Philodendron Whipple Way : Rare Plant with Unique Appearance and Straightforward Care

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It’s not exactly easy to find Philodendron Whipple Way because of its status as a rare Philodendron. The plant has interesting physical appearance that will make it an intriguing focal point in your house. However, you should always put this plant away from pets and kids reach because of its toxicity. That’s why it is advisable if you can have it in a hanging basket. If you do want to place it in your patio or on the corner of the room, be sure that your pets and kids won’t be coming near it.


  • Scientific name: Philodendron Whipple Way “Mottled”
  • Popular name: Whipple Way, Philodendron Whipple Way
  • Family: Araceae
  • Genus: Philodendron

About Philodendron Whipple Way

Not only rare and beautiful, but Philodendron Whipple Way is also a natural air purifier. It can clean and clear out the air, making it healthier for you. This plant originates from South America, especially found in Brazil and South America’s tropical areas. The plant is also common in Amazon basin’s rainforests regions. This is a climbing vine, able to grow to 3 feet of height. The leaves are big and have heart shape with pale green colors, and with variegations.

Philodendron Whipple Way variegation pattern is possible when your plant has not only green leaves, but extremely pale one that looks like white! Generally, the variegated leaves would have pale green hues with darker green streaks which would run through the entire leaves. In some cases, there would be mottled or splashes of patterns, making it dramatic and unique.

Why the unique name, after all? Well, Whipple Way is actually a name of a street. The botanist discovering the plant lived in Whipple Way street, and he named the plant that unique name.  Although the plant is now a popular one today, finding one can be a challenge. You need to be patient if you do want to have one. As a houseplant, this plant usually reaches ‘only’ 2 feet of height although it can go up to 3 feet.


Lighting Requirement

Most Philodendrons love bright sunlight, but it should be indirect so the light can’t burn the plant. Philodendron Whipple Way isn’t different. It appreciates bright, partial, and indirect sunlight. It would be best if it can get abundance of filtered lights. That’s why, many growers or homeowners would place the plant close to the windows, right behind the curtain.

Feel free to find the proper spot where it can get partial (to full) shade. As long as it can get indirect sunlight, it would be happy with partial shade all day long. And make sure that the area isn’t windy or drafty. The plant doesn’t like rooms with ACs, close to the vents or the fans, or too much drafts in the room.

Water Requirements

This plant is quite tough against drought, so it tolerates dryness quite well, although not the prolonged ones. This is one of the reasons why you should only water it when the top soil has completely dried off. One way to check is to touch the top soil. Dry enough? Insert your finger (up to your first knuckle). If it feels dry, then you can water it. If it is still moist, you should hold watering it off first. Overwatering is a big no-no for this plant because not only it leads to root rot, but also other problems.

Some people may water their plant once a week. However, you should have your own watering habits or schedules when it comes to YOUR own houseplant. You need to check and monitor it. Observe it: after how many days the soil dries off? How often you should do it within a week? How the soil condition would be? And such things should be a part of your own unique watering regime.

Soil Requirements

The plant loves rich, moist, and well-draining soil. It appreciates soil packed with important nutrients and organic matters, enabling the plant to grow well and thrive successfully in its environment. Since Philodendron Whipple Way doesn’t like standing water and overwatering, you want to make sure that the soil you choose provides good airflow, good absorbance, and good drainage. Feel free to come up with your own formula for the soil, but be sure that it can drain the excess water effectively.

If you are able to combine good watering habit and also good soil mix, your plant should grow well. You won’t have to worry about flooding or standing water. You won’t have to worry about root rot either.

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Good soil mixture also needs good potting, or good container. It doesn’t matter whether you choose plastic container or terracotta or clay. As long as the pot has drainage holes, the pot should be fine. But the hole should be more than one, so consider making more holes if you only find one.

Some people may even add holes on the side. It promotes better airflow and also drainage. Some, even turn to a costlier transparent plastic container. It may cost you extra but it helps you to check the roots condition, without actually having to disturb the plant itself. If you have the budget and you don’t mind the pot, consider the transparent (plastic) pot.


It’s common to re-pot the Whipple Way every 2 to 3 years. Choose a bigger pot than the current one, but make sure that it isn’t excessively big. There are some common signs that your plant needs repotting, including:

  • Roots coming out of the drainage holes
  • The plant grows out of the pot
  • The top side looks heavy and it falls over

When you want to re-pot, do these steps:

  • Prepare well-draining and moist soil, along with proper pot having drainage holes
  • The pot should be at least 1.5 inch bigger. Usually, 2 inches would be the ideal bigger size than your current container
  • Remove the plant gently. You want to dig deep and then scoop the roots carefully. Clean it from any excess soil so it would be clean when you transplant it to the new pot
  • When you have placed the plant in a new container, fill it and cover the roots with soil. You want to make the soil firm around the plant’s base.

Water it thoroughly. Find a perfect spot where it can get bright and indirect light. Give it some time to acclimate (get adjusted to) the new condition, so don’t fertilize or prune it just yet.

Temperature and Humidity

The ideal temperature for Philodendron Whipple Way is between 55 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Although this plant is okay with cooler temperature, it should be temporary and brief; not prolonged and continuous. Freezing temperature isn’t advisable so make sure that you keep the plant indoor. The indoor temperature is considered ideal for this plant.

The preferred humidity level is at least 60%. If it is more than that, it is even better. In general, the plant can tolerate the common housing humidity level, but if you want to increase it, it’s always possible to do these things:

  • Mist your plant, especially the leaves. It can increase the humidity level, but you shouldn’t do it too often. Once a week should be enough
  • Place a pebbled container. Prepare a container with pebbles on the bottom. Place your pot on top of those pebbles. Fill the container with water, but don’t let the water touches the bottom side of the pot. This method can increase the humidity level quite effectively, but again, DON’T let the water touch the bottom side of the pot. If you see the water being reduced, add a little more.
  • Group your plant together with others, but make sure that you don’t place them too close to each other. Make sure that each of the plant has enough space so they won’t be competing against each other to get sunlight and air.
  • You can also use the humidifier. This is also good to increase the humidity level.


In general, pruning won’t hurt your plant. On the contrary, it would encourage new growth and better condition. Make sure to do it in springs so your plant has the time to grow healthier and better. Remove any dying stems or dead leaves. If you spot any signs of damaged or sick leaves (or even stems), you need to remove them right away so the issue won’t spread to other parts.


All plants basically love getting extra food, especially the nutritious ones. If you want to fertilize your plant, choose the slow release type or go with the liquid type. This type of fertilizer is typically perfect for houseplants. In general, you should fertilize around 3 times a year, but some people may develop their own fertilizing habit. It’s important to fertilize during active growing period, but you should fertilize less during winter.

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Stem cuttings is the most common way to propagate Philodendron Whipple Way. Prepare clean and sharp scissors or shears. Sterilize them before each application.

  • Choose a healthy stem. When you want to make a cut, it should be several inches below leaf node.
  • Get rid of the lower leaves (from the stem). You can dip the cutting end in root hormone, but it is completely optional.
  • Plant the stem in rich, organic, and well-draining soil. Just like repotting, make sure that you firm down the soil around the base before you water it. Don’t fertilize just yet for around 6 weeks. You should see roots coming out in a month or so.


Philodendron Whipple Way is a toxic plant for animals and humans. It has a kind of sap that contains calcium oxalate, which is highly irritant for the skin and other tissues. If you handle the plant without using gloves, you may suffer from itchiness, redness, and burning sensation. If it is ingested, it can cause upset stomach and digestion issue. Swelling on the mouth and tongue is common, including vomiting and others. Get medical assistance when you or your pets experience the symptoms.



Is Philodendron Whipple Way rare?

Yes, it is one of the rarest types of Philodendron because of the unique characteristics and nature.

Does it mean that Whipple Way is pricey?

Yes, it does. Because the plant is rare, it isn’t easy to find, including in nurseries or stores, including the online stores.

Is Whipple Way a climber?

Yes, just like other Philodendrons, Whipple Way likes to climb, especially if you can provide a support or a pole. When it starts to grow, it would climb up.

What is the scientific name for Whipple Way?

The ‘official’ or scientific name for Whipple Way is Philodendron Whipple Way “Mottled”.

Philodendron Whipple Way vs Snowdrift

A lot of people tend to mistake both plants because they have similar pale leaves. However, they are completely different. Philodendron Whipple Way often comes with mottled or sprinkles of colors, while Snofdrift doesn’t. Moreover, the edges of the Snowdrift are wavy with a slight furling shape. The Whipple Way aren’t; the leaves tend to be straight on the edges.

How big can the Whipple Way grow when it is mature?

With proper growing methods and the right care, the plant can reach around 3 feet in height, and it’s the height for indoor setting. Naturally, it can be bigger and taller in the wild.

Is Whipple Way beneficial for the house?

Yes, the plant functions as an air purifier. It cleans the air and purifies it. It also helps collect the dust and dirt, and small tiny particles. The air in your house would be cleaner and fresher once you have this one around.

Does Whipple Way grow fast?

No, unfortunately not. This is a slow growing type that can take quite a while to grow. However, once it grows and mature, the result would be worth the wait.

Final Words

Whipple Way may be a unique and rare plant. If you follow the proper caring and growing guides, you shouldn’t encounter any issue. Your biggest challenge now is to find available Philodendron Whipple Way without spending a fortune, so good luck!

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