Philodendron Eva : Simple-Looking & Easily Grown

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Philodendron Eva has pointed leaf shape with light (or bright) green shade. A lot of people think that it’s the same as Philodendron Lemon Lime, but they are actually different. Thanks to the bright color, this plant stands out among the others. It’s beautiful in its simplicity, which makes it perfect as a houseplant that can spark up your space.

A lot of people like to place this beautiful plant in a terrarium (while protecting their kids and pets at the same time), while others may place it close to a trailing post or supports so the plants can be ‘trained’ to climb and grow. You can also use the hanging basket to grow the plant; it will cascade down the basket beautifully and elegantly.


  • Scientific Name: Philodendron Eva
  • Origin: The US
  • Family: Araceae
  • Genus: Philodendron
  • Plant size: Medium, Large

Lighting Requirements

Philodendron Eva loves bright and indirect light. When it gets abundance of light, the leaves would be more vibrant and the plant is able to produce more leaves. You can place the plant close to the window facing the east (morning light is good for it) or the one facing the west. But make sure that you provide a shade or filter so the intense ray of the afternoon sun won’t hurt the plant. Although the plant is okay with low light, it would affect the color and vibrancy. It would produce less lime green and make it more green in shade

Eva Philodendron is okay with artificial light or LED grow light. It’s up to you which one you want to use. Many prefer the artificial one because it’s cheaper, but if you want the best result, go with the LED light because it has better (color) quality and it isn’t as hot as the artificial light. Yes, the LED light would cost you more, but it’s worth the healthy result and breathtaking appearance.

Intense light isn’t advisable. You can place the plant close to the windows, but keep 3 feet away from it. If you want to place it close to the window, make sure that there is a shade cloth or sheer curtain that functions as the filter. In this manner, the sunlight won’t be too harsh or intense.


Because of its native to South American tropical regions, the plant appreciates warm weather. The plant doesn’t have any problem adjusting itself to the house temperature. The ideal temperature would be between 65 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It can even tolerate hotter climate up to 95 degrees – and the plant will survive well without harm or stress.

Be aware that Philodendron Eva likes consistent temperature. If you manage to keep it warm and sunny most of the time, your Eva would be thriving well. You don’t want to expose it to extreme changes, though. Keep it away from ovens, fireplaces, heater, air vents, AC, or fans. One thing that the plant can’t tolerate is the cold. If it is below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, then it won’t survive. More importantly, you don’t want to leave your plant outside during winter. Your plant definitely won’t make it.


Philodendron Eva loves high humidity. If you can keep the level from 60% to 70%, your plant would be just fine. However, the plant can still survive against 40% of humidity level, even a bit lower than that. That’s why the plant is said to be easily grown and cultivate.

If you are clueless about the humidity level at home, you can buy a hygrometer which is inexpensive, and yet, handy enough to inform you the humidity level in each room of your house. Keep in mind that indoor humidity is ALWAYS lower when compared to the outdoor level. If the air at home is too dry, you can do these things:

  • Use a pebble tray. Just make sure that the water doesn’t touch the bottom side of the pot so it won’t cause any root rot
  • Use a humidifier. This will instantly increase the level
  • Mist the plant regularly, such as three times a week.
  • Group some plants together while making sure that each of them has enough space so they won’t be cramped together.

Read also : Philodendron Crassinervium : All You Need To Know

Watering Requirement

Knowing the watering habit can be quite tricky. Although the plant appreciates moist soil, it dislikes too dry or wet condition, up to soggy or flooded condition. But instead of overwatering, you would prefer the underwatering. The plant can’t stand overwatering because it may kill it eventually. It can still tolerate a bit of draught.

When you have watered thoroughly, observe the plant. The excess water should escape the drainage holes. After several days, touch the top soil. If it feels moist, then you don’t need to water at all. But if it feels dry, then insert your finger up to 2 inches of depth. If it is moist, still, don’t water at all. But if it is dry, then it’s your time to water. Only by doing this, you can make sure that you don’t overwater.

Soil Requirements

Philodendron Eva likes well-draining and moist potting mixture that is also airy and light. Good airflow and drainage is crucial. You want to avoid excessively sandy soil or heavy ones. Dense, heavy, moisture retentive, or compacted soils aren’t good for your plant because it increases waterlogging or overwatering risks.

Make sure that the soil should be rich and organic, and it shouldn’t be too sandy either. Feel free to come up with your own recipe. But if you don’t have time, choose for the commercial Aroid mix. If you want to, you can mix up a part of orchid bark and a part of potting soil. You can replace the orchid bark with coco fiber, peat moss, or coco chips.



It is helpful to promote growth. Eva isn’t too picky about the type of fertilizer, including the liquid one or the slow release type. Organic fertilizer is also okay. The application should be done quite often in summer and spring, when the growing period is the most active. But in winter, you need to reduce the frequency. Only fertilize once in every 2 to 3 months.


Philodendron Eva can be propagated with various ways. You should make a stem cutting first, and then you can choose the medium to grow it, whether to do it in sphagnum moss, soil, or water. all of them are effective medium, but each has different paces on their own.

When you want to make the stem cutting, you do these:

  • Pick a healthy stem. It should have a node and 2 (or 3) leaves
  • By using sterile and sharp shears, cut each stem, right under the node
  • You have yourself a stem cutting

Water Propagation

  • Put the stem in a (glass) container that has been filled with water. Remove the lower leaves and submerge the nodes. Just leave the upper leaves.
  • Place that container in a place where it gets bright but indirect light.
  • Make sure to change the water once in 2 weeks. When you see that it becomes cloudy, change it.
  • You should see the roots coming out in 3 weeks to 4 weeks.
  • When the roots already 2 inches (or slightly longer), transfer the cutting to soil.

Soil Propagation

  • The process is similar to water propagation, but you plant the cutting to soil directly.
  • Prepare a container. Fill it up with potting mix. Choose the well-draining one
  • Dip the cutting end to rooting hormone or apply the hormone to the end. Do whichever method works for you
  • Place the cutting within the soil. The nodes should be buried under. If there is any lower leaf ending up in soil, remove it.
  • Water the soil. Check its condition. It should be moist. Place it in spot where it gets bright and indirect light.
  • You should see roots in around 4 weeks. Let it establish and adjust itself to the new condition.

Sphagnum Moss Propagation

  • The method is similar to soil propagation, but in easier and simpler method.
  • Grab the sphagnum moss – around a handful of it. Make sure that the cutting has the entire bed which can be used to rest on
  • Pick any container you want, but make sure that it isn’t only flat and wider, but also has 4 inches of height. Don’t choose thin and tall containers. It’s better to go with glass container, so you can monitor and observe the progress
  • Spray the sphagnum moss to moisten it. Then put it within the container.
  • Place your cutting within the moss. You want the nodes and stems to make contact with sphagnum moss most of the time.
  • Cover the container. It would keep the humidity in
  • Whenever needed, spray the moss so it stays moist
  • Place the container in a place where it gets bright but indirect light
  • Don’t forget to open the lid once in a while so fresh in can enter
  • In around 3 weeks, you should be able to see roots coming out from the cuttings.
  • You can now remove it and plant it in the soil.

Read also : Philodendron Burle Marx : Care Guide And How To Solve Its Issues


Although Philodendron Eva is a fast grower, there is no need to re-pot it often or immediately. It usually takes around 2 years (3 years, max) to do the repotting. Another way to check whether your plant needs repotting or not is to check the underside. If you can see roots showing up from the drainage holes, then you want to re-pot it.

Do the repotting in spring or summer. It will give your plant enough time to adjust itself to new environment and encourage better growth. Choose a new pot that is 2 diameters bigger than the current one, so your plant will have enough space to grow.


Pests aren’t commonly an issue with healthy Eva, but there is always a possibility of infestation. Common pests include spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. The problem is that they are tiny and they can be hard to see. If you see brown or yellow spots, which develop into holes, check the underside of the leaves. If you find webs, then you have pests infestation.



Philodendron Eva vs Mia

In terms of appearance, Philodendron Eva and Mia may look similar. They have similar looking shape with also similar shade of green. But if you take a closer look, you can see the difference. Philodendron Mia actually looks super similar to Birkin, but the leaves are completely green without the veins. In the meanwhile, Eva has a bit lighter color and bigger leaves.

Philodendron Eva vs Lemon Lime

Philodendron Lemon Lime is often mistaken with Eva because both of them have similar bright light green leaves and pointed leaf shape. Because of the bright color, Eva is easy to see – and that’s exactly what Lemon Lime looks like.

However, Lemon Lime has heart shaped leaves, while Eva doesn’t. And the leaves on Eva are bigger. Moreover, Lemon Lime has brighter color when compared to Eva with its deeper and darker shade of green. Both of them are beautiful, but now you get to see the basic difference.

Is Eva a climber?

Yes, it is. If you can provide a moss pole or a support, you will see that it will grow bigger and actually better. The pole would acts as its support system, encouraging it to climb.

Is Eva dangerous for your pets?

Yes, the plant is toxic because it contains calcium oxalate crystals. These can cause inflammation and irritation when touched or when ingested. If ingested, it can lead to digestion issue, whose symptoms may include vomiting, upset stomach, mouth swelling, and others.

What is the most common issue for Eva?

Overwatering and waterlogged. Many people don’t realize that they may overwater their plant, leading to waterlogged and root rot. Check for signs of issues, such as yellowing, browning, or wilting.

How to deal with pests?

If the infestation rate isn’t expansive, you can remove them one by one. Wiping the leaves and stems can help remove those pesky pests. But if it has become an infestation, you may want to use neem oil or insecticidal soap. Spray your plant with them and see the condition improves.

How big can the plant grow?

In general, Philodendron Eva can be up to 2 or 3 feet tall, and between 2 and 3 feet width. However, the width and height depends on the way you trim and prune the plant.


Eva is unique and beautiful plant, and it’s basically easy to grow, especially for beginners. Make sure that you meet the plant basic requirements, and your Philodendron Eva would be stunning and impressive.

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