Anthurium Magnificum : Things You Should Know

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If you are looking for a plant with magnificent leaves, you probably will love the anthurium magnificum. The plant that originated from South America brings an exotic appearance. It has large, dark-green foliage with remarkable white veins, making the plant very unique. This is what makes the plant has an ornamental look.

The anthurium magnificum that is also popular as laceleaf is very popular as a houseplant. Not only because of its beautiful look, but also its easiness to care.

The plant is related to philodendrons which typically are found in warmer climates. If you have ever grown philodendron, then you will be familiar with how to take care of this plant.


  • Botanical Name: Anthurium Magnificum
  • Popular Name: Anthurium Magnificum, Laceleaf
  • Size: Averagely can grow from 6-10 inches in length, and 2-5 feet in height.
  • Type: Perennial
  • Sun Exposure: Indirect sunlight
  • Soil Type: Well-draining soil
  • Soil pH: 6.5-7.5
  • Toxicity: Humans and pets

Care Guide

While taking care of the magnificum might seem a little daunting, it is very easy if you know the basics. As you see the plant originated from South America, which means the plant loves a place with higher humidity. It also loves warmer temperatures.

Meanwhile, the plant loves a consistent moisture soil mix but not soggy so you have to be careful with your watering habit. As the plant absorbs all the nutrition in the soil, over time it will run out of nutrients so you need fertilizing to keep the plant thriving well. For more detailed information, you can check the following details.


Water Requirements

Watering can be quite tricky. Here you don’t want to underwater or overwater the plant. Besides, you should periodically change the watering habit according to the climate and seasons.

During spring and summer months, the watering frequencies will increase than during fall and winter when the soil tends to hold moisture. In watering the anthurium, you don’t want to wait until the soil is completely dry. As you see the soil is 60-80% dry, water it immediately.

You can use the knuckle method. Typically the first and second knuckles are in the right proportion to measure that the plant needs to be watered. Or you can check the top 2-3 inches of the soil to see its condition.

Too much watering will cause root rot because there is not enough oxygen that reaches the root. Besides, the plant is also susceptible form bacterial disease.

Therefore, always touch the soil before watering the plant, especially during colder weather which at this moment the soil tends to hold more moisture. If you feel the soil is too moist, wait until it is dry enough to be watered again.

Light Requirements

Place the anthurium magnificum in a bright, indirect light area. You can place the plant in the garden under the tree canopy where the lights don’t fall directly on the plant’s leave.

If you want to place the plant indoors, make sure it is not around the window where it receives direct sunlight. The plant is sensitive to high temperature and harsh midday sunlight. This will scorch the foliage instead of letting the plant thrive.


The plant craves moisture!

Unfortunately, not all homes can provide high humidity. Luckily you can invest your money in a humidifier. This tool is amazing because you can control the moisture in the air.

If you don’t want to spend your money on a humidifier, you can utilize everything you have at home. For example, using a tray and pebbles.

Using a tray, fill it with pebbles, and then fill the tray with water. In this case, you have to make sure that the water should not submerge the pebbles. Just beneath them.

After that, you can place the pot right on the pebbles. After some time, the water will evaporate and will create moisture in the air and straight go to the plant.


A quick note you should remember. As the anthurium magnificum is a tropical plant, it survives in warm temperatures. It is best to place the plant in an area between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit or 18 to 24 degrees Celcius.

During the fall or winter seasons, bring the plant to a warmer area. You should do your best to not leave the plant alive with a temperature below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Read also : Anthurium Crystallinum : Care Guide And Common Issues


Fertilizing should be done regularly. Ideally, you need to do it between six to eight weeks in the growing seasons which are spring and summer.

During the cold season, you only need to do it once. The cold season helps the fertilizer to stay longer because at this time the plant is not actively growing.

Therefore you should be careful with over-fertilizing. It will lead to salt build-up which can lead to root burn. To prevent this matter, flush the soil periodically.


Grooming or pruning is not necessary for anthurium magnificum. If you need it, it is done to keep the plant’s shape. Besides, pruning is necessary to prevent disease and remove the dying parts.

A quick tip: when you prune the plant, make sure you only use the sterilized pruning shears. It is important so the plant will not get infected by a disease.


It takes around two years for the anthurium to outgrow the pot. The signs that your plant needs to be repotted can be seen from the roots and drainage holes. If the roots start sticking out, then it is time for you to change the pot.

In choosing the pot, the best way is to pick the one that is 2-3 inches bigger than the previous one. Not more than that. If you pick a pot that is way bigger than the old one, it will hold more water to the point the water will submerge the plant. As a result, problems like Erwinia blight and fungal diseases will appear.



You can use the three types of anthurium magnificum propagation which include stem propagation, root division, and seed propagation. For more detail, follow the step below:

Stem Propagation

  • First thing first, use the sterilized cutting shears and cut the stem with nodes on it. The stem should be at least 2-4 inches long.
  • Next, you must apply fungicide at the end of the cut so the stem is safe from infection.
  • Applying rooting hormone to the cutting is also allowed because it will help the plant to heal completely.
  • Place the cutting in the soil mixture and then water it as usual.
  • With a plastic sheet, cover the pot to keep the cutting moist.
  • Once you have done this, you can place it under the shaded spot with plenty of bright light (filtered light).
  • Remember to water when it is necessary which means you don’t let the soil soggy.
  • You should see roots appear after a few weeks and then this cutting is ready to be transferred to the regular pot.

Propagation Using Root Division

Root division is used when your anthurium has multiple stems.

  • First, you need to carefully lift the plant from its pot and dust it.
  • Then, wash the roots so they will be easier to be separated.
  • Remove some roots and then dry the plant thoroughly.
  • Place each root in well-draining soil.
  • Water the plant as necessary.
  • You will see the roots start to grow after some weeks.

Seed Propagation

Propagation using seeds is possible for the anthurium. You can use the berries of the plant to propagate it.

  • First, you need to extract the seeds and make sure to treat the seeds with fungicide designed specifically for seeds to avoid diseases.
  • Use a tray and add peat moss and some sand. Make sure the medium is moist.
  • After that, you can place the seeds on the tray and then spray them gently.
  • Next, make sure to cover the tray with a plastic sheet to keep it moist.
  • Wait until a week or two for the seeds to germinate.
  • Once it has germinated, place it in a warm and well-lighted spot.
  • As it grows bigger, transfer the seedlings to a bigger container.
  • Once they are big enough, place them in well-draining soil.


Unfortunately, the anthurium magnificum is toxic to humans and pets. The plant contains calcium oxalate crystal which will cause several symptoms when ingested.

You will exhibit several symptoms such as swelling around the mouth and GI tract.

Pests and Diseases

Pests are one of the most annoying things when growing anthurium magnificum. Some of the most common attacks include aphids, thrips, and spider mites. These pests are not only damaging the plant but also becoming a nuisance for humans.

Thrips can damage the anthurium magnificum and also bite humans at the same time. This is why checking the plant regularly is crucial.

If your plant is attacked by pests, do something as soon as possible before it spreads to other parts. You can use pesticides or wipe the affected area with alcohol.

Neem oil is also useful. Just mix the oil with the water in a spray bottle. And then spray the affected area.

Read also : Anthurium Warocqueanum : The Queen Anthurium


The anthurium magnificum is characterized by quadrangular petioles. You might be confused to differentiate it from anthurium clarinervium, but this species is bigger. It has bolder veins compared to the anthurium clarinervium. Besides, the anthurium magnificum has velvety and dark green leaves.

Growth Rate

On average, the anthurium magnificum can grow between 2-5 feet. The leaves themselves can be very big ranging from 6-10 inches in length.

Leaf, Flower, Stem, and Seeds Characteristic

  • Leaf – The anthurium magnificum has a velvety dark green leaf with white-bold veins. The leaf is pretty big and can range from 6-10 inches.
  • Flower – It has beautiful red flowers with a long spadix that is surrounded by a spathe.
  • Stem – It has a strong stem that is central and firmly rooted to support the large foliage.
  • Seeds – The seeds are inside the berries which can be obtained after the berries have ripened.

Soil Requirements

When it comes to providing anthurium magnificum soil mix, there are two things you should remember. First, the soil should be well-draining, and second, it should be airy.

A well-draining soil mix helps the water to go through the pot easily and it can be thrown away easily too. This can prevent the plant from root rot.

Meanwhile, an airy soil mix is a must because the plant doesn’t like too much water on the pot, but should be consistently moist also.

To achieve this goal, you have to be careful in picking the soil types. To play it safe, you can use the ready-made soil mix which is available on the market. You can use the perlite or orchid mix too.

Ideally, the right soil mixture should contain mulch, charcoal, perlite, moss, and also some gravel. Here, perlite can keep the soil airy while holding some moisture.

Meanwhile, for the sphagnum moss, it will help the water drain out well so the water will not submerge the plant but the soil mix still be moist. Besides, it also maintains air circulation.

The remaining aspect you should remember is to try to provide the soil with a pH ranging from 6.5-7.5.



Can Anthurium Grow From Stem?

Yes, you can grow anthurium from the stem. This can be done through the stem method. The step is very easy. What you need to do is cut the stem about 2-4 inches long. In this case, you have to make sure that the stem has nodes on it. After that, you can plant it as usual. For further explanation, you can refer to our discussion above.

Is Anthurium Magnificum A Climber?

Yes, it is! Because the anthurium magnificum is epiphytic, then it likes to climb.

Should I Cut The Anthurium Magnificum Flower?

No, you don’t need to cut the flower. The flower of this plant is one of the most attractive things. It has a red flower with a long spadix that is surrounded by the spathe. You can obtain the seeds from the berries after it has ripened.

How Do You Plant The Anthurium Stem?

Propagating the plant using the stem is very easy. You just need to cut the stem and make sure it has its nodes on it and make sure you cut it around 2-4 inches long. After that, plant it in a medium that is well-draining and moist. Cover the container with a plastic sheet to maintain humidity. After some weeks, you should see the roots growing.

How Do You Cut The Anthurium To Propagate?

In this case, you need to find healthy leaves and stalks. Here, you want to cut the stems with a few leaves with one or two nodes. Cut the stem beneath the node.

How To Make Magnificum Leaves Bigger?

The anthurium magnificum will grow bigger when you provide a condition that mimics the natural habitat and when you provide an extra boost. Fertilize the plant during the growing season which is spring and summer. But be careful on feeding the plant.

Fertilize the plant every two months. During these months, the plant thrives well.

How Do You Prune Anthurium?

Use a sterilized cutting shear and begin with cutting from the top. Make sure you get rid of the dead and discolored leaves. This also includes the dead blossoms and wilted stems. You can also cut several stems to improve the appearance but leave at least three leaves.

How To Make My Anthurium Bloom More?

Note that the blooms have a lifespan which is around two or three months. In a year the plant can bloom around four to six times a year.

To make the plant bloom more, you have to do several things such as providing extra light, feeding the plant, and giving extra humidity. Doing these three will help the plant produce more plants.

How Long Does An Anthurium Live?

Anthurium can live around 5 years or more as a houseplant.

How To Know If I Need To Repot My Anthurium?

Generally, anthurium needs to be repotted every two or three years. Or, once you see some signs on the pot. For example, if the roots seem to outgrow and the plant has added more height, around 20 inches tall and added  more length, more than 5 inches in diameter, usually it is time.

How Much Sunlight Does An Anthurium Need?

Anthurium needs bright, indirect sunlight. It will need at least 6 hours long of bright light every day. Here, you don’t place the plant under direct sunlight because it will scorch the leaves.

On the other hand, when the plant is placed in a shady place, it will produce smaller and fewer flowers, and it will start to lose its shine. Besides, low light can result  stunted growth. Therefore, you must consider a good spot for the plant.

Why Is My Anthurium Leaves Turning Yellow?

When your anthurium has yellowish leaves, the chances are you might overwater the plant.

When this happens, you need to pull the plant out of the pot to check if there is root rot. Check if nothing is rotten.

Once you know the roots are fine, you can reduce the watering habit. If the soil is already saturated, then it is time to repot the plant with a fresh soil mix.

My Anthurium Leaves Have Decaying Spots, What To Do?

When your plants have decaying spots, it is a sign that your plant is getting scorched by the sunlight.

There is no way to revive the plant. It is better to trim the burned leaves to promote healthier growth.

Don’t worry, the plant will not die. You just need to move the plant away from direct sunlight. Move it to an area with less light, bright but filtered sunlight.

Is Anthurium Magnificum Toxic?

Yes! The anthurium magnificum is toxic. From the leaves and stems, until the flower, it contains calcium oxalate crystal which can irritate the mouth, GI tract, and skin.

Should I Dilute The Fertilize Before Feeding My Anthurium?

Yes! It is important to dilute the fertilizer to water to avoid salt build-up and prevent the plant from root burn.

What Are The Most Common Pests That Attack Anthurium Magnificum?

Like most anthurium plants, the laceleaf is susceptible to certain pests such as spider mites, thrips, and aphids. The pests can not only damage the plants but also bite humans too. For example the thrips.

Therefore, when you find any pest on the plant, it is important to pesticide it or uses alcohol to get rid of the pests before it spreads further. You can use neem oil too by mixing it with water in a spray bottle. Spray the affected area periodically.

Why Is Anthurium pollinated?

Even though the flower has both male and female elements, this plant will not do self-pollination. It is because the stigma is active before its pollen is produced. In this way, it makes sure the wild plants are cross-pollinated so the genetic diversity will improve.

Can Anthurium Cause Allergies?

Yes! You should be aware of the sap of the plant and also its leaves because this can cause allergies to certain people that are sensitive to its components.

Is Anthurium Harmful To Humans?

The plant is not considered a harmful plant but it can be very annoying as the plant can cause severe irritation. When it is ingested or chewed, the plant can result burning sensation around the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat. Besides, sometimes it will cause inflammation too.

If you have children at home, it is important to place the plant in a safe place, so they will not contact the plant.

Is Anthurium A Great Houseplant?

Yes! Anthurium is a great houseplant because it has unique foliage and flower. The signature of this plant is in the foliage with its velvety, dark-green leaves. The leaves also form white veins making it an outstanding plant to be placed indoors.

Does Anthurium Have A Smell?

Yes! The anthurium has a scent! Interestingly the scent varies. It can smell sweet like mango, marzipan, or blueberry. Sometimes it can be unpleasant ranging from a wet dog, old shoes, or even vomit. However, the perception of human scent varies and is very subjective. Some can smell very subtle and difficult to notice.

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