Philodendron Prince Of Orange – Guide For A Thriving Plant

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In the world of philodendron, the philodendron prince of orange is a stunning home plant that you can keep as a part of home decoration. It has beautiful orange color which can slowly turn to a darker green when they grow mature. What you will love about this plant is each leaf will mature differently so it gives you wonderful colors.

The plant belongs to the Araceae family, the tropical forest dwellers. However, this plant is a hybrid so you will not find it in a natural environment. And unlike other philodendron varieties, the prince of orange will grow the leaves from the center, not from the stems. It almost grows similarly to philodendron congo except for the 2 feet tall. Besides, it is a clump-forming plant that grows from the ground-hugging rosette.

In addition, the philodendron prince of orange is considered very affordable, making it a trendy indoor plant among plant lovers. It offers excellent value for your home decoration.


  • Botanical Name: Philodendron Erubescens ‘Prince of Orange’
  • Popular Name: Philodendron “Prince of Orange” or Prince of Orange plant
  • Mature size: up to 2 feet 
  • Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial 
  • Sun Exposure: Indirect light, bright
  • Soil Type: Aroid mix
  • Soil pH: 6.0-7.0
  • Toxicity: Pets and humans


The prince of orange loves sunlight, but not direct sunlight. However, too much of it will damage the plant instead. If you put it under too much light exposure, it can turn the leaves yellow. Place it in a filtered light. If you find the stem getting too long with the leaves being apart, it means the plant needs more sunlight. Meanwhile, A lack of sunlight can slow down the growth and reduce the vibrant color.

Try to invest in a light meter to measure the light level. Instead of guessing with the naked eye, the light meter will do a better job. The optimal light level for the prince of orange is 400-foot candles. Meanwhile, the lowest level is 200-foot candles. Under this level, the plant cannot survive.

Water Requirements

People often get the wrong idea in watering the prince of orange. While drying out between the watering is suggested, this plant loves moisture. Just make sure the pot is not soggy.

Speaking of watering, the philodendron prince of orange care is different in a specific environment. In a tropical area, you can grow the plant outdoor and even water it every day. During the fall and winter, you can reduce watering but don’t let the soil goes dry.

The best way to water this plant is to check the top inch of the mixture. If you find it starts drying out, then it is time to water it. Just use around an inch of your index finger to check the soil. After that, begin with soaking the pot evently, because if it is soggy, it can rot the root which will kill the plant. You will need to have so many trials and errors with many leaves beginning to drop as you water it too much or too little. Luckily, the plant is strong so it can recover quickly.

Here is a tip to help you water the plant. You can use tepid water. Coldwater can give the plant a shock.

philodendron prince of orange care


Humidity is something that you need to care more. Try to keep the humidity level at least at 50% or average. Ensure you don’t just guess the level of humidity. Use the humidity gauge around the plant. Besides, you can see some conditions on the plant such as the browning leaves. If this happens, it means the air isn’t at the right humidity level.

Here are some tips you can do. You can set up a room humidifier in a desert-dry room. Besides, misting the plant and wiping it are great ideas to keep it moistened and prevent it from diseases or mold.


Typically, the philodendron likes cool to warm temperatures. It can thrive well with a temperature of 70-80 ℉ or 21-29 ℃. Even though you could go lower than this, the ideal temperature level is warm. If the temperature gets warmer, place the plant in filtered light and make sure it is hydrated sufficiently.

Even though the prince of orange can easily grow in the equatorial zones, you still can keep it when you are living in a colder country. Just make sure the temperature doesn’t fall under 55 °F or 13°C. The plant survives well in a warm room so you need to keep it indoors during the winter.

Additionally, the most important consideration in taking care of this plant is consistency. A sudden temperature fluctuation can damage the prince of orange. You will need to keep the plant away from the cold and hot drafts, openings, and window vents that allow chilly air.


Fertilization only goes well if you use the correct amount. You can use most of the decomposed material such as bark, organic manure, leaf mulch, and peat mix because they are slow-releasing plant food. But if you want to go a little bit extra, do it with precaution. You can do it bi-monthly schedule with the right mix like 10% nitrogen 10% phosphate 10% potash.

Some distinctive fertilizer which is good for the prince of orange is the fish emulsion. You can apply it every two weeks for the best result. Another ingredient to try out is the one with calcium and also magnesium which goes well with philodendrons. A philodendron that is lacking this will grow with more muted colors. In addition, if the leaves start looking too small, there might be a sign that you need to feed the plant more.

Read also : Philodendron Giganteum : The Giant Leaves


The best thing about having this prince of orange is that you don’t have to do pruning to maintain its shape. That means the most appealing from this plant is the vibrant leaves. Therefore, when the leaves begin to turn brown and die, you will need to trim them away.

A useful tip to do is when pruning, try to sterilize the cutting tool with the alcohol. Plants are living things and they can get the disease just like us.


If the plant grows as it should, you don’t need to report it for at least 18 months. Repotting should be done during warm seasons and also you need to pick a new container that is 2-4-inch bigger than the previous one. Or, if you don’t want your prince of an orange getting bigger and bigger, just don’t get another space for it. Instead, trim the roots and the foliage and then replace the soil.

A sign that your plant needs to be repotted is when you find out that the plant is growing slowly and the leaves are not getting as big as they should be even though it has already got adequate light, water, and fertilizer. You need a bigger pot when you have done all of this but the plant is still stunted.


Propagation seems always become a fun thing for plant owners. Maybe they want to give the plant to their loved ones or simply they want to add more collection. And fortunately, propagating this plant is very easy and that is what makes this plant a good gift.

You can do propagation using air roots or aerial roots method. Aerial roots are any root that is exposed to the air. This method is similar to normal propagation except for the roots that have already formed. You take a cutting and then put it in the water/moss/soil/leca for it began to root.

So, can we put the philodendron cutting directly into the soil? Yes, we can, but it is better to start with water or sphagnum moss for a higher success rate. If you prefer to plant it in the soil directly, let the wound from the cutting heal for a few hours. And then, you can place it into the soil. The reason to start with the water first is that it has a lower chance to get attacked by pests as pests usually are attracted to the soil. However, if you use water as the medium, you need some hydroponic fertilizer for nutrients.


Unfortunately, the prince of orange contains calcium oxalate crystals which are very toxic to humans and pets including cats and dogs. When it is ingested, you will show symptoms such as swollen lips and tongue, and stomach irritation with the possibility of vomiting. In rarer cases, the symptoms can be worse than they can make the upper airway swell which makes it hard for the pets to breathe. Besides, it can also irritate so it is recommended to use gloves when handling the plant.

Pests and Diseases

The philodendron prince of orange is a plant that is resistant to diseases, issues, and bugs. Some of the problems that often occur such as root rot which is caused by too much watering or a lack of drainage holes. Another one is fungus gnats that can attack the roots and cause wilting. The spider’s mites are also the most common problem which can damage the philodendron’s leaves, making them appear brown or have yellow patches.

Same problem with powdery mildew that can cause the white patches. It happens because the plant is too moist or you use the humidifier too often. Additionally, the scale insects. It looks like small lumps on the plant branches that comes in gray, brown, green, and black colors. This insect can stunt the growth and cause wilting. Another common problem for the prince of orange is the mealy bugs, brown leaf tip, drooping leaves, and yellow leaves.


variegated philodendron prince of orange

The rarer variety of philodendron prince of orange is the variegated one. The variegated philodendron prince of orange is a slow-growing aroid with the new foliage coming in variegated orange. When you give more filtered morning sun, it will give you a more beautiful orange coloration. The beautiful thing about this plant is the color of the leaves that changes over time, specifically its shades of salmon. The new growth has a bright yellow color which is right at the center of the plant. After that, it gradually changes to copper and then dark green.

Growth Rate

This plant grows pretty quick. A mature prince of orange measures 24-36-inch in height and 36-inch in width. The growing season is at its peak during warm months. You can plant the prince of orange in a pot without worrying about the plant going climbing. The self-heading growth habit of this philodendron makes the stem stay short and the leaves stack up close to one another. The result? It forms a gorgeous rosette formation. However, this plant can take some space, so ensure to keep it out of traffic.


  • Leaves – The philodendron prince of orange has a very unique leaves with a color that changes over time. The new growth starts with a yellowish color, transitioning to a copper tone, then turning to darker shades of green.
  • Flowers – The plant can grow flowers but it is very rare when it is grown indoors with a planter. It specifically grows leaves that form a rosette.
  • Stems – Different from another philodendron, this prince of orange grows from the center instead of the stem.

Soil Requirements

The philodendrons prefer moist soil, especially if you want them to have big leaves. Use the rich, airy potting soil which can drain well. Please note that it needs more stability than the amount of soil substrate. Avoid using clayey and use sand instead. By doing this you will form the inorganic soil base that can make up around 50%. Now, use the remaining 50% for the organic substrate. You can use peat moss, leaf much, coconut husk, organic manure, and so on.

Care tip: Add chunky bits to get better soil aeration. Just get creative. Some of the things you can use are crushed bark, chipped wood waste, walnut shells, and other anything organic around the house. If you cannot find one, just buy a succulent mix and add peat along with organic manure to it. Now you can grow the baby philodendron healthily.

philodendron prince of orange how to


Why Is My Philodendron Prince Of Orange Turns Yellow?

Yellow leaves often become the most stressful things as it is difficult to diagnose. When you see your plant has brown and yellow leaves, then it can be a sign of too much watering which leads to root rot that certainly damages the plant.

In addition, if you see the leaf’s color is yellow entirely with brown spots and dryness, it means you don’t water it much. However, it is also a sign that you’re not giving enough sunlight to the plant.

Why Does My Plants Leaves Edge Turns Brown?

If the edge of the leaves turning yellow, it means the plant doesn’t get enough water. But if you spot the tip of the leaf browning, that means the air is too dry. Know that philodendron is a tropical plant that requires a certain level of humidity. You can make sure the plant stays moistened by misting the plant regularly and giving it enough water. However, make sure you don’t make the pot get soggy.

Is Philodendron Prince of Orange A Rare Plant?

Just like other things in life, the philodendrons prince of orange is classified as rare if certain criteria are met. It is considered rare when criteria like location variegation and scarcity are met.

We know that the philodendrons are tropical forests which means it only leaves in specific regions or sub-regions around the globe. Meanwhile, variegated plants are distinguished by the color of the leaves which makes them rarer. It doesn’t only occur in philodendrons, but in plants in general. And the last is scarcity. With the two criteria before, some varieties are incredibly difficult to find. Even protected and rare in the public market.

What Pest Do I Need To Concern More?

Fortunately, this plant doesn’t have big problems when it comes to pests compared to others. However, it doesn’t mean that the pests won’t attack. Spider mites, aphids, mealybugs, and others can present issues.

You can treat most of the problems with neem oil, insecticidal soap, or even a water bath (occasionally) to keep the plant pest-free. Besides, gently wiping the plant with tissue is another good thing you can do. Dip it with the rubbing alcohol to remove the mealybugs. Alcohol can be a good substitute to chemicals.

How To Rescue Philodendron Prince Of Orange from Root Rot?

Root rot often becomes the most common problem and this can be quite annoying among plant owners, especially for those who are new. Root rot often happens when you water the plant too much, so the water cannot drain properly which makes it sit in the pot longer. Eventually, it grows a fungus which can destroy the roots.

To save the root rot, it all depends on the severity of the rot. To save it, you can cut the rot. Search for any root that is mushy and brown. after cutting the rot parts away, repot the prince of orange in the fresh soil and take care of it like a new plant.

Read also : Philodendron Moonlight – An Ultimate Guide To Care

What Is Erwinia Leaf Spot?

A bacterial infection can attack the leaves with the signs of yellow or tiny brown spots on the leaf. The main culprit of this infection is excessive water. So if you are not careful with it, it will spread disease.

In this case, you need to get rid of the infected area, especially with the root rot. Don’t forget to wash your tool and hands if you grow multiple plants to avoid spreading the disease. Besides, make sure to isolate the infected plant.  

Doing some prevention is always better than treating Erwinia. Therefore, always make sure to drain the water well between watering. A tip you can do is to water the plant first in the morning so it will dry out during the day.

Do I Have To Mist The Philodendron Prince of Orange?

Misting is good as long as you don’t do it much. Here you do mist to prevent the plant from getting dry and keep it moist. Over misting will lead to root rot and also erwinia leaf will start developing.

How Big the Philodendron Prince of Orange Can Become?

In average the prince of the orange plant can be 2-3 feet in both width and height. However, you can keep the plant small if you don’t move the plant to a bigger pot and trim it regularly.

Does The Philodendron Prince of Orange Climb?

There are two types of philodendron which are climbing and non-climbing. The climbing type such as philodendron hederaceum var. oxycardium can be placed on a hanging basket. This type of plant produces rootlets along the length of its stems which helps them climb. Meanwhile, philodendron prince of orange as the non-climbing philodendron grows leaves from the growing tip at the base of the plant. Typically this plant has large leaves and not all of this type are great for the home environment.

What Can I Do To Make Philodendron Prince Of Orange More Orange?

When it comes to the leaf’s color, it always depends on how many lights the plant gets. The more (indirect) sunlight you give to the plant, the more beautiful the color is. So, if you give more filtered light, you will get more orange color on the leaves.  

Does The Philodendron Prince Of Orange Have Flowers?

The prince of orange can also grow a flower but the case is very rare when it is placed indoor in the planter.

Is This Plant Toxic To Cats?

Because the plants contain calcium oxalate crystal, this is toxic to cats. As the cats chew the plant, it will release the chemical that causes irritation around the mouth. When a pet ingests the plant, it will indicate symptoms such as appetite loss, vomiting and excessive drooling.

Can I Propagate This Plant From Seeds?

Of course! However, to obtain the seeds, the plant needs to have flowers which are very rare if you grow them indoors. The best method to propagate the plant is by cutting the stem that has nodes.

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