Philodendron Snowdrift : A Plant With Unique White-ish Appearance

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Just as the name suggests, Philodendron Snowdrift will add a unique vibe and atmosphere to your personal living space. When you have one, it feels like having one of those winter-special plants. Thanks to the unique color of the foliage and also the one-of-a-kind pattern, you can get yourself a fresh and exciting greenery that adds freshness to the house. Rest assured that the plant would create a nice and pleasant outcome, and you won’t even have to break a sweat for it! However, you should know the details of care so your plant won’t suffer or fail in the process.


  • Scientific name: Philodendron X Snowdrift
  • Known name: Philodendron Snowdrift
  • Family: Araceae
  • Genus: Philodendron
  • Origin: South America
  • Climate: Humid, warm
  • Temperature: Constant, mild to warm

About Philodendron Snowdrift

Philodendron Snowdrift is basically a cultivar. It is a hybrid resulting from crossing Philodendron Giganteum and Philodendron Pinnatifidum. As a hybrid, the Snowdrift ‘carries’ some of the characteristics or nature of its parents, such as big leafy appearance, while developing its own characteristics. 

New leaves are white with green flecks. In some cases, the color is more like cream instead of completely white. As the plant grows older, the colors would change to dusty green. The combination of the size (which can grow quite big) and the unique appearance is the reason why this plant is considered rare. Also known as Philodendron Snowdrift variegated, this plant is in high demand from plant collectors and also enthusiasts.

As it was mentioned before, this beautiful plant has cream or white leaves with green flecks. And it becomes mature, the leaves would turn to dusty green. The plant also comes with red petioles, adding up the unique appearance of it. In general, the plant can grow up to 100 centimeters in height. This would be an ideal plant for office or house, becoming the focal point in the house décor and styling.

Soil Requirement

Philodendron Snowdrift loves organic and rich soil, especially the one with well-draining ability. This kind of soil should be able to absorb and retain moisture up to the required level while allowing the excess moisture to escape through the drainage holes. You can always buy the commercial potting mix for houseplants. But if you want to come up with your own mix, feel free to do so. Just make sure that the soil you ‘create’ should encourage good airflow and effective drainage.

Water Requirement

This plant loves moist soil, but dislike soggy soil or standing water. Pooling water isn’t advisable because it can lead to root rot. Don’t water the plant if the soil is still moist. Make sure that it is dry completely before you water it again. Most importantly: Reduce the frequency of watering in winter months.

How do you know? Touch the top soil. If it is still moist, just leave it. Your plant still has enough moisture. But when you touch the top soil and it feels dry, then insert your finger up to 2 inches of depth. If it is moist, leave it be. If it is dry, then it’s time to water it. Some people may develop their watering habit; water once every 8 to 9 days, but you should come up with your own schedule that fits your plant’s requirements and conditions.

Read also : Philodendron Lacerum and Its Exquisite Toothed Leaves

Lighting Requirement

All Philodendrons love bright light, but it should be indirect. Philodendron Snowdrift isn’t different. You should expose the plant to abundant of sunlight, but make sure that it is indirect because direct sunlight would only burn the plant. Some people would place the plant close to the window with sheer curtains. In this manner, the plant can get plenty of light without burning its parts directly.

Temperature and Humidity

Philodendron Snowdrift likes warm temperature, set ideally between 16 degrees and 24 degrees Celsius (or around 62 degrees to 77 degrees Fahrenheit). This isn’t exactly a plant that can tolerate cold. If you grow your Snowdrift outdoor, make sure to bring it inside when it is winter.

This plant also likes high humidity level, ranging between 40% and 80%. In most cases, it can tolerate the common household humidity level. But if you are thinking about increasing the level, you can try these:

  • Using the pebble tray as long as you make sure that water won’t touch the bottom area of the pot
  • Grouping some plants together
  • Using the humidifier



Fertilizing is crucial during active growing season. Do it at least once a month. If you choose the slow release fertilizer, it can be done at least three times within a year. You are free to choose the organic fertilizer or the liquid type. Make sure that you follow the directions when applying the fertilizer. Don’t fertilize in winter. And don’t over fertilize because it may burn the roots.


Pruning is often needed when you have to remove dead or sick leaves or stems. Pruning is best done in active growing months. It would encourage the best appearance of the plant and support new growth. Just make sure that you use clean and sharp shears or scissors or knife.

Pot and Repotting

Make sure that you choose the proper pot for your Philodendron Snowdrift. Feel free to choose plastic, clay, or terracotta, but you should remember that terracotta or clay absorbs water, making the soil dry faster when compared to the plastic pot. You need to adjust your watering regime if you choose this kind of pot.

Don’t forget that all pots should have proper drainage holes. Some people even add up holes on the side to improve air circulation and airflow. Some would even choose the transparent plastic pot because it allows them to see the inside of the pot. They can immediately spot the inside of the pot without disturbing the plant. Yes, this kind of pot is costlier, but it’s worth to have.

Repotting is also needed, at least once every 2 years. Choose a one size bigger or at least 2 inches bigger than your current pot. And then use the well-draining, rich, and organic potting mix. You should also re-pot your plant right away if you see roots coming out of the drainage holes because it means that your plant is growing bigger than the pot can accommodate.

When you transplant the plant, dig the soil deep so you can remove the roots carefully and thoroughly. Carefully and gently clean the roots before placing it in the new pot. Water it and place it in a warm (and also humid) place getting enough sunlight. During this period, your plant is basically adjusting itself to the new condition. Let it be and don’t disturb it.



Division would be the best and most ideal way to propagate the Philodendron Snowdrift. Make sure to do this in the early spring (or the early summer, to be the latest), if you want it to grow actively. You need to remove your Snowdrift carefully and then divide it into sections. Make sure that you use clean and sterile sharp knife so the cuts would be clean.

Each of the section must have roots and several leaves. Then, put each division into each different container or pot that has been filled with fresh, organic, and well-draining potting mixture. Make sure that you cover the roots nicely and thoroughly. Water them, and place them in a humid and warm spot. Also make sure that they can get bright and indirect light to ensure proper growth. In a few weeks, you should see new signs of growth.

If you want to perform the propagation by water, make a stem cutting. Stem cutting is when you cut the healthy stem having at least a node and several leaves. Again, when you make the cut, the knife should be clean, sterile, and sharp. After you have cut the stem, put it in a glass jar of water. Change the water twice or three times a week, or when it gets murky. Place it in the proper spot. In several weeks, you should see roots start appearing. After these roots are long enough (around 2 inches), you can remove the cutting to a new pot with fresh potting mix.

You can also perform stem cutting with the soil as the medium. Just like before, make a cut having two leaves and a node. If you want to, you can dip the end of the cut to the hormone powder, but if you don’t have it or you don’t want to do this process, you are free to skip it. Place the cutting in a new pot having fresh potting mix and then water it. Place the pot in a place where it gets enough sunlight, humidity, and warmth. In a few weeks, you should see signs of new growth.


Philodendron Snowdrift experiences dormant period, especially in winter. At this time, the plant would conserve its energy and go into a hibernation state. During this state, you should not fertilize and water the plant too often. You can go back to your routine during spring time, when the plant ‘wakes up’ from its sleep.

Read also : Philodendron Genevievianum : Make Your Space Greener


Philodendron Whipple Way vs Snowdrift

Although both of them look almost similar, there are some obvious differences between the two. First, the leaves color and shape are different. Philodendron Snowdrift comes with oblong shape and cream colors having green flecks, while Whipple Way has lanceolate (lance-head) shape with pale green color. Second, Snowdrift is a fast growing plant, while Whipple Way is slower.

Philodendron Snowdrift vs Jungle Fever

Both of them may share similar height (up to around 4 feet), but the colors of the leaves are different. Snowdrift has cream or white leaves with greenish flecks while Philodendron Jungle Fever has pale green hues. Moreover, the Jungle Fever has mottled growth pattern (leaves won’t be uniformed in color), while Snowdrift has a more uniformed pattern.

Is Philodendron Snowdrift similar to Snowdrift Variegata?

Yes, both of them are the same. Both Philodendron Snowdrift and Philodendron Snowdrift variegata are cultivar or hybrid, meaning that it is bred intentionally for specific qualities, such as the size or color. Don’t be confused by the names – they refer to the same stuff.

Can Snowdrift revert back?

Reverting means that the color of the leaf would be back to the original one, which is green. And yes, it’s possible that Snowdrift experiences a revert. It usually happens when the plant gets too much fertilizer or too much sun. To prevent such a thing, you need to make sure that you don’t over fertilize it and you don’t expose it to too much sun.

Is Snowdrift rare?

Yes, it is a rare plant. The fact that is it s a hybrid makes it even desirable because of the unique traits. In some cases, the color (of the leaves) isn’t white or cream, but more like a pinkish hue, which makes it even more wanted and desirable. It’s no wonder if the price tag is quite high, but collectors don’t seem to mind.

Why does my Snowdrift have droopy leaves and they are yellowing?

If your plant has yellowing leaves accompanied by droopy condition, it’s most likely caused by overwatering. When the plant gets too much water, it will affect its condition. The signs you see are the common signs of overwatering. You may need to reduce the watering frequency.

Why are the stems brittle and dry with dry brown leaves?

If your plant looks dry and not fresh with dry stems, dry leaves, and browning leaves, it’s commonly resulted from underwatering. Your plant is thirsty as it doesn’t get enough moisture and ‘drink’. If all of these signs are present, you may want to change your watering schedule while still paying detailed attention to the proper watering regime.

Can Snowdrift help clean the air?

As a part of Philodendrons, Philodendron Snowdrift can help purify the air inside your house. That’s why it would be ideal as a houseplant. You should see some improvements in your indoor air quality once you have this one at home.



The Snowdrift has somewhat aesthetic look with its unique features and appearance. The best thing about it is that it isn’t fussy, and you can grow one without complication. Follow the caring guide, and your Philodendron Snowdrift would grow in its best condition.

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