Philodendron Melanoneuron : Stunning Aroid from Ecuador

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The philodendron melanoneuron is a special species with a light green color and a whiteish vein in the middle. The plant originated in Central and South America. It has ovate foliage. After some time, it will grow large but it still can be trimmed.

The philodendron melanoneuron is a part of the Araceae family with a glossy and purple stem. It has flowers which have white and grow in a cluster. This flower is perfect for ornamental.


  • Botanical Name: Philodendron melanoneuron
  • Popular Name: Philodendron melanoneuron
  • Size: Leaves around 50 cm in size
  • Sun Exposure: Bright light, indirect sunlight
  • Soil Type: Well-drained soil
  • Soil pH: 5.0-6.0
  • Toxicity: Humans and pets

Care Guide

The plant only grows in moderate light. Bring your attention to the lights as it doesn’t need direct sunlight. Proper light will give the plant good growth including coloration.

When it comes to watering, you only need to water it when the top of the soil is dry. Here, you don’t want to dry the plant as the airy substrate drains water quicker.

The best humidity for the plant is 60%. However, the plant can withstand lower humidity.


Water Requirement

Watering looks like the trickiest part in this case, but here is one rule you have to follow; don’t let the soil too wet. Check first the condition of the soil. If it is compacted, you have to water it soon.

You can water the soil or bathe it. If you want to water the soil, choose room-temperature water and make sure to water it over the potting mix. Don’t pour the water on the leaves.

Light Requirements

The plant loves bright light, but it should be in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will scorch the leaves. The sign of scorched leaves can be seen from the brown color and the crispy texture.

If you place the plant outside, you just need to plant it under the tree. Or, make sure the direct sunlight will not fall directly onto the leaves.


The philodendron melanoneuron loves humidity levels between 50-70%. If you live in a place with a low level of humidity, you can increase it by using a humidifier. It will boost the humidity level instantly.

Another way to try is using a pebble tray. A Pebble tray is pretty effective to increase the humidity. First, you need to fill the tray with pebbles and then pour water. Make sure the water is not submerging the pebbles. After that, you can place the pot on top of this pebble tray.

The last method to increase the humidity level is by grouping the plant to create a mini biome. Here, the plants will share the humidity. However, you need to make sure each plant is clean, healthy, and pest free so it won’t spread disease.


Keep the temperature between 18-24 degrees Celcius to keep the plant thriving.


This plant doesn’t need regular fertilizing. But feeding the plant will also be good for its growth and leaves. You can feed the plant during the growing season with liquid fertilizer.

Read also : Philodendron Oxapapense : Beautiful Climbing Plant

Grooming and Pruning

Pruning is necessary to remove the dead and wilting leaves. You can also prune your plant to prevent the disease from spreading.


Repot the plant every two years. When you chose a pot, pick the one that is 2-3 inches bigger than the previous one. Avoid picking too bigger one because it will make the plant get submerged in water and can lead to root rot.

Repot the plant when you see the root growing out of the drainage holes or starting to root bound.


There are two types of propagation that are proven to work well. The first one is stem cutting and the second one is air layering.

Stem cutting:

  • Cut the stem and remove the leaves
  • Place the cutting in the water for about an hour.
  • Plant the cutting in the moist soil and then don’t forget to cover it with plastic wrap.
  • always make sure the soil is moist but try to not make it wet.

Air layering:

  • Cut the stem and then remove the leaves.
  • Place the stem in the water for an hour.
  • Create a small incision
  • Cover the incision with sphagnum moss.
  • Secure the moss with rubber bands.
  • Ensure you keep the moistest but not wet.
  • Place the plant in bright, indirect light.


The philodendron melano is a popular plant because of its beauty. However, the plant is considered toxic to humans and pets because the sap contains calcium oxalate crystals.

When the plant is ingested, it can lead to irritation and swelling when in contact with the skin. In severe cases, it can lead to respiratory problems. You will also develop symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and breathing difficulties.

It is important to avoid the plant from children and pets. If you suspect your kids or pets have been exposed, seek professionals.

Pests and Diseases

Several pests and diseases attack the philodendron melanoneuron such as mealybugs, fungus gnats, aphids, scale insects, and thrips. Meanwhile, the disease that often attacks this plant is erwinia blight disease.


The philodendron Melanoneuron is a beautiful houseplant with its signature green color. It has an ovate shape with texture on the foliage. This climbing plant can grow around 50 cm or more.

Read also : Philodendron Melanochrysum : Favorable Velvet Leaf Climber

Growth Rate

The plant can grow pretty quickly if you provide the right condition. The leaves can grow 50 cm or more. Usually, it takes 2 years to repot the plant.

Leaf, Flowers and Stem

  • Leaf – It has an ovate shape with a textured look. It has green color and the leaves can grow 50 cm or more.
  • Flower – The flowers are white, small and in cluster.
  • Stem – The stem is usually in deep purple.

Soil Requirements

The philodendron Melanoneuron loves well-draining soil mix. It likes moist soil but not wet. For the soil mix, you can mix peat moss, sand, or perlite. Make sure the pH is around 5.0-6.0.



Do Philodendron Love Acidic Soil?

Yes, it does! It prefers soil with a pH level of around 5.0-6.0. You can make a combination of peat moss and perlite to reach this pH level.

Is Philodendron Toxic To Dogs or Cats?

Yes, it is! The philodendron is toxic to cats and dogs because it contains calcium oxalate crystals that can irritate the skin and cause several symptoms such as swelling around the mouth, and tongue and even giving respiratory problems.

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