Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole : Growing Guide From The Experts

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Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole is a unique looking kind of plant that will attract everyone’s attention. Because of the unique physical appearance, the plant is considered rare. Not to mention that it is actually a hybrid, grown through tissue culture. It means that you won’t find the native and original plant in the wild. Finding one through the local nurseries or online growers is always possible, but make sure that you choose the reliable seller to consult your plant.


  • Known name: Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole
  • Origin: Ecuador
  • Temperature: Normal indoor temperature
  • Humidity: Moderate to High
  • Soil: Good potting mixture, compost

About Fuzzy Petiole

There is a reason why Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole gets its name. Yes, you guess it right: The petioles of the plant are covered in fuzzy and thick hair, resulting in the plant getting the unique name. However, the hairy stem is only visible when the plant has reached maturity. When young, the plants may not have developed any hair at all. The leaves are big and ribbed.

What makes the plant special is the unique combination and the striking contrast of colors. The petioles are red and extraordinary. They have hard tubercles, delivering the fuzzy appearance. The leaves themselves are round with leather texture. When young, the leaves have deep pinkish shade. As it goes older, the color would fade and turn to green. The contrast of red petiole and green leaf is simple marvelous without overdoing it. It’s no wonder if the plant is likable and searched by plant collectors.


Soil Requirement

All Philodendrons love moist, organic, and rich soil which easily drains and won’t cause waterlogged. The problem with Philodendrons is that their roots are pretty sensitive. You can’t give them too much or too little water or fertilizer. Everything must be right and precise. This is why the soil plays a crucial role in the success (or failure) of taking care of the plant.

Commonly, the potting soil mixture for houseplant would be enough. However, you are free to choose your own mixture or formula. Some people like to add orchid bark for improved drainage, while others may go with perlite or peat moss. Feel free to have a mix up of the things you know as long as you make sure that the soil can absorb and retain moisture well while promoting good drainage at the same time. It should be a bit loose, not chunky, so any excess water can be discarded right away.

Water Requirement

Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole is just like other Philodendrons; they need just the right amount of water. If it’s too much, then it may cause root rot. But if it is too little, then the plant will continuously be in a ‘thirsty’ stage, which isn’t good for its overall growth. As it was mentioned before, the plant loves moist surroundings. It shouldn’t be soggy. Flooding the plant with water or create a standing water isn’t a good idea either.

Some people may have developed their own watering habit, like watering the plant once a week. However, you should develop your own habit. It’s possible that your plant needs watering twice in a week or three times biweekly. That’s why you should make a careful observation whenever you water the plant. When you water it, the water shouldn’t immediately come out from the drainage holes because it means that the soil can’t absorb and retain the moisture.

Water should escape the drainage holes after some times (from being watered), so it shouldn’t be immediate. You should always check the top soil of the plant before watering the plant again. If the surface is dry, then try inserting your finger to the soil. If it is dry, then water it. If it feels moist, it means that you shouldn’t water it just yet. If you want to avoid overwatering, the top soil should be dry completely.

Keep in mind that you should reduce the watering frequency during winter months. Winter is the dormant period for the plant as it tries to conserve food, water, and energy to go through with the colder months. If you observe the plant, it takes longer time for the soil to stay moist during winter, so you should also follow suit and adjust to the situation.

Lighting Requirement

Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole loves bright sunlight, but it dislikes direct exposure. Philodendrons enjoy indirect sunlight which can help them grow better, stronger, and healthier. Direct sunlight would be too much. It’s too hot and too harsh. The intensity can burn the plant – and parts of them.

Try to find a perfect spot at home where the plant can get a lot of light without it being scorched. Some people may place the plant close to the windows, hidden behind sheer curtains so the intensity won’t be too much. Some place it in the east facing windows, saying that their plants are happy when they get tons of morning lights. You are free to find the perfect spot for your plant as long as you make sure that it doesn’t get direct sunlight.

Read also : Philodendron Whipple Way : Rare Plant with Unique Appearance and Straightforward Care


Fertilizer is like the extra nutritious and healthy food that can help you plant grow better. The combination of water and light can deliver amazing result, but you should also add nutritious food so that your plant has bigger chance to grow strong and healthy. Based on a rule of thumb, you should fertilize about three times within a year.

However, people believe that the active growing period is the best time to fertilize Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole, boosting up its growth and quality. They would fertilize their plants once a month. You can follow the same pattern; just make sure that you pick the right type of fertilizer. If you go with the slow-release type, then apply it three times a year would be enough.

If you choose to fertilize your plant once a month, choose the liquid type. Organic fertilizer is also a good option as it is more natural and it contains less harsh chemicals. Again, it is advisable that you fertilize your plant vigorously during the active growing season, but you should reduce the frequency when it is winter. A lot of people still fertilize their plants during this time, but not as much as the regular one and they do it once every 2 months, or even 3 months.

Be advised that over fertilizing is bad for your plant too. It may cause root burn, which would damage your roots, leading to its death. You can try ‘fixing’ this issue, but it is generally difficult. And since it targets the roots, the symptoms are generally too late so that you can’t really save your plant.


Humidity and Temperature

As a tropical plant, Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole loves mild to warm temperature, ranging between 60 degrees and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If you grow your plant outdoor, bring it inside if the temperature is below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The regular indoor temperature is commonly ideal for growing this plant.

The plant also needs regular humidity level, generally above 60%. In general, household humidity level should be enough. But if you want to increase it, you can always do these following things:

  • Mist your plant. Misting the leaves would increase the humidity level. This can be done once in several days. Twice a week should be enough.
  • Use the humidifier. You can always buy a humidifier that can instantly increase the level within the room.
  • Use the pebble tray. Pebble tray is when you use a tray that is filled up with water and then added some pebbles. Place your pot on top of those pebbles. The water shouldn’t be too much so it won’t touch the bottom side of the pot. It will encourage evaporation, which increases the humidity level without you having to spend a fortune. Just make sure that the water isn’t too much. If it reduces, add some more.
  • Group plants together. Grouping plants together can increase the humidity level as long as you make sure that there is enough space amongst them so they won’t be cramped together.


In general, you need to re-pot the plant once in two years. You especially need to do it right away if you see new roots coming out from the drainage holes. Rootbound is one of the most common issues of caring for the Philodendron because the plant needs enough space to grow. When you re-pot, make sure that the new pot is at least 2 inches bigger than the current one. It allows your plant to expand happily.


In general, you can propagate Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole from stem cutting. As long as you choose a healthy stem with a minimum one node and several leaves, you should be fine. Make sure that you make a clean cut, and then place your stem cutting into water. Place it in a place where it gets enough light indirectly. After 3 to 4 weeks, you should see roots coming out. At this point, you can plant the stem cutting to a new pot with fresh soil mix. And then, you can perform the regular watering habit.


Pests can be annoying but they aren’t the biggest issues for caring the plant. The biggest problem would be noticing the existence of the bugs, such as spider mites or mealybugs. In most cases, you realize that your plant is infested by pests once the damage is already significant because these pests are tiny.

Check the underside of the leaves. They like to hide there, especially spider mites to build their webs. You want to perform a regular checking, making sure that your plant isn’t affected by these pesky pests. If the damage isn’t too extensive, removing them by wiping the leaves with war water and soap would be effective. But you can also use neem oil spray to get rid of them.

Read also : Philodendron Elegans: The Unique Skeleton Leaf Plant


Is Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole a hybrid?

Hybrid means a cross between two species. Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole is grown through tissue culture. Up until today, the species is still unidentified, but it is native to Ecuador.

Is Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole rare?

It is considered rare because it isn’t naturally found in the wild. Since the plant is basically developed via tissue culture, the price tag is quite high when compared to other variants of Philodendrons. Not to mention that there is a pretty high demand for this plant, making it quite difficult to get. When demand is higher than supply, price would naturally go up and it becomes a rare stuff.

Can you grow Fuzzy Petiole outdoor?

Fuzzy Petiole is basically versatile, meaning that you can grow it indoor as well as outdoor. However, you should know that the plant can’t deal with cold temperature, so if you live in the area where it gets cold and chilly, you need to move it inside.

Is Fuzzy Petiole a climber?

Yes, it is a climber. If you are able to provide a support pole, the plant can actually grow taller and bigger.

Is Fuzzy Petiole dangerous?

Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole is toxic because it has the so-called calcium oxalate crystals. When touched, this crystal will cause skin irritation, rash, and itch. When ingested, it would cause inflammation and swelling on the digestion track, including mouth, tongue, and lips. It can also cause vomiting, upset stomach, and more. That’s why it is advisable that you keep it away from pets and kids.

How to deal with the toxicity of the plant?

Make sure to wear gloves when you have to hold or handle your plant. Don’t touch your face when handling the plant. And make sure to wash your hands after you handle the plants.

How big can the plant grow?

It’s a relatively small or medium houseplant that isn’t too big. The height is ‘only’ 30 centimeters. If you want to have one, choose a pot with 16 centimeters of diameter. It fits nicely; not too big and not too small.



The Fuzzy Petiole Philodendron is a unique plant whose caring regime isn’t as complicated as you have thought. If you are able to meet all the basic requirements, your plant should grow quite well. Just make sure that your Philodendron Fuzzy Petiole is healthy, happy, and fresh.

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