Philodendron Crassinervium : All You Need To Know

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Philodendron Crassinervium may not be as popular as other Philodendrons, but it doesn’t mean that the plant has less charm or appeal. In fact, it is s simple-looking and beautiful plant that can add tropical vibe to your personal living space without overdoing it. If you collect Philodendrons, you can definitely add this one to your collections. Rest assured that taking care of one won’t be fussy or difficult; at least, not more difficult than the regular Philodendrons that you have dealt with before.


  • Scientific name: Philodendron Crassinervium
  • Family: Araceae
  • Genus: Philodendron
  • Toxicity: Yes
  • Native habitat: Brazil

About Philodendron Crassinervium

Philodendron Crassinervium is a perennial and evergreen plant, native to the southeast area of Brazil. In fact, it is an endemic there, meaning that this plant is exclusively grown there and you won’t be able to find it elsewhere. If you look at it, you may not think that it’s a Philodendron, because it doesn’t look like its other siblings in general.

The plant has lance shaped and elongated leaves with dark green hues. The midvein is big and clearly visible. This is a climbing plant, having aerial roots and epipetric nature. The roots would be red when first show up, but as time goes by, it would turn into brown.

Like other Araceae family, this plant is quite easy to care, provided that you are able to meet the basic requirements and needs. Let’s not forget that this is a tropical plant, which means that it loves warm temperature and high level of humidity.


Growth Level

Philodendron Crassinervium is basically a slow grower. The plant is epipetrite. It trails along rocks, trees, and the ground. It is also a climber if it finds the right means or a place for support. If you want an optimal growth, you can provide a moss pole or any support stick so the plant can attach to it and climb.

The mature size can be different between the ones found in the wild and the one grown indoors (or in cultivation). In the natural wild habitat, the plant can grow big and huge. It is able to reach 4 meters tall with the leaves reaching up to one meter or even more. However, in indoors, the plant only reaches around 18 inches of height, and it’s the maximum size.

Soil Requirement

Philodendron Crassinervium like well-draining soil that is packed with organic and rich contents. You can go with the peat based type or you can develop your own recipe when making your own mixture. It’s advisable that you mix a part perlite, a part orchid bark, and a part peat for maximum good drainage and aeration. After all, good airflow is also crucial. In the event your recipe is too packed or dense, add coarse sand or charcoal. Just a bit, though, don’t overdo it.

Lighting Requirement

The plant appreciates bright light, but indirect one. It can’t handle direct light because it may result in burn or scorching. It needs just about the right amount of light: not too much but not too little either. You can consider placing your plant in the east facing window (for the morning light) or the south facing window to get the afternoon light. Don’t put it close to air vents or draft, rooms with AC or fans. The plant dislikes windy spots.

Read also : Philodendron Hederaceum : A Simple Plant That Has Its Own Appeal

Watering Requirement

As a tropical plant, the plant is able to handle a little drought condition. It means that a little dryness won’t be an issue, as long as it isn’t prolonged. Only water your Philodendron Crassinervium when the top soil is dry completely. If it is still moist, then hold your horses. You don’t want to be too eager with watering.

Some plant owners like to dunk their Crassinervium pot into the water for 30 minutes. After letting the pot drenches, they won’t do it again for the next week – or even 2 weeks. It depends on your plant, really. You should make a careful observation of how much water your plant needs regularly. When it is winter, water even less often. It’s because the plant is in dormant stage and it doesn’t need as much water as the active growing period.

This plant is quite resistant and tolerant to salt, so you won’t have to bother distilling water. Of course, this would be an exception if you have hard water. If you see any sign of mineral deposits on your leaves, then you have to distill it first.

Temperature and Humidity

Tropical plants love warm temperature and high humidity. Can you guess what Philodendron Crassinervium likes? Yes, high humidity and warm temperature. In fact, the plant can’t tolerate cooler temperature or anything less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The most ideal temperature would be between 70 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (by day) and around 65 degrees to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (by night). However, this plant is quite adaptable and it will thrive well in regular temperature indoor.

Just because it loves warm temperature, it doesn’t mean that you can place it in hot areas either. Make sure that it stays away from the scorching and too hot areas by the window. Check your plant. If you see leaves dropping or yellowing, your plant may suffer from temperature shock caused by sudden changes in temperature.

The ideal humidity level should be above 60% and your plant would be a joyous and happy one. If you find out that your indoor humidity level is somewhat not enough, there are ways to increase it effectively:

  • You can group plants together, but make sure that you provide enough space so air circulation amongst them will stay good and maintained too
  • Consider buying a humidifier that can increase the level fast and effectively
  • Mist the plant twice a week. This can also increase the humidity
  • Place your plant in the bathroom. If you are able to find an ideal location where it can get enough sunlight and the humidity from the bathroom, you have found yourself an ideal spot to grow it


If you choose the commercial type, find the liquid one or the slow release one. The liquid fertilizer needs to be diluted first, applied during the watering. If you use the organic type, that’s even better! You can use vermiculite, fish meal, or compost. Fertilizer should be given at least 3 times in a year, but adjust it to your preference and needs.

In winter, you don’t have to fertilize. Or do it once in two months so your plant won’t be overwhelmed with the extra food. And just apply a little – or less than the amount given during the active growing period.


Although stem cutting is one of the most common ways to propagate Philodendron Crassinervium, it can also be done through water propagation.

  • When you want to do it, choose healthy stem and leaves. It gives the best growth possibility.
  • Cut a stem having several leaves and a node. If you can pick a stem with aerial roots, that’s even better. But even if you can’t, that’s completely fine.
  • Place your cutting in water. It should be placed in a bright and warm spot. Change the water once in several days. You should be able to see the roots after several weeks.
  • When the roots are coming out, move it to a new pot. If you have the patience, you can add soil (just a spoon of it) once in several days to the water. It will allow your plant to slowly adjust itself to the soil. It can also avoid the possibility of shock (for your plant) that usually happens when you move it right away from water to soil.
  • When you finally place your cutting in a new container, cover it with (pre-moistened) soil. Make sure that you gently handle and manage the roots and pack firm soil around the base, but not too tight. Find a place that is warm and humid, getting enough bright sunlight without actually directing it.

Always propagate your Crassinervium in spring, or in summer to be the latest. It provides enough time for your plant to adapt to the new environment and surrounding before winter time.


Your pot should have enough drainage holes so there won’t be any water standing or pooling. And you may need to re-pot your plant once in 2 or 3 years. Repotting needs to be done right away especially if you see roots start coming out from the drainage holes. If you want to move the plant, handle it carefully so you won’t damage the roots. You may want to pre-moisten the new soil during this stage.

Read also : Philodendron Lemon Lime : The Bright Leaf Climber


The plant has calcium oxalate crystals and they will irritate the esophagus, mouth, and skin during contact. You want to keep your plant away from pets and kids. Whenever you have to handle the plant, wear gloves.


I see spiderwebs on my Philodendron Crassinervium and yet I can’t see any spider. Does it mean that my plant isn’t in harm?

Not really. Spiderwebs on your plant are typically caused by bugs, and these bugs are regularly smaller than the common (house) spider. You may want to check under the leaves. It’s also a good idea to check around the stems too. The bugs are called spider mites and they are relatively easy to get rid of. You can use neem oil or insecticidal soap. Simply spray the neem oil. If the infestation isn’t too much, wiping those leaves with soft cloth and insecticidal soap would do it.

Why are the leaves of my Crassinervium yellowing?

It can be a root rot. The color of healthy roots should be beige or white. It shouldn’t have any black parts or dark brown. If you see any darkened part, it means that the roots are rotting. Wash them, cut the affected area, and then move your plant to a new container with fresh soil.

Root rot is usually caused by overwatering or too much water. When you have moved your plant to a new container, you need to develop a new watering habit. This time, you may want to cut it off for a little bit.

Why does my Crassinervium look pale?

There is a huge possibility that the lack of light is the reason. You can try to mend it by putting it in a brighter area and then wait. When the new leaves show up, check the condition. If they look healthy and somewhat brighter, then you have spotted the most ideal location for your plant. It confirms that your plant doesn’t get enough light before.

Is there are seasonal precautions that I need to be aware of?

During summer months, when active growing period is the most active, you want to keep the soil stay moist, fertilizer should be applied, and leaves spraying can be regularly managed. If the plant doesn’t get enough fertilizer or water, the lower leaves would turn yellow and then fall off.

In winter, Philodendron Crassinervium goes into dormancy period, so the growth process would be slower. This is the time when you can reduce the water. During this time, place your plant at bright spot indoor while maintaining the high (room) temperature so the leaves won’t fade.


Can you harvest Crassinervium?

Of course. Philodendron Crassinervium is generally harvested for decoration, accompanying other flowers within the vase. However, if you do want to harvest the plant, do it in the morning (when the water content is high) or in the evening (when the plant has gained the crucial nutrients from a day processing the photosynthesis action). When you harvest it at the right time, you can ensure long vase life. 

Is Philodendron Crassinervium a fast grower or a slow one?

This plant is considered a slow grower. It does take time for the plant to grow and reach maturity. However, the outcome would be worth the wait, even if you have to wait long for it.

Is Philodendron Crassinervium rare?

I’d like to think it that way considering that it’s endemic to Brazil and you won’t find it elsewhere.

How to deal with pests like mealybugs or spider mites?

Use neem oil. You can also use soap or insecticidal soap to get rid of them.

Final Words

Crassinervium is a unique plant that may not look like the other Philodendrons, but no need to worry about its unique appearance. The plant is valuable and precious, and you can grow a healthy Philodendron Crassinervium, provided you know how to care for it well.

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