Philodendron Montanum / Roseocataphyllum : #1 Growing Guide

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The philodendron montanum is one of the popular aroids which is originated in Colombia. The plant comes with a velvety texture which starts with neon-like yellow color. Later, as it hardens, the plant will turn greener.

The plant is a climber. It is cute, a perfect ornamental plant.


  • Botanical Name: Philodendron montanum
  • Popular Name: Philodendron montanum, philodendron roseocataphyllum
  • Size: Around 24 inches tall
  • Sun Exposure: Bright light, indirect sunlight
  • Soil Type: Well-drained soil
  • Soil pH: 5.0-6.0
  • Toxicity: Humans and pets

Care Guide

The philodendron montanum is easy to care for. It likes higher humidity, with medium light and good air circulation.


Water Requirement

Most philodendron doesn’t like too much wet, including the philodendron montanum. When it comes to watering, you will need to check the condition of the soil. The best way to check it is by using the knuckle.

Dip your first two knuckles to see the soil conditions. It is very easy. When the soil is wet, your knuckle will be easier to go in. When you feel the soil is compacted, then you need to water it soon.

Keep in mind to drain the water first in between watering times.

Light Requirements

Just like most philodendron species, the philodendron montanum prefers bright light. But it doesn’t mean you can scorch the leaves with direct sunlight.

Place the plant in an area with indirect sunlight but not under the shade too. It will bring the best out of it, from growth to the color of the leaves.


This plant likes high humidity. However, the plant can do just fine with a humidity level between 50-60%.

The plant can’t stand lower humidity. Low humidity will change the foliage’s appearance. If you live in an area that has a lower humidity level, there are ways to increase it.

First, you can buy a humidifier. This tool can increase the humidity level instantly. It is easy now to find this tool in the market.

You can also try another thing. For example, using a pebble tray. Fill the pebbles in the tray and add water to it. However, make sure the water will not submerge the pebbles. Once you have done that, place the pot on it.

The last method you can try trying to create a mini biome in which the plant can share humidity. You can group the plant. However, before doing that, make sure all the plants are pest and disease free.

Read also : Philodendron Holtonianum : Caring Guidance


Almost all philodendrons tend to work well with liquid fertilizer. You can use the 20-20-20 liquid houseplant fertilizer.

Fertilize the plant during the growing season such as Spring and summer. Besides, pay attention to possible problems like shifts in soil pH if you are making the fertilizer your own.


The philodendron montanum doesn’t need regular pruning. If you need any, it is when you want to remove damaged parts and also want to prevent the disease from spreading.


Repotting should be done when the roots start to grow out of the drainage holes. Usually, it takes around 2 years to reach that point, but sometimes you should check it.



Propagating the philodendron is pretty easy. One of the most successful methods is using stem cutting. With sterilized knives or cutting shears, cut the stem around 3-6 inches long.

After that, removes the leaves from the cutting except for the ones at the tops. Leaves three or four leaves at the top. After that, place the stem into a cup of water or you can use moist soil.

If you use water, make sure you only let the cutting parts that are submerged. Not the leaves. If you use the soil, firm the soil around the cutting stem. Each leaf should not be buried.

Once you have done with the process, place the plant in bright but indirect sunlight. You can keep it around the window to get sufficient light without scorching the plant.

The roots will begin to appear after two or three weeks.


The philodendron montanum/roseocataphyllum is toxic to humans and pets. All of the parts have calcium oxalate crystals which can be irritating.

When the plant is ingested, you will develop symptoms such as vomiting, swelling around the mouth and tongue, irritation in the GI tract, and many more. In severe problems, swelling the plant can cause respiratory problems.

With such risk from the plant, we advise you to move the plant away from the children and pets for safety purposes.

Pests and Diseases

Like most philodendrons, the philodendron montanum also gets attacked by pests and diseases. Some common pests that often attack these plants include aphids, scales, spider mites, and mealy bugs. Meanwhile, the disease can be erwinia blight disease.

Read also : Philodendron Jerry Horne : Perfect Indoor Greenery


The philodendron montanum has a signature of heart-shaped foliage with a striped pattern on it. At first, the leaves grow yellow, but then it turns to a darker shade as it gets hardened.

Growth Rate

The plant can grow a new leave every 3-4 weeks. You can expect growth at 24 inches tall if you put the plant in a good condition.

Leaf, Flowers, Stem and Seeds

  • Leaf – The leaves are starting with yellowish color, and then turn to a darker green as it gets hardened. The signature of the foliage is the striped texture, making it a very unique plant.
  • Flower – As it is grown as a houseplant, the plant is likely rare to flower.
  • Stem – A single stem will support each leaf and the color of the stem is green.
  • Seeds – Because the plant rarely flower, then so is the seeds. But if you see your plant blooming, the seeds come from its fruits which should be cleaned first if you want to take it.

Soil Requirements

The philodendron montanum/roseocataphyllum likes well-draining soil. One of the best combinations for this plant is normal potting soil, perlite, peat moss, and orchid bark. This combination is perfect with a great pH level too that is suitable for the plant.



Where is the best place to put a philodendron?

The best place to put a philodendron is around an area with indirect sunlight, high humidity, and room temperature.

How Often Should I Water Philodendrons?

Water your philodendron when it is necessary. Check with your knuckles to see if the top layer of the soil is dry.

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