Anthurium Regale : Complete Guide To Grow

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If you are looking for an exotic plant for your home decoration, anthurium regale can be one of the choices. This plant is quite rare and popular with its unique-looking flowers and large leaves.

The plant comes in a velvety-leave texture which can grow up to 3 feet if it gets proper care. With its signature yellow-white veins, it is not a surprise if this plant becomes everyone’s favorite.

Anthurium regale is a part of the Araceae family and native to Peru. It is mostly found around the tropical area of the Andes Mountains.


  • Botanical Name: Anthurium Regale
  • Popular Name: Anthurium Regale, Flamingo Flower
  • Size: The plant grows up from 5-8 feet tall. And leaves can reach 3 feet.
  • Type: Perennial
  • Sun Exposure: Filtered sunlight
  • Soil Type: Moist and well-drained soil
  • Soil pH: 6.6-7.5
  • Toxicity: Humans and pets

Care Guide

The best way in treating the plant is to provide an environment that mimics its natural habitat. As you grow the plant properly, it will thrive well just like any other plant.

As a general knowledge, this plant thrives well under filtered sunlight and grows well in moist soil (not soggy). The plant also needs a place with higher humidity and to be fertilized during the growing season.


Light Requirements

Anthurium regale doesn’t enjoy direct sunlight. When it gets too much direct sunlight, you will start noticing yellowing leaves and browning stems.

You need to provide bright, filtered sunlight approximately around 6-8 hours per day.

On the other hand, when the plant doesn’t get sufficient sunlight, it will likely not flower.

If you plant this for the first time, try to place the plant in a shaded place to help it adapt to its surrounding. After around a week, place it in a brighter area.


As this is a tropical plant, like any other anthuriums, anthurium regale love high humidity levels. You must provide an area with a humidity level between 60%-80%.

If your area is not suitable for growing this plant, it will suffer from wilting, crisped leaves, mold, and dark leaves around the edges.

But don’t worry. A humidity level can be conditioned. There are some ways to increase the humidity level.

The first one is using a pebble tray. Provide a tray and fill it with at least an inch of stones. After that fill the tray with water but make sure it doesn’t submerge the tray. Next, you can place the pot on top of the pebbles.

To keep the plant healthy, ensure you change the water every time you flush the plants.

The second option we suggest to you is using a humidifier. It is a tool that you can control the humidity level around the plant. Now, this tool is available everywhere.

Here, we don’t advise you to mist the plant often. Whilst this can provide instant moisture, if you overdo it, it will lead to Erwinia blight disease.


Anthurium regales prefer a warm environment. They thrive in an area with a temperature between 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit or (15°C – 21°C). Even though the plant can survive in a cooler area, when it stays there for a longer period, it will stunt its growth and it will lose its shine.

It is recommended to not place the plant under 55 degrees Fahrenheit or (13°C).


Too much fertilization is dangerous for the plant. You just need to do it during the growing season, spring and summer. Over fertilization will cause leaf burn which you will see the leaves start browning starting from the edges. Later, it will kill the plant.

Pick a fertilizer that is low in nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus contents such as 1-2-1 fertilizer to prevent leaf burn.

Nitrogen can promote plentiful leaves, but it will reduce flower production when it is too much.


You may want to consider orchid or houseplant fertilizer. It gives a great result for the plants. Or you can use a slow-release fertilizer for a safer option.

On the colder days, you don’t need to fertilize the plant because, at this time, the plant is dormant.

You will also need to flush the plant to prevent salt buildup. Flush the entire root ball using water by putting the pot in the sink. Allow the water to drain through the drainage holes.

Read also : Anthurium Magnificum : Things You Should Know


Pruning or grooming should be done periodically to keep the plant stay healthy and beautiful. Allowing the older growth will make the plant bend and might stunt its growth.

You can prune the plant starting from top to bottom. Remove any discolored and damaged leaves. You also need to remove wilted and dead flowers.

Sometimes, you can do pruning if you want to improve the appearance of the plant. Just make sure you do it right. Use sterilized cutting tools.


Repotting is essential to keep the plant stay healthy. You need to be familiar with the signs of the plant that needs to be repotted. The best time to start repotting the plant is when the roots start circling on the surface of the pot.

Generally, it needs around two years to reach this level.

Another sign that shows your plant needs to be repotted is when the plant is suffering root rot. In the healthiest condition, the anthurium regale still needs to be repotted because the plant keeps growing into a larger size.

Every time you try to repot the plant, you need to choose a pot that is 10% bigger than the old pot. It is purposed to give the plant a room. You will not buy a size more than that because a big pot tends to submerge the plant.

How to repot the plant?

Repotting the plant is very easy, but at the same time, you need to be careful.

  • First, get a container as required and prepare the potting soil.
  • The soil mix should be moist and well-draining too.
  • Carefully, remove regale from the old container.
  • Next, you can fill the base with the new soil mix, and then plant the plant inside before you cover the remaining gap with the remaining mix.
  • Note to not pack it too firmly so the air and water can reach the root well.
  • Care for the plant as usual.


There are two steps of propagating anthurium regale which is stem cutting and seeds. Here are ways to propagate the plant.

Propagating using stem cutting

  • With clean pruning scissors, cut one stem around 6 inches long. Make sure you leave around two-three leaves on it.
  • Find a pot with draining holes and fill it with 3/4 full of well-drained mix.
  • Start to make a hole around 2-3 inches deep.
  • Place the cut end of the plant into the opening, and then cover the remaining space with the extra potting mix.
  • Make sure you place the plant in a place with good humidity and sunlight, as we have mentioned before.
  • You will expect new roots to grow between four-six weeks.

Propagating anthurium regale using seeds

  • When propagating the anthurium using seeds, you have to use a shallow container.
  • Use vermiculite solution. It is good for the new seeds and doesn’t forget to moisten it.
  • Put the seeds gently inside the vermiculite, around 2.5 cm.
  • Cover the tray with plastic sheets that have holes to raise the heat and keep the moisture.
  • Next, you need to place the container in a place with a temperature of around 70%.
  • Check the soil periodically. If the container is too moist, you need to take off the cover to let the moisture evaporate.
  • Once you find it germinate, move it to a separate container and take care of it like general anthurium.


This anthurium is toxic to humans and pets. Though this is not considered a life-threatening plant, when it is consumed in a huge amount, it can be harmful.

When the plant is ingested, you will exhibit several symptoms such as drooling, irritation around the mouth and tongue, decreasing appetite, vomiting, and oral pain.

If you get your pets and children to eat this plant, bring them to a professional such as a vet or doctor to get better treatment. Besides, try to place the plant away from their access to prevent such accidents.


Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases are pretty common in anthurium. Some are manageable and others can kill your plant if you don’t take action soon.

Generally, the plant is susceptible to Xanthomonas-bacterial blight and also black nose disease. Here are some other common problems that you can also find.

Spider mites

The spider mites are pretty annoying as the plant makes tiny brown or yellow spots on the leaves. To get rid of this pest, use a sink nozzle and spray down the leaves. You can add insecticidal soap to the leaves to clean them from the pest.

Scale insects

Scale insects are pretty common too. The bugs come in various colors from brown, green, gray, and black color.

If the infestation is still early and you can use one teaspoon of neem oil mixing it with four cups of water. Spray it to the affected area.


Signs that aphids might be attacking your plant if from yellowing and deformed leaves. The aphids can also stunt plant growth and appear in black sticky form. The aphids suck the sap of the plants and they will kill the plants if it is not treated well.

You can get rid of the aphid using insecticidal soap or using horticultural oil with water. Spray the solution to the affected area. Make sure to spray it 18 inches away to avoid damage.

Root Rot

Root rot is the most common thing to happen in the anthurium world. It is caused by overwatering. When this happens, mostly it is difficult to save the plant. Hence, it is always better to do prevention. Only water the plant when it is necessary.

Bacterial Blight

The visible signs of bacterial blight are the yellowish, wet lesion on the leaves that develops a dead V-shape. These bacteria invade the plant by entering the pores as well as the leaf tips.

If you spot this, you should remove this part immediately. Make sure to sterilize the cutting instrument during pruning.

Bacterial Wilt

You will spot the yellowish leaves which can spread to the plant’s vascular system. Later, the veins and the stems will turn brown or bronze. Besides, you see signs of wilting even though you have already provided the necessary mixture.

To avoid bacterial wilt, the most effective way is to provide good sanitation so the spread of the pathogen can be avoided. You can also use fungicides that contain phosphorous acid which is good also to prevent infection.

Black Nose Disease

The black nose is a disease that can disrupt the development of flowers or potted plants. The early signs of this disease are the tiny, brown to black spots on the spadix. Then these spots will spread and make the flowers watery, turning brown and black, and at the end, it will make the spadix fall off.

You can also see the black, spore-containing structure on the leaves and also stems. It can easily be removed using a strong water spray. Or, you can use fungicides to prevent further infection.


Typically this infection attacks the root system with the leaves turning black or brown. You can use the well-drained soil mix to prevent the plant from disease. If your plant gets infected, move it away from another plant and others should be sprayed with fungicides.

Read also : Anthurium Warocqueanum : The Queen Anthurium


The anthurium regale is a rare-exotic plant that comes with big-green foliage. The plant has unique veins with a velvety texture. The big size of the leaf is its signature with a heart shape. When it is combined with the veins, it looks very magical.

Growth Rate

The anthurium regale is stunningly large. If you provide a healthy environment, you will see the plant thrive very well and can grow from 5-8 feet.

Meanwhile, the leaves themselves can reach 3 feet and even can be more extensive.

The growing season happens from spring to fall. Meanwhile, new growth will appear every three months or so. This plant takes a longer time to mature because it is huge.

Leaf, Flower, Stem, and Seeds Characteristic

  • Leaf– The regale’s most notable signature is its green-velvety foliage with yellow and white veins. The leaf forms a heart shape.
  • Flower – It produces exquisite flowers with male and female organs. The flower comes in the form of a long spadix that is surrounded by a spathe. The spathe is delicate, while the spadix has a leathery texture.
  • Seeds – You can obtain the seeds from the berries that will turn orange after ripening.

Soil Requirements

This plant loves a well-draining yet moist soil mix. So, the dry, muddy, and sandy soil is not preferred here. You need a multi-substrate combination. If you find it difficult to find a perfect balance, you can also use the orchid combination and also perlite.

Keep in mind the soil pH should be around 6.6-7.5 to help it grow perfectly.



Is Anthurium Regale Toxic?

The anthurium regale is toxic to humans and pets. All of the parts are poisonous. You have to wear gloves when treating the plants, especially when pruning because the sap can lead to skin irritation.

How To Encourage Regale Flowers Bloom?

You can encourage the plant to bloom more by using diluted phosphorus-rich fertilizer. Besides, you also need to provide sufficient indirect sunlight, good drainage holes, high humidity, and regular feeding.

Should I Mist My Anthurium Regale?

Misting can generate moisture instantly. However, you should not overdo it because it will lead to Erwinia blight disease. Mist the plant every couple of days when you feel like the humidity level is low.

How Often Do I Need To Water My Anthurium?

Watering depends on the soil condition. If the top 2-3 inches of the soil is dry, you need to water it soon. You can also use the knuckle method where you can feel the soil condition from your first two knuckles.

What Kind Of Fertilizer Should I Pick?

Caring for the anthurium regale doesn’t require a lot of fertilizer. You just need to fertilize the plant once every three months using houseplant fertilizer. And that is enough. Make sure to fertilize the plant during the growing season.

Is Flamingo Flower Easy To Grow?

Despite its susceptibility to temperature, light, and humidity, the plant is easy to grow and considered a hard one. You can maintain it indoors.

What Is The Difference Between Anthurium Regale and Anthurium Magnificum?

Due to its huge-velvety leaves, the anthurium regales are often mistaken for magnificum. However, those two have slightly different features. The formation of the leaves is quite different. The magnificum leaves are big, with dark-green, square, and silicon petiole.

Meanwhile, the regale has a heart shape, big and velvety foliate with yellow-white veins.

Does Anthurium Need A Lot Of Sunlight?

The anthurium regale needs medium to bright sunlight to help it bloom. However, they can also survive in the shady area. However, when you keep the plant in a shady area for too long, it will stunt its growth.

Place the plant under filtered sunlight for the best result and avoid direct sunlight because it will scorch the plant.

Where Should I Place My Anthurium?

Place your anthurium under the filtered sunlight with a temperature around 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit. You also need to provide an area with a high humidity level between 70%-80%.

How To Keep My Anthurium Healthy?

Anthurium prefers temperatures between 50-70 degrees. You also need to avoid drafty areas because it gives sudden temperature change that can damage the plant. Avoid areas near heating or air conditioner.

Next, you need to feed the anthurium every spring and summer using liquid fertilizer.

What To Do With My Flamingo Flower After Flowering?

Because the anthurium will not bloom on the same stalk, you can prune the wilted flowers by cutting the entire stalk at the base of the plant. Make sure to use sterilized and sharp cutting shears to avoid spreading the disease.

When Should I Repot My Anthurium?

Repotting anthurium is necessary when the roots start circling the surface of the container. Typically it needs around two or three years to repot the plant. Remember to choose a pot that is 10% bigger than the old one. Don’t pick too bigger a pot because it tends to hold water that can submerge the plant.

Can I Put Anthurium In The Bathroom?

The anthurium loves humid and warm air which makes it ideal as a bathroom plant. If you are planning to place this plant near the bathroom, it must be a good ornament.

Can I Place Anthurium On Window?

Don’t place the plant on the west- and south-facing windows because it will be too shiny unless you have the curtain sheer to soften the lights. You can place the anthurium several feet away from the window to avoid direct sunlight.

Why Is My Anthurium Dying?

Dying anthurium can be a sign of too much or too little water. In this case, you need to check your watering habit. Check the soil condition before deciding to water the plant. When the plant is too moist, you don’t force it to drink water. Instead, it will lead to root rot and other diseases.

Why Are My Anthurium Leaves, Turning Brown?

Brown leaves may signal your plant doesn’t get sufficient nutrients. Provide nutrients that are rich in phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium to help it thrive. Brown leaves can also be caused by direct sunlight. It can be a sign that the leaves of the plant are getting scorched. Therefore you need to move the plant soon.

Should I Cut Off Brown Anthurium Leaves?

Yes! You need to cut off the brown anthurium leaves. The brown leaves cannot be reverted. Besides, pruning can improve the appearance of the plants too. Just make sure you use clean cutting shears.  

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