Philodendron Furcatum : A Quick Guidance To Learn

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Philodendron Furcatum is classified as an evergreen houseplant growing just near the streams and rivers. The main characteristics of this philodendron include the large and triangular shaped leaves. The leaves are in dark-green and have marked ridges.

This type of philodendron will perfect to be placed in guest room, kitchen, park and patio. This is aimed to add easy beautification in your home garden. Due to its high-maintenance requirements, you cannot think of taking care of the plant like you do to other philodendron types.

Therefore, this guidance is much more important to notice so you can treat your Philodendron Furcatum well without any hassle. Definitely, we include all about how to take care of the plants, from choosing the most suitable soil to providing the water, light and humidity requirements.

Now let’s read the complete guidance in the following section:


Scientific Name : Philodendron furcatum
Growth : Up to 9.8 feet tall
Watering : Regular
Soil : Organic Rich soil
Lighting : Partial sunlight
Temperature : 12 – 30 Degrees Celsius
Humidity : 70% – 80%
Fertilizer : Liquid fertilizer
Propagation : Seeds and Stem Cutting
Dormancy : Winter

About Philodendron Furcatum

The plant is originating to Ecuador, Columbia and South America. In general, this kind of plant has triangular-shaped and leaves which are dark and green. The leaves’ dispositions, sections and blades are also visible because of the ridges present. Amazingly, these leaves generally grow up to 30 cm in length.

Philodendron furcatum is categorized as gigantic plant. It can grow healthily from 6.5 up to 9.8 feet tall. Believe it or not, the foliage can reach space up to 3 feet in width.


Water Requirement

In fact, philodendron Furcatum loves water very much. It will grow well if planted close to flowing streams in the natural habitat. It is even humid all the time. Hence, you should give it water every second to three times day in the growing period. Consistent watering is necessary to keep the soil humid and hydrated. However, you can lessen the watering frequency in the winter since the plant will slowly dry due to the cold season. Thus, in the colder months, you can just water the plant once a week.

Further, it is recommended that you use warm water for watering the plants. This is due to the fact that unfriendly water will cause the yellowing color on the plant’s leaves and other issues disturbing the plant’s grow.  

Soil Requirements

Philodendron Furcatum is susceptible to to getting root rot because of overwatering. Therefore, it is good to use a soil that drains well for the plantation. In this way, such soil will help drain the excess water. In other words, don’t let the water remain between the air spaces. This will also create a good air movement between the roots.

Soil which is rich in organic is perfect for philodendron furcatum. To provide a good soil mixture, you can prepare of bagging soil, compost and perlite to promote a good growth. Adding a little fertilizer is also good to increase the bagging mixture drainage. Other good addition is soiless medium like the 100% sphagnum fertilizer. This also encourages the plant for more growth.

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Light Requirement

Like many other philodendron types, this Philodendron Furcatum needs half-done sunlight for healthy growth especially if you are planting the plant indoors.

The partial sunlight needed by philodendron furcatum is around 2 up to 3 hours derived from the morning sun. For the whole day, the plant will receive the bright and direct sunlight. However, the light requirements depends on where you place the plant. In general, if you want your philodendron furcatum to grow well with the indirect sunlight, place it in your east and near windows facing the north. These spots are considered excellent for the best location for the plant.

A window facing the south will actually receive much direct sunlight for the whole day so you cannot place the plant on its window ledge. However, it would be find to place the philodendron furcatum 6 feet away from the window facing the south. If there is no window in your area, using fluorescent lights will provide the plant with the light needed.

Temperature Requirements

The area temperature for growing philodendron furcatum must be about 12 to 30 degrees Celsius. In the heat wave, the soil will dry very quickly. Therefore, in the hot time, you should water the plants more frequently. Specifically, two or three times watering in the hot sunny day is highly recommended.

Temperature also provides the plants with a good protection from hot and cold in the room. These will lead to a problem of leaves drop.


As we have mentioned, philodendron furcatum is different from other philodendron types. This plant cannot live in common humidity indoor. This plant needs higher humidity up to 85% humidity in its air for living. This is the explanations why it is too hard to grow the plant for novices.

To rise the room moisture for philodendron furcatum, installing humidifier is a good idea to promote its growth in an indoor greenhouse. This help maintain the higher level of humidity in the room. Optionally, moving the plants to a restroom can be very helpful since the bathroom’s humidity ranges from 70% to 80%.


Fertilization is one of the most important factor in contributing to the plant’s growth. Based on the guidance for taking care of Philodendron Furcatum, fertilization can be done twice each month to encourage the plants to grow well.

With no proper fertilization, this type of philodendron will not grow as expected. This way, the plant will not be able to produce leaves normally. Philodendron furcatum fertilization is good to perform especially in the growing season, that is in the spring and summer. This is due to the fact that winter fertilization will causes mineral coating formation on the topsoil.

For philodendron furcatum, the suitable fertilizer is liquid fertilizer. When the plant grows too big due to the fertilization, you can reduce its strength to one-half by reducing it in the water.

Pruning Session

Like many other philodendron, this one also needs to be pruned to control the foliage growth. In this case, the old leaves should be removed to let other leaves grow properly. Truly, pruning create more space for a new growth and improves the plant’s overall appearance.

In pruning the plant, use clean and sterilized tools for to trim the plant. Meanwhile, if you use an unsterilized tool for trimming, infections may occur around the twisting.



There is nothing to do immediately when you notice the root growing out of its pot. Don’t take it that hard. In this way, philodendron furcatum needs repotting only when roots begin to grow out of the pot’s drainage hole. For a good repotting, use a bigger pot for your plant. This will provide a good home for your plant.


In most plantation guidance, propagation will be successful only if you choose the proper stem to propagate. In this way, the best time to propagate philodendron furcatum is the spring. This plant propagation is carried out in two ways. First, use the stem cutting technique and second use the seeds. As the fact that the plant will not flower indoors, stem cutting technique will be more appropriate for the propagation.

Here are the easy steps for philodendron furcatum propagation.

  1. Choose a mature and healthy plant for propagation. If not, the propagation will not produce a new plant.
  2. Cut the stem about 4 to 6 inches in length. To cut well, use shears around the node of a leaf.
  3. The cuttings of stem must left a leaf on their end. So put them into the rooting hormone. Optionally, some hormone is good to spray on the plant’s base.
  4. Plant the cut stems into another pot filled with the peat moss or potting soil. Then, place the pot in a good area.
  5. Cover the pot using soft bags and hit some holes in them for a fine sufficient airflow.
  6. Notice the cutting stem until it form new roots. Then, relocate them to pots along with the potting soil that drains well.

Philodendron Furcatum Toxicity

Philodendron Furcatum is toxic. It is not friendly to pet because of its poisonous leaves and foliage parts. The plant’s leaves are also toxic for humans. Therefore, it is best to warn that you keep your kids and pets away from the plant. Otherwise, they will get pain or irritation.

Maintenance or Care

As we have mentioned, this philodendron is a high-maintenance plant. That is due to the high humidity needed by the plant to support its growth. Thus, if you are just a beginner, you are recommended not to cultivate the plant in your home. Just start something with something low-maintenance.

To care for the plant well, water the plant every 2-3 days and fertilize it twice a month in the spring and summer. The partial sunlight is needed along with the high temperature to let the plant grow properly. In addition, if you can keep the humidity above 85%, your plant will also thrive well.

For plantation, you should locate the plant in a well-draining potting mix and repot it whenever needed.

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Just like many other philodendron types, this furcatum goes sleeping in winters to keep itself save from the cold weather. Thus, the growth rate will slow down during the dormancy. Further, the plants will not produce more leaves.

In this regards, you can just the plant to finish its natural inactivity time. When the dormancy ends, you can definitely move the plants to a warm area.

Common Issues and Solutions

There are common issues occur in philodendron furcatum. Mostly, the issues are in the form of bacterial leaf spot and pests. This kind of spot is one common disease of the plant. The colorless and brownish red spots on the leaves indicate the bacterial leaf. That’s generally because of bacteria named Xanthomonas campestris. Don’t forget to always use clean tools in treating the plant to avoid the disease.

In this regards, there isn’t clear treatment to overcome the disease. Just water the plant and cut the leaves which are infected.

Other common issues occur to the plant is the pests. In this way, mealy bugs and spider louses. These pests usually attack the plant’s leaves. Hence, you should free up the plant from the pests immediately.

If the spider mites attack your philodendron furcatum, you will see a white webby material on the leaves. And if the mealy-bugs attack the plant, you will notice a waxy matter on the leaves. Treat these pests attacks can be treated using pesticides. However, it is highly recommended that you use handmade pesticide more than a chemical formula. So you can produce it yourself by mixing rubbing alcohol, water and insecticidal soap.

Philodendron Furcatum Known Varieties

Philodendron Furcatum almost looks identical with philodendron lynnhannoniae. Is this philodendron is the variety of philodendron furcatum? There is no exact source of information about it. The definite information is more about the fact that they are different species if you take a closer look at the petiole.

Lynnhannoniae has a smooth petiole while the furcatum has fuzzy one. Furcatum’s leaves also looks more triangular than the other plant’s.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Why is a leaf of philodendron furcatum curly?

A: Philodendron furcatum leaf is curly because it might be under-watered. To avoid this problem, you can only water the plant once in 2 or 3 days.

Q: Is this philodendron type is similar to philodendron Lynnhannoniae?

A: Both philodendron furcatum and philodendron lynnohannoniae looks much similar but they are different species. Observe the stem texture and leaf shape of the plant.

Q: How do I notice root rot?

A: Philodendron furcatum root rot is usually indicated by the yellowing leaves and decreasing the growth rate as well as mushy root. These are the common symptoms when your plant has root rot. Treat this disease by removing the injured roots and transfer the plants to a new container using fresh bagging soil.

Final Words

All in all, Philodendron Furcatum is just an amazing plant to cultivate as an indoor plants. Though it requires a heavy maintenance and your full care, the plant will serve you the best of its beauty. The developed form of the plant is valuable to all your hassle in taking care of it.

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