Philodendron Painted Lady : A Gorgeous Rare Plant You Should Have at Home

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This Philodendron Painted Lady gains its reputation for its unique appearance. With the combination of colorful hues and shades, the seemingly simple plant looks absolutely gorgeous and stunning. What makes it special is the vibrant neon yellow splotches, making the plant looks as if it were painted. Let’s not to forget that the beautiful shape of the lead, the (bright) pink petioles, and the gorgeous pink stems are all responsible for making the aroid plant look catchy and visually appealing.

Don’t be discouraged by its appearance. The Painted Lady may be an uncommon (even rare) cultivar, and yet, it is also one of the simplest and easiest houseplant you can grow at home. No need to worry; you aren’t alone. There are methods, information, and tips about how to properly care for the plant. With this guidance, hopefully, you can grow your own Painted Lady successfully.


  • Scientific name: Philodendron Erubescens Painted Lady
  • Popular name: Painted Lady
  • Family: Araceae
  • Subfamily: Aroideae
  • Genus: Philodendron
  • Cultivar: Painted Lady

About Philodendron Painted Lady

This plant is basically a variegated Philodendron who becomes one of the plant collectors favorite. This Philodendron type isn’t discovered; it’s basically created. It’s the hybrid species of two different Philodendron Erubescens: Erubescens Burgundy and Erubescens Emerald Queen.

Unlike other Philodendrons liking and enjoying moist soil, the Painted Lady likes dry soil better. You need to make sure that your plant has dried off completely before you can water it again. Also go with well draining (potting) soil to help with better drainage and air circulation. Moreover, it loves warm temperature and surrounding to grow well.

Philodendron Painted Lady is a climbing plant, literally a tree hugger. Not only it will grow well with the proper support, but the leaves and overall condition will be much better. Feel free to plant it indoor or outdoor. You may have to do extra in terms of feeding and watering, and you will have to spare it extra attention too. But rest assured that you will the worthy reward if your plant can grow well, healthy, and happy.


Soil Requirements

Painted Lady appreciates moist, well-draining, and rich soil mix. Go with the well-draining succulent or cactus mix that is partly sandy. It can help with better drainage as long as you choose lightweight potting medium. If you live in mild climates, you can consider growing the Painted Lady outdoors. If you live in USDA (hardiness) zones 4a-11, grow it in a container on your patio. But if you live in USDA zones 9b-11, you can grow it outdoor, in the yard. 

Even if you live in those areas, but you prefer keeping it indoor, feel free to do it. Use the regular potting mixture (which is especially manufactured for houseplants) and add sand, which will boost drainage. The plant prefers a bit acidic soil, with pH level between 6.1 and 7.3. When compared to neutral level, this one is definitely a bit acidic.


Some Philodendrons like it moist, not wet. Some others prefer it wet and somewhat soggy. The Philodendron Painted Lady, however, like it dry. You need to let it completely dry between the (watering) sessions so it won’t be too much. Although this plant likes regular and frequent watering, it doesn’t really enjoy flooding or wet condition. Standing in the water is a big no-no for it.

Consider about implementing soak and then dry method. It means that you need to water the plant thoroughly (and completely) and let it completely dry before you can water it again. Insert your finger on the topsoil to your first knuckle. If it is still moist, refrain yourself from watering the plant. If it is dry, then it’s time to do it. You can also use the moisture level, which is more accurate to help you determine whether you need to water your plant or not.

Overwatering the plant will only lead to issues. This plant can survive quite well without water; even for weeks. If you have any doubt about whether you should water it or not, you may skip it. Each Painted Lady is different. You should develop your own watering routine and habit, personalized for itself only. In general, you should water it once in 7 to 9 days (during summer months) and once every 2 to 3 weeks (in winter).

Light Requirements

It needs a lot of sun exposure and bright setting, but the indirect type. Philodendron Painted Lady needs around 70% to 85% of the sunlight. It will survive well in indirect and bright sunlight, and even the low light surrounding (such as fluorescent lights). Choose a well-lit room or place with enough sunlight. Here’s an idea: place the plant close to the window and pick a spot where direct sunlight can’t hit it. The plant would be happy in medium light and also partial shade.

If you want to plant Painted Lady in outdoor locations, place your plant so it won’t face direct wind. Use a shade cloth or place the plant under other tall plants so direct sunlight won’t hurt it. Be aware of your plant. If the stems are leggy, then it doesn’t get enough light. If it becomes brown or yellow, then it gets too much light.


This plant is sensitive to overly cold surrounding or too extreme heat. The most ideal temperature range would be between 12 and 26 degrees Celsius or between 55 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It can still tolerate 10 degrees Celsius (or 50 degrees Fahrenheit) temperature, but not below it. If it gets cold or chilly or windy, you may want to take your Philodendron Painted Lady inside. For the indoor setting, make sure that the plant isn’t placed close to air vents, AC, or fans.


As a tropical plant, Philodendron Painted Lady loves moisture. Humidity level between 65% and 80% would be perfect. The plant can actually tolerate common household humidity level. But if you feel the need to, buy a humidifier to increase the humidity level.

You can mist the leaves occasionally. But don’t let the water sit too long on the leaves because it would increase pest infestation and risk for disease. Another option is to soak a soft cloth and use it to wipe the leaves. It would even be a better option for increasing the humidity.

If you are a bit low on the budget, consider placing your plant in the bathroom, close to the window. It is the perfect situation: it gets the humidity needed and also the indirect bright sunlight. Just make sure that it doesn’t face the wind or direct sunlight, and it is away from the kids and pets’ reach.

Read also : Philodendron Gloriosum: The Unique, Rare and Expensive Houseplant to Care


The plant has calcium oxalate, which can be toxic for humans and animals. When you handle the plant without gloves, it may cause skin rash, irritation, redness, and itchiness. If any part of the plant is ingested, it can cause digestion issue, including vomiting, inflammation, and breathing difficulty. Make sure that you always wear gloves when handling it. Place it in a spot where your pets and kids can’t access or touch it.

Fertilizer Requirements

There is no need to use fussy or fancy stuff. Simply use the all purpose foliage type or the water soluble houseplant fertilizer. It’s also possible to use the liquid type to provide the needed nutrients. Apply the fertilizer once in 2 weeks during summers and springs.

What about the newly planted Philodendron Painted Lady? Fertilize it 3 times a year. Make sure to use the slow time release type. And be sure that you do it by doing at least 6 inches away (from the base). Don’t fertilize it too often in winter. Doing it once per month should be enough. Overfeeding would hurt the plant roots and kill them.


Thanks to the plant’s robust and well established root system, you won’t have to re-pot it for at least once in 2 to 3 years. But if your Philodendron Painted Lady has outgrown the pot, it’s imperative that you re-pot right away. Make sure that you go with a bigger container – only about one size bigger. There is no need to go with overly big pot. Continue doing the usual care. You plant only need a little extra space so it won’t be pot-bound. This way, it’s going to be healthy and tall. Don’t forget to consider the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot.



In general, pruning isn’t necessarily needed unless you want to remove any excess growth. Over pruning isn’t advised because it can reduce its overall growth. Only do it when needed, and make sure to use sharp (and sterile) shears. It would be even better if you can sterilize the shears after each cut.


If you want your Philodendron Painted Lady to multiple without you having to spend a fortune, then you should propagate it. Again, always use clean and sharp shears, blades, or scissors when cutting the plans. Sterilize them first.

Water Propagation

  • You want a healthy and mature plant. In the growing season (usually in springs or summers), take stems cuttings. Do it at least 4 inches (maximum, 6 inches) above the plant’s existing leaf joint.
  • Knowing the location of the cut is crucial. Ideal cut should be done around ¼ inches below the node. Remove 2 or 3 lower leaves (from the cutting) so you will have some bare nodes. Let the cuttings dry off. Leave it be for several hours.
  • Place the cutting in a jar of soil, perlite, water, or vermiculite.
  • If you perform water propagation, fill up the jar until there is only an inch of space left at the top side. Leave it be overnight so it can dissipate the chlorine. This action will also make the water sit in room temperature. You don’t want to use too hot or cold water because it can cause a shock for the plant
  • Submerge the (leafless) node within water. Make sure that the upper leaves won’t touch the water
  • Change the water once every 2 to 3 days. Use room temperature water. Place your cutting in filtered and bright sunlight. You can place it behind sheer curtains to diffuse the sunlight
  • When you change the water, rub the roots gently. Simply use the fingers to remove the dirt.
  • In between 10 and 20 days, you should see your cutting start rooting. When they are between 3 and 5 inches, transfer the cutting to soil. You don’t want to keep your cutting in water too long because it will make it difficult to acclimate to the new soil
  • It takes some times for the plant to establish itself. Being patient with this water propagation technique is crucial because it’s always possible that the cuttings don’t show any development for the roots for 2 weeks or so.

Air Layering

  • This is basically the most interesting method to propagate because you are basically propagating the plant before taking any cutting from the (mother) plant.
  • Prepare a (healthy) Painted Lady and sphagnum moss. Pick a healthy stem. Wrap the moss around both the support and the node. Actually, wrapping around the support is basically optional, but it will secure the moss even better.
  • Before starting this process, it would be best to soak the moss (in water) for around an hour. The moisture trapped within the moss will create a humid spot to encourage growth.
  • Feel free to use a regular or common plastic sheet for the wrap. You should end up having a wrapped moss ball.
  • Don’t wrap any leaf. It will only promote rotting. Just keep a tiny opening while wrapping. This is for air circulation. This is considered the safest approach. In the event the propagation fails, you haven’t cut anything, so you basically don’t lose anything
  • Spray that moss ball so it remains moist. If you do it right, you should see roots appearing between 2 and 3 weeks.
  • Open the wrapping. Remove the moss gently. Now you perform stem cuttings by cutting it below the node. Make sure to pick the right spot, so your final cutting has at least 2 leaves.
  • Keep the cutting in a plastic cup, preferably transparent, and then add fresh sphagnum. And continue with the common care and growing method.


Dormancy refers to a resting phase, happening in colder months of winter. Painted Lady also goes through the same stage. In order to conserve water and food, it stops growing automatically during fall and winter. No need to worry about it. Water it less often than the regular, including applying the fertilizer. Let it rest and it should be back to normal again when the spring comes.

Read also : Philodendron Burle Marx : Care Guide And How To Solve Its Issues

Pests and Diseases

Just like other plants, Philodendron Painted Lady may be infested with pests and diseases. This plant is basically easy to care, but you need to make sure that it is perfectly healthy to prevent disease and pests from happening.

Spider mites and mealybugs are the most common enemies of the Painted Lady. Mealybugs would steal the nutrients by sucking the plants’ sap. To treat it, use neem oil. You can also use rubbing alcohol if the bugs aren’t many, removing them manually from the leaves. Spider mites are attracted to moist leaves. That’s why you should keep the leaves and stems dry. Use soap water or insecticide spray to kill the mites. Don’t forget to check the under leaves because they like to hide there.


Is Philodendron Painted Lady rare?

Yes, it’s one of the rarest Philodendron types. The demand for this plant exceeds the supply, making it difficult to find and costly

Where to find Painted Lady?

Because it is a rare plant, it can be difficult to find one, even when you do it online. You can try your local nursery, telling them to notify you when there is one available. If you are lucky, you should be able to find one at Etsy or at a specialized nursery (for aroid) sites. Some people can find Philodendron Painted Lady in the garden centers. It depends on your luck, really.

Is Painted Lady a climber?

Yes. Basically, Philodendrons are climbers because the name means ‘tree hugger’. It likes to climb, especially if you can provide the right support. Try to provide a cane or a pole as your plant grows, and see how it looks.


How much should I pay for Philodendron Painted Lady?

The cutting alone can cost you from $60 to around $80, or around £42 to £56. If you want to buy the mature plant, be ready to spend between $190 and $450, or around £133 to £317.

Is Painted Lady dangerous?

The plant contains calcium oxalate which can cause skin irritation and ingestion issue when ingested. When swallowed, it can cause inflammation, pain, and swelling. When touched without gloves, it can use rash, itch, and redness. Some people say that it causes burning sensation. If you accidentally touch your eyes, it will also hurt your eyes. That’s why this plant should be kept away from children and pets’ reach. Figure out a safe place where you can enjoy its beauty without putting your pets and kids in a harm’s way.

Should I provide support for the Painted Lady?

The Philodendron Painted Lady would grow extremely well when support if given and provided. Use your wits to utilize burlap pole or mossy pots to assist the plant to climb. With the vertical support, your plant should be able to produce big leaves.

What would be the best companions for the Painted Lady?

In terms of plant care, Monsteras and Pothos are quite similar to Philodendrons. All of them are parts of the family of Araceae. They have naturally beautiful colors and leaf shapes that can deliver amazing results when grown (and grouped) together.

Why are my Painted Lady Philodendron leaves going wilting and yellowing?

This kind of issue can be caused by many reasons, such as soggy soil, improper soil drainage, and excessive watering. You need to check and observe your Philodendron Painted Lady when performing your care. Water your plant only when the soil is dry. Your pot should be breathable with drainage holes underneath. Make sure that the soil has good circulation and also good drainage system.

Why do the leaves look pale with brown spots (and also patches)?

It’s likely happening because of direct sun exposure. When the plant is placed directly under the sun, it will be ‘burnt’. Be aware of the signs of yellow and brown patches and spots. If the plant also looks dry and pale, then your plant is being exposed too long under the direct sun. The brown patches are signs that your plant is basically burning. Move it to a cooler, darker, and shadier spot.

What is the proper way to display the Painted Lady?

Although there’s nothing right or wrong about displaying the plant, it would be helpful to know the ‘artistic’ way to manage it. Considering that it’s a pretty flexible plant that can be grown indoor and outdoor, you basically have several options. The plant has attractive light green leaves, which will make them perfect when displayed close to those with darker foliage. What about a green wall? It’s when you grow the Philodendron Painted Lady next to the wall.

Another option is to grow it next to the tree ferns (when grown indoor) or the palms (when grown outdoor). Planting this beauty in a hanging basket will also do. It will create a simple, and yet highly attractive focal point on the upper layer of your house. Sunrooms and balconies can be the perfect spots for this plant.

Should I clean the plant?

The leaves can collect dirt or dust, which may obstruct the plant from breathing and getting enough sunlight. You can clean it with soft and clean cloth by wiping them gently. Other than that, you don’t need to do anything else.

Final Words

The Painted Lady is a beautiful heart-shaped plant that is quite rare. If you are lucky enough to have one, you should be able to do extra efforts to keep it healthy and happy. It would be even better if you can propagate your own Painted Lady, making sure that you have done all the correct ways. It’s a good thing that Philodendron Painted Lady isn’t difficult to care for although you need to be extra cautious about it.

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