Philodendron Quelelii : According To Experts

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Philodendron quelelii is a beautiful and popular houseplant that is native to Central and South America, located in Ecuador and Peru. The main signature of this plant is the heart-shaped leaves with a reddish color on the underside part. The foliage itself is large too and can grow up to 24 cm long.


  • Botanical Name: Philodendron quelelii
  • Popular Name: philodendron quelelii
  • Size: It can grow up to 3 feet tall
  • Type: Perennial
  • Sun Exposure: Bright light, indirect sunlight
  • Soil Type: Well-drained soil
  • Soil pH: 5.0-6.0
  • Toxicity: Humans and pets

Care Guide

The philodendron quelelii is considered easy to care for. As the plant originated from tropical rainforest, you need to pay attention to some points, for example, lights, water, humidity, fertilizer, and so on. In short, what you need to do is mimic the natural habitat.

Water Requirements

Watering should be done carefully. The plant likes moist soil but not wet soil. You should check the soil with your knuckles to know its condition. Typically, it needs watering when the top two inches of the topsoil dry.

In watering the plant, drain it first in between watering, and then you can continue watering again until it is moist enough. Also, the season influences your watering habit. During the growing season, the philodendron quelelii needs more water than in the cold season like fall and winter. Reduce the water accordingly.

Light Requirements

The plant loves moderate light, but you should not place it under direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will burn the leaves. On the contrary, you also cannot put the plant under the shade. It will stunt its growth and make the plant lose its shine.

If you place the plant outside, place it under the tree canopy or make sure it will not get sunlight exposure directly.


At least, aim to maintain a humidity level of 60%. The plant doesn’t grow well with dry air. But if you live in a dry climate, you can do something.

One of the best ways is using a pebble tray which will increase the humidity level. Or for a simple solution, a humidifier will do good to increase the humidity level drastically. The last method to increase the humidity is through a mini biome where you group the plants so they can share humidity.

Read also : Philodendron Rugosum : Pigskin Textured Leaf


The plant loves a temperature level between 16-20 degrees Celcius. Make sure you maintain the temperature well. If the temperature drops, it will make the plant start to drop its leaves.

You should not place the plant around the drafty area and near a heat source.


General houseplant fertilizer is the perfect choice for the plant. You can fertilize the plant every month during the growing season. Just choose the fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen, and it will do just fine.

In this case, you can use slow-release and liquid fertilizers. If you choose the liquid fertilizer, don’t forget to dilute it with nine parts water.

If you choose the slow-release fertilizer, you will only need to do it every two months.


The good thing about this plant is it doesn’t need too much pruning. You might need to prune the plant if you want to keep the plant in good shape and prevent disease.

Prune the damaged and infected leaves if it is necessary. Don’t forget to use clean and sterilized pruning shears.



Typically, repotting can be done every two years. Use the pot which is one size bigger than the old one. Besides, only use the fresh potting mix and water the plant a day before to help the root stay moist.


Propagating is easier if you use the stem-cutting method. Follow these steps to do it:

  • First thing first, you have to cut the stem around 6 inches long.
  • Don’t forget to remove the leaves at the bottom part.
  • Plant the stem in a fresh potting mix.
  • Next, you can water the potting mix so it is moist.
  • Next, you can place the plant in a warm and humid place.

You should expect the new roots to grow in two weeks. Once you have seen roots beginning to grow, transfer the plant into a bigger pot.


The philodendron quelelii is beautiful but unfortunately, it is a toxic plant. This plant contains calcium oxalate crystal which is very toxic. When the plant is ingested, you will develop moderate to severe irritation. For example, you will develop a swelling mouth and tongue, vomiting, and even difficulties in breathing.

Pests and Diseases

The philodendron quelelii is susceptible to pests and diseases such as mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, scale insects, and also leaf spots. You should treat your plant soon when you start noticing the sign of infestation.

Some of the best ways to treat these problems are using pesticides and neem oil. In worse cases, you probably need to prune the plant. Remove the damaged and infected parts to avoid more spread.


The philodendron quelelii is a beautiful plant with its signature look of heart-shaped leaves with reddish color on the undersides. The plant can grow up to 3 feet tall.

Growth Rate

The plant can grow up to 3 feet tall and its leaves can grow big, around 24 cm long.

Leaf, Flower and Seeds Characteristic

  • Leaf – The plant has a pointy shape with a heart-shape for foliage. It comes in green color with a reddish hue underside.
  • Flower – The flower is small and has white color. It rarely blooms indoors.
  • Seeds – Because the plant rarely blooms, it becomes rare too to find its seeds.

Soil Requirements

The plant loves airy and loose soil mixed with rich organic matter. The soil should not be submerged in water. This is why you have to pick the right mixture.

The right soil mixture that can help the water to drain out well is a combination of peat moss and vermiculite.



Where Should I put My Philodendron?

The philodendron generally loves bright places, but not the ones with direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will scorch the plant and cause leave burn it.

You should place the plant around a bright place with high humidity and good temperature.

How To Make My Philodendron Grow Faster?

Place the plant in a brighter place, but not under direct sunlight because it will scorch the plant. Bright light will help the plant grow faster. However, don’t forget to pay attention to other conditions too.

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