Philodendron Lemon Lime : The Bright Leaf Climber

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If you are looking for a Philodendron type as a houseplant, but you want something unique and different in appearance, then you may want to consider Philodendron Lemon Lime. The plant isn’t only beautiful, but it is also easy to grow, especially for beginner growers.

You may find the plant in many places besides the house, including offices, shopping centers, and schools. It’s easy to spot it because it has the brightest color ever! With yellow and green combine, it would be hard to miss.


  • Scientific name: Philodendron Hederaceum Lemon Lime
  • Common or popular name: Philodendron Lemon Lime
  • Family: Araceae
  • Subfamily: Aroideae
  • Genus: Philodendron
  • Species: Hederaceum

About Philodendron Lemon Lime

The reason why the plant is given the name is because of the unique shade of the leaves. With vibrant and bright lemon lime hues (meaning that it has the best combo of green and yellow), this evergreen is definitely a sight for sore eyes. As evergreen, the plant can spark up the vibe and atmosphere in your house the entire year. When grown indoor, the plant will grow up to 24 inches.

At young age, their colors would be neon green and will turn to yellow as it gets older. The plant is considered easy to care and maintain, with pretty straightforward manner. You can even ‘train’ it on a trellis so it would climb. This Philodendron Lemon Lime can help you improve the air quality inside your house because it removes toxins present in the air.

The plant requires a good combination of bright (but indirect) light, good and well-draining potting soil, and the right level of humidity to thrive. Their active growing periods typically last through spring and summer months, generally between April and August.


The Origin

Philodendron Lemon Lime is a native tropical variant in South American rainforests. European explorers discovered the cultivar and then brought it to Europe. Since then, it has been known as a visually pleasing houseplant that isn’t fussy when maintained and cared. Some people try to grow it outdoor, and the result is quite satisfying as long as the growing requirements are met.

Lemon Lime is basically a new cultivar in 2004, where it was discovered and then patented. The Lemon Lime is a mutation variant from Philodendron Hederaceum. After this, reproduction was conducted and the outcome was quite successful.

Don’t be confused if the plant seems to have a lot of names. This plant has different appearance through its various life phases. That’s why those (mostly explorers) who have discovered this plant gave it different name depending on its condition when found.

Similar Plants

If you are into Philodendron Lemon Lime so much, you may be interested in other plants that have similar appearance, such as:

  • Philodendron Painted Lady. This plant have similar color with lemon lime. The difference is that it’s color base is green and it has lemonish spots. That’s why it was called “painted”.
  • Philodendron Prince of Orange. As the name suggests, the leaves are deep brown and orange, turning salmon as it matures. This is another unique plant to consider about.
  • Philodendron Birkin. The combination of dark green and white stripes create magnificent and gorgeous look.

Read also : Philodendron Micans : Unique and No Longer Rare

Watering Requirements

Philodendron Lemon Lime is durable; it can be pretty tough. However, watering regime is crucial. It’s one of the most important factors in successful care and growth. You need to pay a detailed attention to the right method. It should get enough water; not too much and not too little.

When you water the plant, make sure that the topsoil is dry completely. If it is still moist, don’t water it just yet. You should develop your own watering habit by watching closely how your plant responds to the watering schedule. And check for signs of issues, so you can address them at the very early stage, preventing further damage that may make your plant to become sick and die.

Here are some of the most common issues:

  • Wilting leaves that turn to brown or become soft. It means that your plant is underwatered. Increase the watering amount and let your plant go through the recovery period. After the recovery period is over, don’t just flood your plant. You may want to increase the interval – making it more frequent for you to water it.
  • Leaves are turning yellow, losing the greenish hue. This may be a bit hard to notice considering the plant’s natural color. But you should be able to differentiate the yellowish hue of the healthy leaves from the sick ones. The common reason is likely overwatering. You need to reduce the interval of your watering habit.

Light Requirements

Bright and indirect sunlight is the best option for this plant. It imitates their original situation in the rainforest, under the canopy of the woods. In general, Philodendron Lemon Lime is okay with low light, but it affects the growth speed. Brighter spot will improve its growing speed, while darker spot will make it pretty slow when growing.

Philodendrons don’t like direct light because it can burn them. The best spot is the area where you plant can get at least 75% of the sunlight all day – 80% would be the maximum. Windowpane or window sill, or shelves close to the windows, would be just perfect. Some people may put it on the window sill, right behind the sheer curtain. Your plant can get all the light it needs without scorching itself.

Humidity and Temperature

The plant loves humidity. It can survive well in dry conditions. You may want to increase the humidity level in active growing periods so the leaves stay fresh. Avoid placing your plant close to draft or AC where it would be exposed to the wind. If you have a humidifier for plant, it would be helpful. You can also put pebbles under the pot and then add water. Don’t let the water to cover the pebbles – just have enough. This inexpensive method should help increase the (humidity) level.

Some people may even place the plant in their bathroom; in the window sill. It’s the perfect spot where the plant can get the needed humidity and also sunlight. Moreover, Lemon Lime likes warm temperature, usually between 65 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (during the day) and more than 55 degrees Fahrenheit at night. It doesn’t handle cold temperature quite well, especially below 55 degrees.

Soil Requirements

Philodendron Lemon Lime loves loose, well-draining, rich, and moist soil. It’s okay to use the potting mix and peat. Traditional soil mixes are also welcomed. Make sure that the soil is loose enough so that the roots can easily expand. But it shouldn’t be too loose because you want the soil to still be able to absorb the water. Stay away from sandy soil. Although it can drain better, it isn’t loose enough.

Fertilizer Requirement

All plants need extra supplements, and Lemon Lime is no different. You want to provide enough nutrients during the active growing months of spring and summer because it would help the plant to boost the growth. Common fertilizer for houseplants would do, especially the water soluble and liquid type. Make sure to follow the directions closely.

Don’t over fertilize the plant. You want to apply it once a month or at least once every two weeks. During colder months of winter, however, you may apply it once every 6 to 8 weeks, aligning it with the plant’s slower growth. Over fertilizing the plant can lead to root burn, which will hurt the plant.


Most Philodendrons are toxic because they have calcium oxalate crystals, making it toxic for not only humans, but also animals. When ingested, it can cause vomiting, nausea, drooling, gastrointestinal irritation, and more. Even when you touch the plant with bare hands (without using gloves), you can suffer from skin irritation such as rash, itchiness, redness, and others. That’s why it is advisable to use gloves when touching it. And it should be kept away from pets and kids.


Pruning the Philodendron Lemon Lime is needed to remove any dead, discolored, or damaged leaves. Use sharp shears or scissors, and disinfect them before making every cut. It would prevent spreading of disease or bacteria. Never twist or rip the stems or leaves off as it will only leave scars to the plant.

Pruning is helpful when you want to reduce the Lemon Lime’s volume. Simply trim just above the leaf node. It will improve and stimulate new growth, especially if it grows quite slowly. Making small cuts close to the node can also be helpful when your plant doesn’t produce as many leaves as expected.

When pruning, check your plant. If you find a lot of dust (or dirt) accumulation on the leaves, wipe them off. Cleaning the leaves can promote better growth because your Lemon Lime would be able to breathe better and get more light. Cleaning the leaves can also prevent pests and their infestation. Simply use a clean and soft cloth. Moist it and wipe the leaves off.



As long as you know the right propagation techniques to Philodendron Lemon Lime, you should be able to deliver fruitful and satisfying outcome. Whether you choose the water or the potting mix system, be sure that you do it correctly and properly. Just remember that you need stem cuttings to propagate, regardless the method.

Water Propagation

Spring or summer months would be the most ideal time to harvest the stem cuttings of Philodendron Lemon Lime. You can make several if you are thinking about making several results

  • Choose the healthy spot (on the plant). It would be ideal if it is a new growth.
  • Choose a stem with two or three nodes, max. Don’t go more than that.
  • Place that cutting in a (lukewarm) water. Keep the top couple leaves intact and remove the others
  • Replace the water once in several days. Keep it in a place having bright but indirect light.
  • If you have a humidifier, it would be even better. Keep it close to the baby Lemon Lime to boost the growth. Make sure that the temperature is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the minimum level.
  • If you are successful, you should see new roots appearing.

Potting Mix Propagation

This method involves stem tip cuttings as it is the easiest way.

  • Do this process during the active growing season that typically in summer or spring months. And it’s best to go with the new growth that has no defect.
  • Remove any leaf that may be included within the soil
  • Plant the stems carefully and gently. To ensure better outcome, start with a small container, around four inches in size.
  • Make sure that the soil is moist so the high humidity level can be maintained
  • Again, you want to make sure that the plant is placed in a spot where there is nice balance and combination between warm temperature and high humidity level.

Basically, if you follow the proper timeline, you will mostly deal with the stems. This is also the ideal time to plant it in the right potting mix, making sure that the condition is right and proper. Make sure that it is within the right condition. This should be done in month 1 to 3. In the third month to the fourth, you should be able to see new shoots. They start developing, showing signs that the process is successful and ideal.

From the fourth month onward, you can move the newly grown shoots and roots in bigger pots. By providing the right environment and surrounding, you ensure higher growth success. You don’t need to overdo it, but you also need to make sure that you don’t provide less than needed.

Repotting the Lemon Lime

Philodendron Lemon Lime generally requires repotting once the dormant period is over, which means by the end of winter or the beginning of spring. Don’t be overly confused when it is a bit rootbound. After all, the roots will eventually grow to a ball shape. However, you still need to re-pot it when the leaves start growing so you can prevent stunted growth.


Lemon Lime may have slower growth during colder months, especially in fall and winter. It may even go dormant during those months, which means that you should water it less and no fertilizers. If you grow the plant outdoor, it would be a good idea to bring them indoor until this dormancy period passes.

Disease and Pests

Philodendron Lemon Lime is basically a tough plant that isn’t sensitive to diseases or pests, as long as it is healthy. There are some enemies that may threat its existence and well-being. When your plant is stressed out, it is vulnerable to pests attacks, like spider mites or mealybugs. Check your plant regularly. Their common hiding spots are the leaves and stems, especially the underside areas.

These pests would ‘suck out’ of the sap, stealing the crucial nutrients and weakening the plant further. Use insecticidal soap spray or neem oil spray, which can also be good for preventative action. If the infestation isn’t too much, you can remove them manually by spraying on them or wiping them off.

For diseases, the most common issues usually involve fungal disease, bacterial infection, and root rot. All of these issues are generally caused by high moisture level. The water can’t dry fast or there is overwatering issue. With proper air circulation, you can prevent these problems. What’s more important is that you shouldn’t overwater the plant!

Read also : Philodendron Gloriosum: The Unique, Rare and Expensive Houseplant to Care


Is Philodendron Lemon Lime rare?

It used to. In the past, finding one could be difficult. But now, it’s not difficult to find one especially on the internet or your local grower. Check the local store or the online marketplace, like Amazon or Etsy, and you won’t have any problem finding one.

Philodendron Lemon Lime vs Neon Pothos

It’s so easy to mistake Neon Pothos from Philodendron Lemon Lime. Both of them are coming from the same Araceae family, but they aren’t exactly related to one another. Because of the same family, they share several similarities, such as having bright (and almost neon-like) green hues on the leaves and stems.

However, the leaves of Lemon Lime are smooth and narrow, while the Neon Pothos has ribbed texture (from the veins). Lemon Lime has thinner aerial roots with grown sheaths, while Neon Pothos have thicker roots with no sheaths grown.

How big can the Lemon Lime grow?

The leaves themselves can reach about 8 inches in length and an inch in width, while the stems can go up to 24 inches. In an overall quality, the plant can grow up to 24 inches in height (maximum) and up to 12 inches in width.

Moonlight vs Philodendron Lemon Lime

The only similarity of both pants is the yellow and green color. When it matures, its bright and light yellow green shade will turn to bright and darker green. The difference is that moonlight philodendron grow from the center stem with a bit bigger petiole from lemon lime.

Golden Goddess vs Lemon Lime Philodendron

It’s believed that Golden Goddess is basically the cultivated variant of Philodendron Erubescens, give or take. The leaves have super bright neon leaves with screaming green and yellow hues. Unlike the Lemon Lime that is basically a climber, the Golden Goddess has upright growing habit.

Can Lemon Lime grown outdoor?

It’s possible to grow the Lemon Lime outdoor although it is most commonly known as a houseplant grown indoor. However, there are several success stories where the growers can plant the Lemon Lime outdoor, provided all the crucial caring and growing requirements are met.  Moreover, if you are able to grow the Lemon Lime outdoor, it’s most likely that it would grow bigger than its houseplant sibling.

Why are the leaves turning yellow?

It can be difficult to spot whether your plant has more yellowish leaves because the plant has already its own green and yellow hue, after all! However, if it becomes less green and more pale yellow, it can be a sign of an issue, and it’s typically related to overwatering. The green and yellow colors should be balanced.

If you overwater the plant, here’s a quick solution. Make sure to let it dries off a bit. The drooping leaves are the signs that you can water it. Heavily water it and check whether the water manages to escape the drainage holes or not. Once it does, resume your regular watering habit.


Lemon Lime leaves droop and look scorched

It’s mostly likely that your plant suffers from a sunburn. Drooping leaves can be caused by many reasons, such as overwatering or even underwatering, low of humidity, and lack of nutrients. But if the leaves droop while accompanied by obvious signs of sunburning, it means that you expose it too much to the sun. Remove it from the current spot and find a shadier area so it can recover.

Is Lemon Lime toxic?

Yes. Unfortunately, as a part of Philodendrons, this one is toxic. You need to place it away from pets and kids as the plant can cause ingestion issue and skin irritation when touched or eaten.

Does Lemon Lime revert?

Revert is the condition where the leaves shades (whatever hues they are in) would return to the original green color. Since Lemon Lime is a natural mutation of Philodendron Hederaceum, the color is basically natural and ‘real’. It won’t revert.


In the end, having such a unique plant may require you to do extra efforts, but not so many. After all, Philodendron Lemon Lime has its own quality that makes it unique and different, and yet it is super easy to care.

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