Philodendron Jerry Horne : Perfect Indoor Greenery

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Philodendron Jerry Horne has definitely unique appearance that makes it different. As a hybrid variant, this plant should be able to improve the appearance and vibe of your house – whether you place it indoor or outdoor.

For those who have the love for greenery and natural plant, this plant is unique, different, and breathtaking. All plants may look the same in the eyes of the people who don’t have the passion for the greenery, but you know better, right? So, if you are thinking about having one at home, you need to know the basic guidance and care, so you can treat it right and make sure that it will grow into an amazing plant that makes everyone goes ‘wow’.


  • Scientific name: Philodendron “Jerry Horne”
  • Known name: Philodendron Jerry Horne, Philodendron Hybrid Ecuador, Philodendron Ecuadorian Canoe Leaf
  • Family: Araceae
  • Origin: Brazil
  • Care level: Easy, low maintenance
  • Temperature: Warm
  • Humidity: Above 60%
  • Sunlight: Indirect, bright, and plentiful
  • Fertilizer: During active growing period


It is believed that Jerry Horne is the hybrid variant of Philodendron Bipennifolium. Some even say that Jerry Horne is Philodendron Bipennifolium variegated, but this is still debatable. It seems that even the scientific world hasn’t completely agreed on this. Although the origin is pretty unclear, the plant is said being released by Jerry Horne, a nurseryman and collector from Miami. Thus, the name. Unfortunately, the man himself hasn’t described the hybrid as well as naming the plant, so the name persists.


About Philodendron Jerry Horne

When we are talking about Philodendron Jerry Horne, we are talking about a big (and climbing) aroid featuring long and narrow leaves. These leaves have lobes on the backside. These characteristics make this plant super unique – and not to mention visually appealing. The plant is native to Brazilian rainforest. In details, the leaves have multi lobes: long anterior lobe, the wing like (and shorter) middle lobes, and the (elongated) posterior lobes. The entire look and appearance is just charming and unique.

Some people would call it Philodendron Ecuadorian Canoe Leaf because of the lamina. If you take a closer look at it, the shape is pretty similar to the old Ecuadorian canoe. However, others think that it’s more like Philodendron Bipennifolium because of the elongated leaf shape.

As a climbing plant, this Jerry Horne would grow bigger and taller with enough space, and when it has the chance to climb. After all, it is a hemiepiphyte, which means it needs just enough space and also a support pole where it can climb up and grow. It would be a good idea to provide a totem, moss pole, or trellis.

Keep in mind that Philodendron Jerry Horne would change as it gets mature. Don’t freak out if you haven’t seen the lobes at the early stage

  • When it is still a baby, the leaves would be oblong and elliptical without any lobe. It has green petiole and (shiny) green leaves.
  • When it enters the juvenile stage, you should see the shorter and rounder posterior lobes. The middle section lobes would begin to form too.
  • During the sub-adult stage, the leaves would be bigger and the posterior lobes would be longer. Moreover, the wing like middle section would be more apparent and obvious.
  • The mature Jerry Horne has green and glossy leaves that can grow pretty big, up to 2 to 3 feet of length. They have various lobed with elongated shape. The edges are scalloped with thick midrib.

Lighting Requirement

You should provide your Philodendron Jerry Horne plentiful of bright light, but make sure that it is indirect. Enough sunlight is needed to maintain the fresh and beautiful green hue, but it shouldn’t be too much or too intense so you won’t burn the plant. This plant is okay with low light. In fact, it can tolerate it quite well. However, if you see that the growth is somewhat stunted or becomes slow (and the leaves look smaller), it means that your plant wants more light.

However, you also need to be careful about the intensity of the light. If it is too bright or too strong, your plant won’t be able to tolerate it. Even when you are using the artificial light, you also need to be careful about it. Don’t place the artificial light too close to the plant. If you want to place the plant close to the windows (like what people usually do), then pick the windows facing the east or the west. Getting a lot of morning light (or afternoon light) is okay, but try to avoid the one during the day.

Read also : Philodendron Furcatum : A Quick Guidance To Learn

Temperature and Humidity

Philodendron Jerry Horne wants the right temperature. The ideal one would be from 65 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Most household temperature is set between 65 degrees and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant doesn’t like extreme temperature or changes or fluctuations. That’s why you need to keep it away from ACs, fans, radiator, heaters, active furnace, and spots with cold drafts.

The plant prefers at least 60% of humidity. A range from 50% to 80% would be ideal and just perfect. However, it turns out that Jerry Horne can still tolerate humidity level as low as 40% and even a bit lower, provided other requirements are met. Humidity is crucial because drier air would make the leaves have crispy edges and brown leaves. It can make the plant look ugly or unappealing.

If it is possible, maintain at least 40% of humidity level. But if you want to improve the level even more, you can do some of these things:

  • Use a pebble tray, but the water shouldn’t be too much. It shouldn’t touch the bottom side of the plant’s container.
  • Mist the leaves. This way may be temporary, but it can work. Moreover, the misting is better done once in several days, such as 2 to 3 times within a week.
  • Buy a humidifier. It can increase the level quite fast.

Water Requirement

You should water Philodendron Jerry Horne when the top soil has completely dried off. Touch the top soil and then insert your finger. It everything feels dry, then you should water the plant. You don’t want to overwater your Jerry Horne because it may lead to waterlogged issue, which can lead to root rot. After all, the plant doesn’t like standing water or pooling water, so you should consider it.

Make sure that you need to do it in moderation: not too much but not too little either. And you should also develop your own watering habit. Monitor and observe your plant, because each plant is unique. Some people may water their plant once every 10 days, while others may water their plants several days in a week. It depends on your location, really. If you place the plant in quite hot spot, the water would dry out quicker than a milder and cooler spot.


Soil Requirement

Philodendron Jerry Horne likes airy, light, loose, and well-draining soil. Such a combination enables the plant (including the roots) to get the needed water (and also air) while at the same time encouraging quick and effective drainage (for the excess moisture). When the roots are able to get the needed air and water, the plant would be able to grow just well.

You want to avoid heavy soils because it will lead to waterlogged (because it will hold just too much water). However, you should also avoid too loose soil because it won’t be able to hold the needed water. Also avoid the one that will be compacted gradually because it can prevent air and water from reaching into the roots.

The best commercial soil would be the aroid mix. There are probably various kinds of brands or types out there. Just follow the directions and how to use it properly. If you want to come up with your own mix, you can consider this:

  • A part of perlite
  • 2 parts of peat
  • 3 parts of potting soil
  • 4 parts of orchid bark

Some people may even add some charcoal, which is believed to increase drainage and chunkiness.


Stem cutting is one of the most common ways to propagate Philodendron Jerry Horne. The idea is to take a part of the parent plant and then grow that part into a new plant. The process is basically simple, but you need to follow the steps carefully.

  • Pick a stem. This would be your cutting. Go with the healthy one, having several leaves (3 would be enough) and at least one node. Keep in mind that the node is crucial for new (roots) growth. With the node, it would be impossible to propagate the (stem) cutting.
  • Cut the stem just right below the node. The cut should be clean and well.
  • Place the cut in a new container. It should be filled with the right potting mix.
  • You can dip the stem’s cutting end to rooting hormone. It would encourage faster new growth, but this method is completely optional.
  • When you place the cut within a new potting mix, check whether the node has gone under the soil.
  • Water it until it is moist. And then place it in a location where it gets enough light.

Roots should start developing in 3 weeks up to 4 weeks. Try pulling the plant. If you feel a resistance, it means that new roots have grown and they have got good grab on the soil. Continue watering it and placing it in the right place. Within several months, you will have a new plant.

Read also : Philodendron Snowdrift : A Plant With Unique White-ish Appearance


Can I grow the Philodendron Jerry Horne indoor?

Certainly. This is basically a flexible plant where it can be grown outdoor as well as indoor. However, if you live in the area where it can be frosty and chilly, it’s better to keep it indoor as the regular (and standard) household temperature would support the growth. If you are adamant on keeping it outdoor, your plant may not survive the winters.

Is Jerry Horne a climbing plant?

Yes. This Philodendron Jerry Horne is a part of the philodendron family that likes to climb up, especially when you provide a pole or a support.

Is this plant rare?

You can say so. It can be difficult to find one, especially in some regular nurseries or sellers. You may check your local grower or nursery, but there’s a slim chance that you may actually find one there. Consider yourself lucky if you are able to find one.

Where to buy this Jerry Horne?

The common place is the local nursery or online grower. You should check them, especially the reputable ones. They should be able to provide one if they do have the supply.

How much should I spend to get myself a Jerry Horne?

In the average, the price for Jerry Horne Philodendron may be set between $40 and $200, and it’s likely for the small plant. But it’s also possible that you may have to pay for more than $200 for a mature plant.

Should I keep this plant away from kids? Why?

Yes, you should keep it away from your pets and kids because it contains calcium oxalate, which is toxic. It is a type of irritant that can irritate your skin or the digestive tract (when ingested). If you have one at home, make sure that your kids and pets won’t be able to reach it.

Jerry Horne vs Philodendron Mexicanum

Both of them look very much alike because they have long anterior lobes and also elongated leaves. However, Jerry Horne has this odd and wing like (shorter) lobes located on the middle while Philodendron Mexicanum doesn’t. Although Mexicanum has 3 lobes (just like Jerry Horne), it misses the mid section and the wing like lobes.

How big can Jerry Horne grow?

Keep in mind that this plant is quite big and tall. When all the basic requirements are met, the plant can grow pretty fast, reaching 6 feet to 8 feet in height. It’s also possible that it grows taller when you provide enough space. If not, the plant won’t be expansive or grow taller.

Can this plant be used as an air purifier?

Yes. Most philodendrons can purify the air by removing the harmful toxins. If you want to have a fresher and cleaner air, having one at home would be a good idea.


Final Conclusion

Philodendrons aren’t only beautiful, but they can also help you purify the air. Not to mention that each of them has its own unique characteristics and physical markings, ideal to spark up your living space. If you are thinking about having Philodendron Jerry Horne, make sure you understand the basic requirements.

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