Philodendron Fibrosum : Unique Plant that Catches Everyone’s Attention

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Philodendron Fibrosum has unique appearance which would definitely attract everyone’s attention. Even when you place it on the corner of the room or in the garden, under the canopy of other taller plants and trees, it will still grab attention. The striking appearance with big (and wide) leaves and also fuzzy hairy stems is a steal! If you want something that can deliver impressive vibe while keeping it simple, then you have found the right plant. 


  • Scientific name: Philodendron Fibrosum
  • Family: Araceae
  • Genus: Philodendron
  • Native habitat: Ecuador, Colombia
  • Plant type: Foliage plant, collector plant, climbing plant
  • Size: Medium

About Philodendron Fibrosum

Philodendron Fibrosum has unique appearance; even more unique when you touch it and feel the plant’s texture. In 2010, the plant was identified officially, claimed to be a native green of Ecuador and Colombia that can be found in high altitudes.

Aside from the heart shaped leaves, the stem is extremely hairy. This is believed to be its unique way to get moisture from the surrounding environment. The colors of the leaves are bright green, with velvet feel and a little textured appearance. The plant is medium in size. From the top leaf to the soil, it can reach 30 centimeters in height, while the diameter of the pot is around 9 centimeters. When mature, Fibrosum can go up to 1.8 meters to 2.4 meters in the total length. 

If you have to describe the entire shape of the leaves and the structure of the plant, you can see that the heart shaped leaves (with its dark green hues) are quite large and almost an oval shape. The petioles are scaly or hairy. This rare plant has this strong tropical appearance that exudes such a vibe. Guaranteed that you will have that tropical atmosphere when you have one at home.

This terrestrial growing or short climbing plant is also rare. It’s not easy to find as not all nurseries would provide one. Not only it is easy to care, even for beginner growers, but the plant can also help purify the air. It cleans up the air and filters it out from dirt and dust. You should immediately feel that the air quality is improving since its existence.

The History and Journey

Philodendron Fibrosum has gained its own positive reputation as a houseplant, and this reputation has been known in the global scale. The 19th century was the time when the plant’s discovery made a huge hit. At that time, the plant was excessively blooming and could be found on the northern area of Europe. They have gained popularity since then because of the efficient growth and beautiful big leaves.

What makes it ideal and likable is its versatility. Although it is popular as a houseplant, you can actually grow it outdoor too. In the modern century, the plant was discovered to be native to areas like Ecuador and Colombia, especially at high altitudes. And now, the plant has quite high price tag, not only because of its difficulty to find, but also because of its many varieties. When young, the leaves would have smooth and silky texture with darker color. After it grows to a mature plant, the leaves would change – both in texture and also color.

Soil Requirement

Soil is one contributing factor that can determine whether a plant can grow successfully or a failure. The right type of soil is the key, and not all plants need the same uniformed kind of soil. For Philodendron Fibrosum, the soil should be loose and porous, having good drainage system while still being able to absorb the water and important nutrients. Some people would use the chunky mixture, mainly consisting of orchid bark, perlite, and compost. You are free to have your own mixture or formula when it comes to the right soil for your plant.

Moreover, this plant loves a rather acidic soil. The ideal pH level would be between 6 and 7. It would also help if the soil is organic and rich. If you are able to combine effective drainage system with a well-cared soil, the plant would be assisted when absorbing the needed moisture. If there are other nutrients, vitamins, or minerals, the plant can get it too with the right support of medium.

Read also : Philodendron Ginny aka Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

Water Requirements

Philodendron Fibrosum doesn’t need too much water. In fact, overwatering would be bad for the plant. However, you don’t want to under water it either because it would put your plant in a ‘thirsty’ state. And not getting enough moisture isn’t good for it either.

Only water the plant when the top soil (which is a centimeter to 2 centimeters) is dry. Touch the surface. And then insert your finger to 2 centimeters of depth. If it feels moist, then don’t water it. If it feels dry, then you should water it. Some people have developed a more detailed information. If you have a 5 inch pot, you can water it with 0.8 cups measurement once in 12 days. However, you shouldn’t take it to the letter, especially if you have a different pot size.

It’s recommended that you know your own plant’s habits and likes. You can always check and observe your plant before coming up with your own watering schedule or habit. Some people may have to water their Fibrosum twice a week, while others only do it once a week. Every plant has its own habit and like, so make sure you understand yours.

Lighting Requirement

Most Philodendrons love bright but indirect sunlight because they can’t stand direct light which can burn and damage them. However, the Fibrosum is quite unique because its sunlight requirements would be different, depending on its growing stages.

When it is still young, the plant can tolerate low to moderate light. But when it has become a mature plant, it needs brighter light. But still, it needs indirect sunlight. A lot of people would place the plant close to the east-facing windows so the plant can get abundant of morning light or the south-facing window to get the afternoon light. It’s always best to avoid the day sunlight whose intensity is the strongest and hottest.

Temperature and Humidity

Philodendron Fibrosum loves warm temperature. The ideal setting would be 64 degrees to 77 degrees Fahrenheit, or between 18 degrees and 25 degrees Celsius. It doesn’t really like excessively hot or cold temperature.

It also loves high humidity, above 70% for maximum growth. The ideal one would be above 60%. If it’s not high enough in your house, consider buying a humidifier. Misting the leaves can also be an option although it is temporary.



To make sure that your Philodendron Fibrosum grows healthy and well, don’t underestimate the extra nutrients requirements. Not only should the soil mixture be rich and organic, but adding up ‘extra nutritious foods’ will also help with the better growth. After all, you don’t want your plant to suffer from growth related issues, do you?

You can apply the fertilizer during the active growing period, along with one of the watering schedules. During winter periods, however, do it less often. In most cases, people only fertilize the plant once in 2 or even 3 months.


Fibrosum Philodendron can be grown and ‘divided’ through stem cutting, which is considered one of the simplest and easiest ways to grow the plant to a healthy full size type. If you see the stem, you should see that it has nodes and those nodes are regularly spaced. Those nodes would be the spot where new growth and leaves show up.

So, if you want to make a stem cutting, you need to make a cut below every node. You can then plant every cutting within a different pot that is filled with good potting mixture. For the stem cutting, you may want to go with small size or medium containers. Fibrosum likes somewhat cramped and small areas to help grow the roots. Of course, when it needs repotting, it needs bigger container. But for a start, starting small and cramped would be completely okay.

After you place the cutting in the pot and cover it with soil, make sure that you water it thoroughly. Place it in indirect (but bright) light. Don’t forget to pay attention to the idea temperature and humidity. Wait for 4 to 5 weeks. If you do it right, you will see new roots coming out. This is when you want to re-pot the plant. If you are thinking about having Philodendron Fibrosum outdoor, this is the time when you need to remove it to the garden.

From this point, your plant needs the regular watering, feeding, and other basic care as previously described and mentioned. Caring for the plant isn’t difficult, but you need to make sure that all the basic requirements have been met. Do this until your plant is mature and growing big.


Pruning is necessary when you find sick or damaged parts. For instance, if you find leggy stem, then you can cut that part so the new growth would be better and healthier. Yellowing leaves should also be trimmed or removed to encourage new growth. Always use clean, sharp, and sterile scissors or shears. Sterilize them before each application so there won’t be any spread of disease by bacteria or pests.

Read also : Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole : Growing Guide From The Experts


Is Philodendron Fibrosum a rare plant?

Yes, it is. It’s not very easy to find one, especially if you are looking at the local growers or nurseries. Most people would try their luck online, but not many of them would provide one. There are only several (online) sellers that provide the Fibrosum, and it’s not always guaranteed to be available.

How much does the plant cost?

The price range for the plant varies, depending on the size and also the location where you purchase it. In general, it may cost you $50 to $250. Smaller plants, naturally, will cost you less than a mature and more established plant.

Philodendron Serpens vs Fibrosum

Both plants may have fuzzy petioles, but the leaf shape and the entire appearance is different, so it would be quite easy to spot the differences. While Philodendron Fibrosum has broad oval (almost round) heart shaped leaves with dark green hues, the Serpens have the shape of more like an arrowhead (or known as sagittate).

The Fibrosum has closed (posterior) lobe sinus with more basal veins, but fewer lateral veins. The Serpens, on the other hand, doesn’t have closed sinus. The basal veins are less, but the lateral veins are more. The primary veins (or the midrib) aren’t pale.

Philodendron Fibrosum vs Verrucosum

Both plants share similar features and traits, such as having oval, big, and broad leaves with heart shape nature. They also have hairy petioles, with similar colors and leaf texture. But Philodendron Verrucosum has more prominent growth (it is generally bigger). The petioles are hairy, but not as much as Fibrosum. The (lateral) veins are only 3 to 6 for each side. The veins are also more visible and paler, usually silvery or golden or light green.

Meanwhile, the Fibrosum isn’t as big as the Verrucosum with hairier or fuzzier petioles. The lateral veins are 6 to 8 veins on each side, while the basal veins are 9 to 11. The veins aren’t paler as the ones on Verrucosum.

Is Fibrosum a climber?

It can be. It’s basically versatile, depending on the environment when it grows. It can be a terrestrial plant (growing on land), but it can also be a climber if you provide a post or a pole to support its ‘climbing’ nature.

My Fibrosum is yellowing with crisps signs on the leaves edges. Why is that?

Yellowing may be a sign of overwatering, but if you also see crisps signs on the leaves, it may likely a sunburn. It means that your plant gets too much sunlight or you may expose it to too much heat. You may want to check your watering habit while finding a better position for your plant.

Should I keep the plant away from my pets?

Yes, you should. The plant is toxic. If your pets ingest any part of it, they can become sick. Even when they touch it, the sap can irritate the skin.


Final Words

Fibrosum does have a unique appearance which may ‘trick’ you by thinking that the care would be complicated and difficult. It’s not always the case, especially if you know what to do. Meet your Philodendron Fibrosum basic needs properly, and you will be rewarded with healthy and good looking plant!

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