Philodendron Genevievianum : Make Your Space Greener

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Rest assured that Philodendron Genevievianum can make your personal living space look fresher and greener, especially if you are into greens and you want to make everything look fresh. The plant may look simple and ordinary, but it has its own charm and appeal that will spark up your surroundings. When you take a closer look, you will see some of its winning features. And the fact that the plant isn’t fussy to grow is also another pleasant factor that makes it favorable. Even if you aren’t a plant enthusiast or a collector, you would want to have this one in your collection.


  • Scientific Name: Philodendron Genevievianum
  • Family: Araceae
  • Genus: Philodendron
  • Origin: Ecuador, South America
  • Soil: Aroid mix
  • Water: Medium

About Philodendron Genevievianum

A lot of people consider Philodendron Genevievianum a naturally beautiful and gorgeous (tropical) plant, gaining popularity within the last few years. Native to South American regions, this plant is a part of Araceae climbing family. The leaves are medium in size and they have pleated appearance. The petioles are short. They feel fuzzy when you touch them. This is one of the nicest part of the plant. This is a plant that is typically grown for decoration and ornamental objects.

What makes this plant stand out among the others is the one-of-a-kind leaf. The color is bright green and it has soft texture. The shape of the leaf itself is long and narrow, making it look elegant and somewhat classy. This is a plant that will never go out of style. If you want something timeless and classic, this one should be in your list.

Genevievianum Philodendron is basically a kind of plant that can grow fast. In active growing period, it can add around 10 centimeters on a weekly basis. But you may want to pay attention to its growth and make sure that it is under control. Because if you don’t, the plant would grow wild. Provide support or pole if you want it to grow bigger and taller.


Lighting Requirement

Sunlight plays a crucial role in the growth and development of Philodendron Genevievianum. Without it, the plant won’t grow fast and healthy. All Philodendrons love bright and plenty of light, but the light should be indirect. The plant can’t take direct sunlight because it would be too much. The heat would burn all parts of the plant, affecting the overall growth.

It would be best if you can place your plant close to the windows, especially the ones that get morning and afternoon sun. Abundant of those lights won’t hurt the plant, but you don’t want to have too much daylight sunlight. It’s also possible to place the plant behind stuff that can filter or obstruct the intensity of the light, such as sheer curtain, blocked shade, or such things alike.

Water Requirement

Philodendron Genevievianum is a plant that loves moist surroundings. As a tropical plant, the plant can withstand dry condition but it appreciates moist condition, if possible. Don’t overwater the plant, though, or it will end up with the waterlogged issue. The plant completely dislikes standing or pooling water, so flooding it with water would be a very bad idea.

Some people may water their plants twice to three times a week, while others may water it once a week. Some even water their plants once every 10 days. It depends on your plant and the environment where the plant grows, really. If you grow the plant outdoor, you may have to water the plant more frequent than the indoor houseplant. It’s mostly because the outdoor setting would cause the water to dry out faster.

Even when you grow the plant indoor, it depends on your plant’s natural condition or characteristics. You need to develop your own watering habit. Only you who knows how long it takes for the soil to dry completely, and such things. When you want to water your Philodendron Genevievianum, make sure that the top soil has dried off completely. When you touch the surface (including inserting your finger up to your first knuckle) and it feels dry, then your time to water it has come. But if it is still moist, then don’t do it.

Soil Requirement

This Genevievianum Philodendron loves well-aerated aroid mix. It loves organic, rich, and airy soil that has good well-draining nature. You can consider buying the standard and common houseplant potting mix and then add it with perlite, coir, charcoal, and coconut husk. Adding worm castings and orchid bark for the organic matter is also a good idea. Combining the standard mix and your own recipe can really help improving the high-quality standard of the soil.

Read also : Philodendron Royal Queen : Dark Elegant Climber

Humidity and Temperature

In general, the plant loves mild to warm temperature. If you are able to provide a temperature range between 20 degrees and 26 degrees Fahrenheit (or around 68 degrees to 78 degrees Fahrenheit), the plant would be more than happy. It can tolerate lower temperature, but only several degrees less. You shouldn’t keep it in an extreme environment. Too cold area will stunt its growth, while too hot temperature may affect the plant.

When it comes to humidity, it loves high level of humidity. In fact, the more humid it is, the happier it would be. In general, a humidity level of at least 60% would be great, but more is better. In general, Philodendron Genevievianum would be able to handle the common humidity level of common household, but it would be even better if you can increase the level to even higher bar.

  • You should be able to group plants together so they can increase the humidity in the room
  • Consider using the pebble tray (and water) but make sure that the water isn’t too much. It shouldn’t touch the underside bottom of the container, so the possibility of root rot would be slim
  • Place the pot in the bathroom. Bathroom is actually an ideal place to grow a philodendron. It has high humidity level. If you can place the pot quite close to the window so it gets the needed sunlight exposure, your plant will get all the crucial elements to ensure proper and well growth.
  • Buy a humidifier. This is a worthy investment that you can try to increase the level faster


Having fertilizer is great to increase the organic level of the soil. There are several fertilizer types to choose for your Philodendron Genevievianum. Go with the slow release type if you want to enjoy three times of application in a year. Pick the organic type if you prefer it, or go with the liquid type if you don’t mind diluting it with water.

Fertilizer should be given at least once a month during the active growth period (which lasts from springs to summers). Some people may fertilize their plants once every two weeks, but if you want the standard one, once a month should be enough. Reduce the frequency during winters. Fertilize only once every two months. Once every three months is also possible.

Don’t over fertilize or you may hurt your plant. Over fertilizing is as bad as overwatering – you may end up hurting your plant instead of helping it to grow well.



Although pruning is rarely needed by Philodendron Genevievianum, it’s advisable that you cut off any sick, affected, and dead leaves, stems, or parts. Remove them immediately or they may affect other parts that can harm the overall entire plant.

Pruning also provides new space for the young leaves. When you remove the old and dead ones, new ones would replace its existence. Pruning can actually make the plant healthier and stronger; resistant to diseases. You are even able to prune the plant before the growing period (which means before summer or even spring).


Philodendron Genevievianum can be easily propagated, even if you are a beginner. As long as you follow the steps carefully, you should be fine.

  • You need to take a healthy stem cutting. Make sure that you pick the healthy one with a node (at least) and several leaves
  • By using sharp and clean cutting tool (don’t forget to sterilize it first), make clean cut
  • Place it in a small pot or container, if you go with the soil propagation. But if you prefer the water propagation, place it in the water. Whatever the medium you choose, make sure to place the cutting in a place that has warm temperature, high humidity level, and also enough sunlight exposure. It should be getting enough light but not the direct type.
  • If you have done the steps right, you should be able to see roots forming from the cutting (no matter whatever medium you pick). This process may take several weeks to complete, so be patient.
  • When roots start appearing, you can remove it from the water to the soil (if you pick the water propagation). If you choose the soil propagation, you can leave it be. Try pulling it. If it feels heavy and you somewhat feels a resistance, then it is a good thing. The roots have grabbed a good firm of the soil.
  • Resume the caring habit and schedule as usual, and see your plant grows and develops.


Pests aren’t a big deal when your Philodendron Genevievianum is in its prime condition. However, if you often leave the leaves soaking wet or if the condition of the plant has been compromised, then it’s like attracting pests and diseases. You want to check the plant regularly, including turning the underside up to see the signs of pests and other insects.

If you find signs of infestation, use insecticidal soap, neem oil spray, and soap and water. You can simply wipe the leaves off to make those pests go away. Spraying the plant with neem oil will also help although it may take quite some times to show satisfying results.

Read also : Philodendron Golden Saw : Astonishing Crocodile Tail-Like Plant


What kind of soil can I use to grow Philodendron Genevievianum?

You want loose and moist soil, which is also organic and rich. It would be ideal if it is an airy (aroid) mix having coir, perlite, coconut husk, charcoal, worm castings, and orchid bark.

What makes Philodendron Genevievianum unique and different?

Pleated texture of the leaves along with the fuzzy petioles. But the entire overall structure of the plant itself is unique and pleasant to look at.

Can Genevievianum only be grown outdoor as garden plant?

This is a very easy and flexible plant. Although it is found outdoor (in its native surroundings), you can also grow one indoor as a houseplant. Provided that you can imitate the conditions of the plant in its natural (and native) surroundings, the plant can grow well and healthy.

Is this plant rare?

Yes, it is considered a rare type of plant because it is difficult to find. Most people who buy the plant stated that they had been waiting long to finally get the plant. They have searched everywhere, and it is pretty difficult to get.

Is it possible that this plant infested by pests?

Pests infestation isn’t common when your plant is healthy and fine. However, pests are one of the most common issues that may affect all kinds of plants; not just limited to philodendrons.

Can Genevievianum climb?

Yes, it can. This is actually a climbing plant that can be ‘trained’ to climb. It means that you should provide a pole or a stick if you want it to climb.

Is this plant pricey?

Yes, mostly because of the rare status. Since it is one of the rare plants whose demand is higher than the supply, it’s not really surprising if the price tag is a higher when compared to the ordinary ones. The fact that the plant is a slow grower also adds up to the expensive tag factor. Don’t be too surprised when you have to spend extra to buy one.

Is the plant toxic?

Yes, it contains an irritant substance that can harm your skin and your digestive track. Don’t place it close to your kids or pets.


Final Verdict

Genevievianum is a beautiful greenery that will improve the overall look and decoration of your house. It’s not entirely fussy, but you do need to make sure that you meet all of its requirements. With only a little effort, you should be able to grow Philodendron Genevievianum quite successfully and well.

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