamon on the main plant and the offshoot. After that, plant it.

Should I Mist My Queen Anthurium?

High humidity is important for the anthurium. You have to maintain the humidity level over 70% so it can grow healthily.

Misting the plant can provide an instant freshness, but you cannot overdo it as it can lead to Erwinia blight disease. What you can do to increase the humidity is by using a humidifier.

Secondly, you can fill the tray with pebbles and then add water until it is almost reaching the pebbles. After that, place the pot on top of it.

Is The Queen Anthurium Rare?

Due to its high demand in the local and online market, the plant is rare. This makes the plant has a higher price too. The specialties make the plant unique.

How Many Times Should I Water My Queen Anthurium?

Watering might be the trickiest part in this case. As the anthurium originated from the rainforest, it likes consistently moist soil. However, you don’t want to submerge the plant with water in this case as it will lead to root rot.

A perfect watering habit is depending on the soil condition and also the season. when the top 2-3 inches of the soil is dry, it is a good time to water it. Or if you plant the queen anthurium in 100% sphagnum moss, and you feel it is crispy, then it is time to water it.

During the warm seasons like spring and summer, you will need to water the plant more than during fall and winter because the water evaporates easier.

When Should I Place My Anthurium?

The Queen anthurium can grow in medium to bright light. However, you have to avoid direct sunlight as it will stunt its growth.

The plant can also survive in a shady area but it will slow the growth and the chance for this plant to bloom will be fewer.

Can The Queen Anthurium Grow Bigger?

When you place the plant in the right condition, the queen anthurium can thrive very well. Its leaves can grow up to 6 feet long or 2 meters which is a nice thing.

How Do I Identify Anthurium Warocqueanum?

The remarkable signature of this plant is its narrow and elongated foliage with distinctive veins that forms a pattern. The average length for the leaves can grow up to 4 feet, but in a good condition, this plant can grow up to 6 feet long.

How Do I Care The Anthurium Warocqueanum?

Caring for and maintaining this plant requires you to pay attention to several factors. Make sure you provide the best growing condition that mimics its natural habitat from lights, watering habits, fertilizing, soil mix, temperature, and also humidity. Please refer to the article we have discussed above.


How To Grow The Queen Anthurium Outdoor?

Because outdoor might give a bigger chance for the plant to get scorched, place the plant in a shady area. It is better if it is under a tree canopy. You might also want to take care of it inside the greenhouse.

How To Make The Anthurium Grow Faster?

You must provide the right condition to make the plant thrive. Besides, you need to prune the aged, dead, and diseased plants to promote healthy growth. Also, don’t forget to repot the plant into a bigger pot. Choose a pot that is 2-3 inches bigger. Not more than that because you don’t want to submerge the plant with water.

How To Pot Anthurium?

Potting anthurium is very easy. All you need to do is provide a well-aerated soil mix. Make sure you sterilized the medium before planting your plant.

Why Is My Queen Anthurium Drooping?

The drooping plant might be a sign of root rot that is caused by overwatering. Besides, it can also be caused by heat and also lack of water which makes the plant wilt.

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