Philodendron Bernardopazii : Loving Exotic Greenery

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If you want to create a dramatic appearance at home, whether inside the house or in the garden, you should choose Philodendron Bernardopazii. There is a reason why this plant is rare. The beautiful and naturally gorgeous plant comes with a unique appearance that is striking and catchy, even from afar. That’s why this plant if often used to decorate the house and to improve the outdoor appearance without you having to break a sweat excessively. So, what should you know about the plant?


  • Scientific Name: Philodendron Bernardopazii
  • Family: Araceae
  • Origin: Brazil
  • Toxicity: Mild
  • Care Level: Easy or low maintenance
  • pH Level: 6.9 to 7.3

About Philodendron Bernardopazii

The plant has big and glossy leaves with heart shape appearance. The native origin was from Brazil, in the rainforest area. That’s why you should imitate the original surrounding and environment if you want to succeed in growing the plant. Basically, the combination of moss pole, the right watering habit, and bright (but should be indirect) light should do it.

This variant is a part of (tropical) perennials producing vines. It can also climb up trees, right from the floor of the rainforest. In the native environment, this plant can be quite huge, but it can also be maintained and controlled if you prune it regularly. Bernardopazii Philodendron is an evergreen greenery that you can grow in a pot or container, as long as you provide a trail (over the windowsill or a shelf) or a moss pole. Not only it can grow taller, but it can also spread (and grow) widthways.

In its native surrounding, Philodendron Bernardopazii would climb the support pole, growing aerial roots to assist them cling to bigger and stronger trees. When you grow it in a container, the growth will somehow be stunted. That’s why those grown in the containers won’t be as big as those grown in its native and original environment. The mature and big plants are able to produce fruit and generate flower. However, when grown as indoor plants, the Bernardopazii rarely produces seeds.

Lighting Requirement

The plant would grow best (and quite happy) in indirect light. When it is able to get plentiful of bright light, without the light burning it, it would grow healthily and happily. For most growers, placing the plant close to the window would be a good idea. Some may place it on the window sill, but if you are going to do the same thing, your windows should have sheer curtain or a shade cloth to avoid burning and over exposure.

Soil Requirement

Philodendron Bernardopazii loves rich and organic soil with well-draining nature. Sandy and normal loam soil is considered ideal for this plant. The soil is still able to retain enough water to hydrate the plant well (making sure that its needs are met) while at the same time improving better drainage system so any excess moisture would be removed. This is great to prevent waterlogged and root rot.

In most cases, people would use the commercial potting mix for their plant. But some believe that it would be better to come up with your own mixture. You can try the follow recipe if you want to test it out to your soil:

  • Orchid bark
  • Coconut fiber or charcoal
  • Perlite
  • Peat moss

Water Requirement

This plant needs just the right amount to quench its thirst. It shouldn’t be too excessive, and yet it shouldn’t be too little too. If the water is too much, it will lead to waterlogged and water pooling, and it will harm the roots. It results in root rot, which will eventually affect the entire growth of the plant. However, if the water is too little, your plant will continuously be thirsty and it doesn’t get enough moisture to survive.

Read also : Philodendron Fibrosum : Unique Plant that Catches Everyone’s Attention

Temperature and Humidity

Temperature should be set within the right range. The ideal temperature would be between 64 degrees and 81 degrees Fahrenheit, or from 18 degrees to 27 degrees Celsius. Although Philodendron Bernardopazii is a plant that is native to tropical environment, it can’t stand extreme temperature. It won’t survive with too high temperature or too low setting.

This is also the plant that enjoys high humidity level. The ideal range would be between 60% and 70%. A slightly above 70% is still acceptable. There are ways to increase the humidity level at home so your plant would be happy:

  • You can consider grouping houseplants together so they can create high humidity level.
  • Buying a humidifier is also a good investment, especially if you want your plants to thrive and survive.
  • Consider about placing your plant in the bathroom, where it gets enough humidity and sunlight exposure.
  • It would be wise to use pebble tray. But you need to make sure that the water level doesn’t even touch the bottom side of the plant’s pot.


Philodendrons are basically one of the easiest plants to propagate. It means that if you want to ‘divide’ your plant into several new plants, you should be able to do it quite effortlessly. You only need a stem cutting to propagate this unique Philodendron Bernardopazii. You have the option to perform air layering system or the stem cutting.

Stem Cutting

  • You need to prepare the soil. Make sure that you meet the basic requirements for careful growth. The soil should be rich, fertile, organic, and well-draining.
  • Make the cut of the stem. By using sharp and sterilized shears or scissors, cut several inches of the stem. It should have at least a node and several leaves
  • Plant the cut in the stem. Dip the end part of the cut within the growth hormone. Wait for several days until the cut is dry. Then plant the cutting within the prepared soil. Let it be for a while, so the cutting would get used to the new condition.
  • After several times, roots should start growing. You can try pulling the plant. If you feel a kind of resistance, it means that the roots have developed. Some people prefer the easier method: They use the transparent pot or container. Within this kind of container, you should be able to see the inside of the pot quite well. You can see whether the roots have grown or not without actually disturbing the plant.
  • When the roots have grown, you can resume the watering habit to the regular schedule.

Air Layering

  • Make wound. Since it is done on the mother plant without actually cutting the stem, you need to make a wound. Just create a little (but deep) cut on the stem that you have picked. Don’t injure anything from the mother plant.
  • Place the hormones. Place rooting hormones on the cut, and then cover it with sphagnum moss.
  • Wrap the wound. After you have added the hormone and the moss, wrap it with polythene. Make sure to provide holes on the wrap so the area can still breathe
  • Check for the condition. After several weeks, you should be able to see roots start growing on that affected wound. This time, you can cut the stem and then remove it to a new pot. Plant it like usual.


Philodendrons are the type of plant that would go dormant during winter or cold seasons. At this time, they would conserve their energy to survive the frost, so you won’t have to water or fertilize them quite often. Expect the same to happen to the Philodendron Bernardopazii. Cut off the frequency of your watering or giving fertilizer if you want them to survive and then resume your regular schedules once winters have passed, and welcoming the springs.


The plant may grow fast when all of the requirements are met. In most cases, you need to re-pot the Philodendron Bernardopazii in 2 or 3 years. It’s crucial that you re-pot the plant immediately especially if you see roots coming out of the drainage holes. It means that your plant is growing and it definitely needs new space to expand.

Go with a size bigger than what you use currently. You can also go with the one having 2 inches bigger. Make sure that there are plenty of drainage holes on the pot. No matter what kind of pot you choose, make sure that it has holes.


All Philodendrons are basically toxic because they contain calcium oxalate crystals, a type of sappy substance that can irritate the skin as well as the digestive lining tracks – or whatever parts that make contact with the substance. This substance can be dangerous when ingested or making contacts with the skin.

Make sure that you keep the plant away from pets and kids. This can be dangerous to horses and cattle too, so it isn’t advisable to keep it outdoor if you have a farm. Since most Philodendrons can cause irritation to the skin, don’t forget to wear gloves when you handle it.


When your plant is healthy, you won’t have to worry about pests. But you also need to check the plant regularly. Check the underside of your Philodendron Bernardopazii as it is most pests favorite hiding place. Pests are pesky tiny creatures that can be difficult to spot on. That’s why regular checking is needed. If you do find them, use neem oil spray to remove them. If the infestation isn’t too severe, soap and warm water would be enough. Simply wipe them off and they are gone.

Read also : Philodendron Snowdrift : A Plant With Unique White-ish Appearance


Do people believe that Philodendron Bernardopazii rare?

Yes, it is basically a rare type of plant that can be difficult to find; let alone purchase. Even if you want to find one online, it would be difficult to find. It would naturally be difficult to find one at the local nursery. In most cases, even the big box stores or horticultural growers don’t provide one.

In what price range is Bernardopazii usually sold?

The price usually ranges between $50 and $200. It depends on the size and from where you buy one. But it is common that you may find it at a price tag more than $200 – if, you can find one.

How big can the plant grow when it is mature?

This is a fast growing plant. In the wild, the plant up reach 12 feet of height, but at home setting, it is common to have 5 feet to 8 feet of height.

Is it possible to help the plant grow taller?

Yes, if you provide a support pole. This pole would be used as a climbing platform as Philodendron Bernardopazii is getting bigger and more mature. Whatever support is possible and okay, including trellis, moss pole, tree, or totem.

Can you grow this plant outdoor?

This plant is quite versatile, meaning that they can be grown outdoor as well as indoor. No matter what location they are in, rest assured that they will create beautiful and pleasant tropical atmosphere instantly.

Is the plant dangerous?

The plant is definitely toxic. In most cases, the symptoms may be mild, but it’s possible that the effect would get worse in rare occasions. To protect your pets and kids, make sure that you put the plant far away from them.

Can you propagate Philodendron Bernardopazii through seeds?

In the wild, this is highly possible. But as houseplant, the plant would rarely produce seeds. It would be easier, and much faster, to propagate the plant with air layering method or stem cutting.

My plant has fragile and crispy leaves that look yellow. They also drop easily. What is the cause?

It’s most likely caused by too much heat. Possibly, your plant is situated in an area that is too hot or it gets too much direct sunlight. Try moving it to a shadier and cooler area, but it should still be warm enough.

On the contrary, if you see black spots on the plant (black stems, black leaves, or black spots), it’s likely that it gets too little light or the area is too cold. Move it to a warmer spot.


Conclusive Words

In the end, it does take a lot of responsibility to grow an exotic and rare plant like the Bernardopazii. But that’s the price to pay to own such a gorgeous variant. After all, the caring process itself isn’t fussy or complex. By doing some simple extra efforts, you can make sure that Philodendron Bernardopazii will remain healthy, happy, and gorgeous.

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