Philodendron Holtonianum : Caring Guidance

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Philodendron Holtonianum is popularly known as a beautiful and easy-to-maintain houseplant. It is a perfect option for any gardener who wants to add not only beauty but also greenery to home garden. This type of philodendron doesn’t require much care and maintenance. You don’t have to take lots of time to take care of the plant.

On this article, we will share you everything about philodendron holtonianum including the way to take care of it and some additional tips on how to encourage the plant to thrive. So let’s find all the detailed explanation in the following session and find the valuable information in it.


The mature Philodendron holtonianum looks very thin, meaning that the leaf blades look very thin like a leather. This is one of the reason why the plant looks very much distinctive. In general, this type of philodendron is a very beautiful houseplant. In this way, the beauty is visible and popular among the gardeners or philodendron collector.

Where to Buy

There are some places where you can buy philodendron holtonianum. Local nursery or garden center is usually the first option to get the plant. Go visiting the place and find out whether there is a stock already available.

Optionally, you can also look for someone who specializes in philodendron species and see if he has some for sale. You can also browse Houzz or eBay store.

Whichever route you want to go looking for philodendron holtonianum, make sure you are getting the plant form sources that are highly reputable so you can assure the plant’s quality.


Philodendron Holtonianum Features

Philodendron Holtonianum offers a number of features that can tell you the way to provide support for the plant. The features include the drought tolerance, air purification, care, toxicity and the dormancy.

This philodendron is regarded to be drought-tolerant. It can survive for a long period of time even with no water yet it still looks healthy. This plant also removes toxins and pollutants from the air, making the air healthier to breath. Yes, the plant contribute to air purification to environment.

Luckily, this philodendron has a very low maintenance. As we have mentioned earlier, this holtonianum is easy to care for. However, it can be very poisonous if ingested. Thus, if you are about to grow this plant in your home garden, make sure you keep away your kids and pets from the plant. The poisonous part of the plant is the leaves. Touching the leaves will just develop skin irritation.

When it comes to dormancy periods in the winter, philodendron holtonianum will continue growing in the spring. During this periods, the plant doesn’t require much watering. In other words, you can less water the plant in the cold season. Once a week is considered sufficient for water requirement. Optionally, you can check the soil condition first. If the soil is drying out, you can water the plant. On the other hand, if the soil is still moist, you can water plant less frequently.

Philodendron Holtonianum Care

Philodendron Holtonianum care or maintenance usually includes only a little water. As the fact that the plant is very drought tolerant, you don’t have to water it quite often. In fact, overwatering is not good for the plant’s health. Just allow the soil to fully dry before you water the plant again.

Further, this philodendron doesn’t either need lots of light. It also tolerates low light conditions, so that, it would be a perfect option for rooms that don’t receive lots of sunlight.

When it comes to philodendron holtonianum fertilization, less is more. This means the plant doesn’t need lots of nutrients. In this way, you don’t have to provide fertilization frequently. Providing the light once a month should be plenty.

Soil Requirements

Philodendron holtonianum prefers moist and well-drained soil, requiring you not to sit in water since it can cause root rot. The best way to water the plant is watering it thoroughly and let the soil completely dry out before you water the plant again.

Light Requirements

Philodendron holtonianum likes to consume bright and indirect sunlight like many other philodendron types. Though the plant tolerate low lights, it will not be able to produce flower when it consumes only low light. If you want your plant to flower, ensure that it receives sufficient amount of sunlight.

Read also : Philodendron Melinonii : Beautiful Big Leafy Plant

Water Requirements

To provide a good watering, water the plant thoroughly and let the soil to fully dry out before you decide to water the plant again. In this way, watering schedule depends on the environment. In the winter, you are not required to water the plant too frequently due to cold weather. While in the summer, you may need to water the plant more frequently than you do in the winter.


If you are looking for a philodendron type that doesn’t require much fertilization, philodendron holtonianum is the best option to consider cultivating. In this case, monthly fertilization is recommended based on the suggested given.

Do the monthly fertilization during the growing season. You can use the balanced fertilizer and apply it based on the package instruction. It seems that you should refer to the instruction labeled on the fertilizer package.


As the philodendron usually needs humidity 40 to 50%, you will be recommended to use humidifier or use a pebble tray. What happen if the humidity level is above 50%? In this case, the plant will experience some issues dealing with the environment that is too high in humidity.


As one of the beautiful houseplant for home garden, philodendron holtonianum will grow well in environment with 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If your home has too cold temperature, it would be a good idea to move the plant to a warmer place.

Pruning Session

If you have been familiar with philodendron plantation or cultivation, you may have understood when and how to prune the philodendron. Yes, pruning is possible only when needed. This means that you don’t have to prune the plant based on the schedule you make.

For philodendron holtonianum, pruning can be done when you notice any damaged part of the plant or the discoloration to the plant’s leave. So we need to keep the plant under control.



Philodendron holtonianum needs repotting every two years. The process of repotting must ensure the use of a well-draining potting mix. In this way, you can plant the philodendron in a pot that is slightly larger than the one in the current one.

Simple to understand, repotting is necessary when your plant’s root is growing out of its draining holes of the pot.

Here are the step by step guide of repotting Philodendron Holtonianum:

  1. Collect some supplies. In this way, you’ll need a new pot that is about two inches larger or wider than the current one and some fresh potting mix along with some rocks.
  2. Gently, remove your philodendron holtonianum from its current pot. Be careful in performing this step as it can potentially damage the roots.
  3. When the plant is growing out of its pot, start giving your plant a fresh potting mix to cover the roots. However, don’t give too much as the plant will sit in water.
  4. After adding a fresh potting mix, gently remove the plant and place it to the new pot. Once it’s done, add more potting mix around the plant. Gently pat it down.
  5. Finally, you can add some rocks around the plant’s base. This is aimed to help keep the potting mix fixed in its position. Further, you can also prevent it from washing away.

Those are how you will successfully repot philodendron holtonianum.


There are two techniques in propagating philodendron holtonianum. Those are through stem cuttings and dividing the root ball. The stem cutting techniques will involve two steps. First, cut at least one leaf node and put it in moistened potting mix. Second, keep the cutting humid and warm until you notice the new growth on the plant.

Meanwhile, dividing the root ball technique require you to remove the plant from its pot. Then, divide the root ball into smaller sections. Later, replant each of the sections in each pot filled with the moistened potting mix. Last, keep the warmth and humidity for the plants till you notice the plant new growth.

Whichever propagation techniques you are choosing to apply, don’t forget to rely on the plant’s size and health. If you have a large and healthy plant, propagation by dividing the root ball is a good option. Meanwhile, if you have small plant and it is not quite healthy, stem cutting technique will be better.

Quick Tips For Taking Care of Philodendron Holtonianum Indoors

Everyone would lovely be gardening philodendron holtonianum soon when they know the plant is just easy to care for. Truly, it requires only a minimal care.

Here are some quick tips for taking care of philodendron holtonianum happily:

  • Locate the plant in an area with bright and indirect sunlight.
  • Water the plant when the top of the soil is getting dry.
  • Fertilize your plant every month using a balanced houseplant fertilizer by referring to the package instructions.
  • Keep the plant’s leaves clean. Thus, wipe the leaves down using a damp cloth.

Those are just simple care tips to efficiently grow philodendron holtonianum in your home garden. once you are successfully cultivating the plant indoors, you can add not only beauty but also greenery in your homes for many years in the future.

Read also : Philodendron Radiatum : The Unique Split Leaf With No Fussy Care

Common Issues

Philodendron holtonianum, like all plants, is potential to experience some common issues such as the yellowing leaves, wilting and brown spot on its leaves. If you notice one of these issues on your plant, there is nothing to worry about. There are solutions to take into account.

In this regards, pests and diseases are the common issues with this philodendron plant. The common pests are like mealybugs, spider mites and aphids that mostly cause the yellowing leaves, wilting and brown spot on the leaves. The best solution over this issues is using pesticides.

Another issue on the plant is the disease. The common diseases include the root rot ad leaf spot. The best solution over this issue is to use fungicide.


Known Varieties

Holtonianum Trilobe is a variety of philodendron holtinianum. It is characterized by an extensive root system. Its growth and leaf colors are different one to another depending on the soil type, temperature, sunlight availability and other factors.

A few leaves of the plant are frequently trimmed before you choose and ship it away. That is due to the transpiration and travel stress reduction. Truly, if you want to purchase this plant, make sure that you help it through the stress level phase.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is it difficult to find philodendron holtonianum?

A: Yes, it is. Philodendron holtonianum is a rare plant that requires well-draining soil to grow.

Q: How is a mature philodendron holtonianum like?

A: When this tropical philodendron matures, it will have an extensive root system along with free-growing leaves that are up to 18 inches apart.

Q: Can I propagate philodendron holtonnianum juvenile form?

A: It is always possible to propagate the young plant. However, it can be a bit difficult. The best propagation technique for philodendron juvenile is a stem cutting.

Q: Can I grow philodendron holtinanium outdoors?

A: Yes, you can. Growing the plant outdoors is always possible since it is native to tropical rainforest. Just make sure that you provide sufficient amount of bright and indirect sunlight along with the moist soil.

Final Words

All in all, Philodendron Holtonianum is an incredible houseplant for everyone who loves home gardening. It is also a great plant to add a tropic touch and feeling to home. Now if you are about taking care of philodendron holtonianum, consider saving our guidance.

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