Philodendron Orange Marmalade: The Bright and Vibrant Plant

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When we are talking about a unique plant having unique leaves and physical appearance, Philodendron Orange Marmalade would be included in the list. From the look of it, you have to admit that this plant is naturally gorgeous, which is quite reasonable if it becomes quite difficult to find. But if you can have one at home, rest assured that it will immediately affect the atmosphere and look of the house quite immediately.

Although the plant itself isn’t fussy or complicated, it takes some extra efforts to grow it properly and correctly. You need to meet all its basic requirements so the plant would be happy and thrive. Fail to do so, you will end up with sad and not so good plant. But the plant itself won’t give you a hard time, provided all of its basic needs are fulfilled.


  • Scientific name: Philodendron Orange Marmalade
  • Family: Araceae
  • Genus: Philodendron
  • Origin: Tropical area
  • Soil: Aroid mix, loose and airy
  • Water: Medium, only when needed
  • Light: Abundance of bright light
  • Humidity: 60% to 80%
  • Temperature: 65 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit

About Philodendron Orange Marmalade

A lot of people often refer it as Orange Marmalade variegated because of the unique appearance, especially with the bright colors. It is basically a hybrid type with lanceolate leaves. The fact that the plant experiences different hues and shades is another good thing about the plant. When it is still young, the colors would be bright orange color. But as it gets old, the color would be lime green or even mottled lime with speckled patterns and appearance.


Lighting Requirements

Philodendron Orange Marmalade loves tons of bright sunlight which should be indirect type. Philodendrons can tolerate a lot of lights, but it should be indirect one. Otherwise, the sunlight may burn the leaves and other parts of the plants. However, whereas other philodendrons (especially the ones with solid green leaves) can tolerate low light, this Orange Marmalade can’t. It’s because of the different colors of the leaves that make it sensitive to low light exposure.

Because of the vibrant and bright colors, it’s imperative that you keep your Philodendron Orange Marmalade in an area with enough sunlight exposure or a well-lit spot. In short, the light should be dappled or filtered type, set between medium to around bright intensity. If the plant doesn’t get the required light, the light green, lime green, and orange colors would turn green. The leaves would be coming in darker green shade.


You need to remember that Philodendron Orange Marmalade originates from tropical areas. It means that it needs a condition that can imitate the condition of the tropical environment. Your plant prefers warm weather, preferably the one that is consistently warm all the time. Even in cold months, the area shouldn’t experience freezing, frost, chilly, or snowy condition.

The perfect temperature is from around 65 degrees to around 80 degrees Fahrenheit (between 18 degrees and 26 degrees Celsius). Above 80 degrees is still tolerable as long as it doesn’t get extreme; at least not more than 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) and it doesn’t happen in a prolonged condition.

Although the plant may be able to tolerate such a condition, it means that it suffers from faster loss of water. If you can’t provide enough water or moisture, your Orange Marmalade would suffer from dehydration or underwatering issue. On the other hand, the plant may not be the cold-type, but it can handle cold setting quite well. It may still survive well in temperature less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), but the growth would be slowed down. If it happens on a longer term, your plant may suffer from cold stress.

You don’t want this to happen. To prevent it, you need to grow the plant indoor if you live in the area where it gets quite cold. If your area has snow or frost in winter, you won’t be able to have it on your garden.

Read also : Philodendron Eva : Simple-Looking & Easily Grown


Philodendron Orange Marmalade loves moderate (to high) humidity level. The ideal range should be between 50% and 70%. However, less than 40% humidity (and a bit less) is still tolerable as long as you hydrate the plant well.

You need to pay attention to your humidity level and the area where you live. Most household level has the average from 20% to 50%, and the level would drop when winter comes. Winter weather is dry and it will affect the humidity. It may not be an issue if you live in Florida or California or in the area close to the beach, lake, or coastal city. However, if you live in Las Vegas or Utah where the air is drier, then you need to monitor the level closely.

One way is to buy a hygrometer which would inform you the humidity level in your house. And if your house has dry air, you may want to increase its level by doing these things:

  • Buy a humidifier. It would instantly increase the level without fuss
  • Place your plant in the bathroom. Bathroom is the place whose humidity level is generally higher than other rooms.
  • Group other plants together while still paying attention to the proper spacing of each plant.
  • Use a pebble tray, but don’t use too much water so the bottom side of the pot won’t touch the water. in this way, you won’t have to worry about root rot issue.

Water Requirement

Just provide enough moisture so it doesn’t go dehydrated. Only water the soil when the top soil (at least 2 centimeters downward from the top) is dry. You need to observe and monitor your own plant. You should know when it dries off, when it needs more water, and such thing alike. Only you who can understand your own plant’s condition and situation.

That’s why you don’t need to water it too often in winters because the drying up won’t be as fast as the one during summer. Basically, you need to adjust your watering schedule based on your temperature and your environment’s surroundings.

Soil Requirement

Philodendron Orange Marmalade loves soil with good airflow and well-draining nature. It should also be rich and organic. The plant should be able to hold on water just about enough while at the same time being able to release the excess water. In this way, the soil should be able to provide enough moisture while preventing over pooling or water logged problem.

The best potting mix would be the aroid mix because it is designed for Araceae plants family, including Pothos, Anthuriums, Monstera, and Philodendrons. If you want to make your own mix, you can try combining a part of perlite, a part of agricultural charcoal, a part of sphagnum moss, and 3 parts of orchid bark.



It’s a good thing that Philodendron Orange Marmalade has several propagation methods. The most common one would be the stem cutting. It’s considered the easiest and the most common one. Basically, you need to choose a healthy stem, plant that new stem in a new (and fresh) pot, and wait for new roots to form. From that cutting (with new roots), you will have to wait for new leaves, new stems, and new plants to construct and form.

The (root) division is another method you can try. This would be the most ideal option if you want to reduce the size of the parent plant and you want to have a full control of its size (and also growth). This would be ideal when you have to re-pot the plant, but keep in mind that how many divisions you can make from the parent plant.

The division has its biggest perk: You have your own new plant, complete with the leaves, stems, and roots. Whereas in stem cuttings you need to wait for new roots to emerge, it doesn’t have to be the case with root division.


Philodendron Orange Marmalade is toxic. All philodendrons have this certain substance, known as calcium oxalate, which is a type of irritant. When you touch your plant without gloves, it will irritate your hands, causing itch, burning sensation, and redness. If the plant is ingested, it will irritate the digestive tract or lining. It will cause vomiting, upset stomach, and swelling to the mouth and tongue.

Make sure that you keep the plant away from kids and pets. In most cases, people would place the plant in a hanging basket or terrarium. It’s also possible to place the plant in a high area, where kids and pets won’t be able to reach.


When your Philodendron Orange Marmalade is fit and healthy, it won’t be too weak against pests and diseases. However, it doesn’t mean that the plant is 100% immune either. That’s why it’s advisable that you check your plant regularly for insects and bugs. You want to make sure that you don’t find scale, aphids, mealybugs, or spider mites on your plant because they like to suck the plant’s sap. Check the underside of the leaves for thorough examination.

To deal with them, simply use neem oil spray or insecticidal soap (with warm water). You only need to spray the oil or wipe the plant with the soap. Wipe the leaves and don’t leave it soaking wet to prevent bacterial infestation.

Read also : Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole : Growing Guide From The Experts


Philodendron Orange Marmalade vs Philodendron Autumn

They may share several similarities, but the most obvious (and also main) difference of the two is the leaves’ colors. Whereas Autumn Philodendron comes with bronze orange hue with bright red petioles, Orange Marmalade Philodendron comes with pastel-like orange hues and not-so-bright petioles. Moreover, the leaves on Autumn are narrower when compared to Orange Marmalade’s wider leaves.

Is it imperative that you grow Philodendron Orange Marmalade indoor?

It depends on the climate where you live, really. If you live in the tropical areas with tropical climates, then you have the freedom to grow this big leaf plant indoor or outdoor. Most people would prefer the outdoor setting because the effect would be more prominent and dramatic.

However, if you live in the areas where it can be cold, chilly, and frosty, you need to ‘hide’ it indoor. The plant won’t be able to stand the cold weather. But it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to create a stunning and also a dramatic effect for your indoor living space.

Philodendron Orange Marmalade vs Prince Albert Philodendron

They may look the same, but if you have to compare them side by side, it is pretty clear that Orange Marmalade has more elongated and narrower leaves. The leaves on Prince Albert aren’t those long. Moreover, the Orange Marmalade’s center vein has more color. It is more colorful, following the color of the leaves. It can be green, orange, or red, which makes it super unique and catchy.

Philodendron Prince of Orange vs Orange Marmalade

Don’t be fooled by the name. They may be similar, but the physical condition is completely different. The Philodendron Prince of Orange definitely has orange hues for the leaves, in the meanwhile, Philodendron Orange Marmalade still has its green although it’s not completely green. It has greenish-orange speckled leaves that make it unique.

Is Orange Marmalade a climber?

Yes, it is. If you want to, you can provide a pole or a support, so the plant would climb it as it grows bigger and taller. In fact, it will grow taller when a support pole is provided.

Is Philodendron Orange Marmalade rare?

Yes, because of its unique look and appearance. However, some people say that it’s getting ‘easier’ to find the plant, but only if you look it online. To find one at a local nursery or grower may not be as easy as finding one online.

What does it mean when my Orange Marmalade has yellow leaves with scorch marks or brown spots?

It means that your Orange Marmalade gets too much light. Your plant may get the direct sunlight or too much intense light. Your plant suffers from a sunburn.

What is wrong when the plant loses its vibrant colors?
If the color loss is accompanied by less leaves and leggy plant, then it’s likely your plant doesn’t get enough sunlight. The lack of light will also make the plant suffers from stunted growth and it is slowing down.


Final Words

If you want something that is unique and vibrant, and most likely colorful in nature, this plant would be the best pick. You should also pay attention to the proper care so your Philodendron Orange Marmalade would be happy and not suffering.

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